Membership Options

It is only through professionals and patients coming together as one that we will be able to end the War on Pain.  We hold the key to change on DoC. Support us through your membership.

There are three levels of membership: Professional, Supporter and Ambassador.  Each is explained in a section below.  Pick the one that best fits your situation, and let’s get the knowledge out to people that will make a difference.


working together

Professional Memberships

Professional membership is open to any professional in any career.  It is especially open to medical professionals threatened by the loss of their livelihood. That includes physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacists, office staff, pharmaceutical company employees, etc.  It is critical that every medical professional in the county understand that they are at risk for attack.  Those still working need to come to the assistance of those attacked. We, as professionals, work under the cloak of ignorance knowing that we are practicing under the law, but not realizing that law no longer matters to the government.

DoC Supporters

Everyone not signed up as a Professional should be a DoC Supporter. Why? Because everyone is one slippery step away from a life of unending agony if we don’t change the government agenda. The price is low, the benefits are high. For less than the price of a fast food meal per month, you can be the action that ends the attacks on pain. 

working together

Ambassador Memberships

What Constitutes an Ambassador?

Ambassador membership is limited to medical professionals who have been attacked by our rogue government: federal, state, or state medical boards.  Folks that have lost the ability to make a living, have had the DEA raid and are waiting on the inevitable indictment.  Please don’t listen to the standard white collar lawyer who tells you not to reach out to anyone.  We are safe.  Your membership is only providing you with the information you need to WIN!! There is nothing you have to tell us or divulge in order to reap the benefits of membership.  Staying with your head in the sand, or thinking you are safe because you do everything right–forget it. Right is not the issue. Power is the issue, and you have none.

Ambassador membership is a 2-step process. First, you apply with proof of attack. Then you are redirected to the registration page after being verified.

Every Membership Helps Provide

The Website

Our website has saved lives. Doctors who have been attacked find us and recognize that they aren’t alone. Suicides have been prevented.
Our website has informed patients of the reasons why they are being discriminated against. 


Webinar programs cost money. But through them we are able to reach people across the nation and the world. The information we share can stop the attacks on doctors, stop government overreach, and return pain management to the decision of the doctor.

World Class Support

Hundreds of visitors to the website every day helps spread the truth about the government agenda against opioids–its racist beginning and it’s politicallly-based present. Through your support we can spread the truth and help everyone.

Travel Expenses

Travel to Washington isn’t cheap.  Your support helps carry the message to Congress, meetings, conferences, and other avenues of spreading the truth. Every contact made is one more step to ending the suffering of pain patients and the attacks on their innocent, compassionate providers.

Benefits of Membership

There are a lot of possible benefits, from the accesses furnished now to the planned future benefits with member participation. Participation, however, is the key. 


Reaching Legislators

The membership site has tables of all of the legislators, their contact information, Facebook, & Twitter all available with a point and click connection for sending messages to large numbers quickly.

Legislators' Health Staff

Members get access to the contact information for all health staff in Washington.  It is the health staff that get the important information to the legislator, and is the basis for communication.

Professionals Under Attack

We will provide to members under attack defense strategies, press releases, amicus curiae, or any other support we can provide. Just having the community to come to is a blessing.

Future Possibility

We have the possibility of creating a forum for discussion.  This was attempted in the beginning of the membership site, bu no one attended, so it was canceled. It can be started again if there is an interest.

Future Ecourses

We are developing ecourses to teach the truth about the War on Drugs and also REAL medicine that heals.  Every 6 months of membership gives you access to one course. 

The fight for appropriate pain management has been going on for 20 years, since the DOJ decided to make doctors the equivalent of drug pushers in 1998, to make money using the Controlled Substance Act and racketeering laws. The problem is getting worse because there has been no effective argument to the propaganda that opioids cause addiction.  We hold the key to success on DoC. But to succeed and restore proper pain management, we need your support. Without it, the suffering will continue.

So Join Today!!

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