Tammy Malone, CPP

Tammy Malone, CPP

The following is a letter by Tammy Malone, a chronic pain patient, who has asked for it to be shared: Dear Friends, People are talking about the addicts who are overdosing due to the “opioid epidemic”. Maybe we should START talking about the people who...
Chris A. Christensen, MD

Chris A. Christensen, MD

Chris Arthur Christensen, MD, 68, of Florence, Montana, is scheduled for trial this October. He was indicted in August, 2015 with two counts of negligent homicide due to prescription drug overdose, nine counts of criminal endangerment, and 389 counts of illegal...
Mark Ibsen, MD

Mark Ibsen, MD

This is an extremely long post. It records what happened over three years to Dr. Mark Ibsen of Helena, Montana. The main points to glean are the facts that State Medical Boards do not have patient needs as their priority. They are as much a part of government control...
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