The following comment was put on the Doctorsofcourage post Michael Fletcher, MD by Caroline Connor. I want to reply to this comment in a post. I apologize that this is such a long post. Please read to the end.

Ms. Connor’s comment:

“I support Dr. Cheek’s posting on exposing and revealing the truth of our corrupted system who has been weaponized to go after innocent medical professionals.


“The reality of this system has chilling effects. By using the Controlled Substance Act that wasn’t created to be used against doctors, they created the power to incarcerate and destroy innocent medical practitioners and ultimately the practice of good medicine, by impacting the ability to prescribe narcotics to those who actually need them. This is the chilling effect! Just yesterday, while being seen in the ER, the hospital wanted me to sign an agreement to use a mild narcotic as a first step. I was there for stroke like symptoms only. So, now the hospitals are on board and have moved to not prescribe narcotics. What is that? The government pushed their agenda by going after innocent doctors to the point that physicians’ decisions on how to treat appropriately has negatively been impacted. Not to prescribe appropriately for legitimate pain and having people agreeing to try a mild narcotic, or non-scheduled drug is not practicing good medicine! In other words, will doctors treat legitimate issues with their best decision, because they are licensed to do so, or are they going to prescribe safely according to the persuasion of the feds? When will the truth of what is going on cause the physicians to push back and defeat this type of abuse?


“A large local hospital sent my nurse friend home after a severe car accident that landed her with a broken xiphoid process and two broken ribs with nothing more than Tylenol!! What a horrible thing to do! What a huge risk against her health!

What happened to the Hippocratic Oath? Why aren’t other doctors pushing back?

“Well, we are fighting that system with the hope of exposing the truth of their dark deeds. The Controlled Substance Act was designed to be used against the cartels. Instead, it is used against innocent doctors!! So many doctors are being arrested and facing this kind of system where they ignore the truth! Support writing representatives at the House of Representatives. The following address is: Honorable Senator Learned Legislator -Ann Bera, Yadira, Larry Burshon, Scott Des Jarlais, Neal Dunn, Andy Harris, Sonny Jackson, John Joyce, Mariannette Miller Meeks, Gregory Murphy, Raul Ruiz, Kim Schrier, John Berasso, Bill Cassidy, Roger Marshall, Rand Paul, and Mark Green to, HONORABLE SENATOR DOCTOR -(NAME), UNITED STATES SENATE, WASHINGTON D.C., 20510

Additionally, find names of the people on the House Judiciary Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Many groups are rising up but many more need their voices heard with action! WE HAVE TO STOP THE CRAZINESS OF ABUSE AGAINST DOCTORS AND OTHER MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS!”

My Reply

Since I’ve been in this fight for almost 20 years, I would like to reply to this. Here are the problems we face.

  1. Doctors aren’t joining the fight because they belong to one of two camps—those attacked and those who haven’t been attacked yet. Those who have been attacked are forced to silence by their plea agreement or their sentencing instructions.  If they can be vocal, many have been so traumatized that they choose to simply live out their life in embarrassment.  Those few who do become vocal are extremely egotistical. Instead of getting on board what will end this—what I teach—they go out, after I’ve given them some publicity, and create their own website, podcast, or whatever, and simply chase rabbits or gripe and complain with others attacked, with no solution.  This is just spinning the Price is Right wheel but never landing on the Jackpot.
  2. Doctors who haven’t been attacked simply believe that those who have must have done something wrong—until they are attacked and then they cry “How could this happen to me?  I do everything right!” and then they fall into the first camp. So they are not interested, and are too busy in their practice, to get involved in the fight.  Besides, those who do understand the system think that, if they do come out to fight, they will be targeted. Let them understand this:  If they are minority or taking care of the expendable populations, or if they’ve made any money in their profession, it’s only a matter of time before they ARE targeted. So get out and help us end this!
  3. Then we have the new doctors emerging from medical schools and residencies.  They are being taught that opioids cause addiction. So their “first do no harm” principle is to avoid prescribing opioids because if they do, they are doing harm. And the problem with this is, doctors usually practice what they were taught in medical school, even if new knowledge later tells them what they learned is wrong.  They won’t give it up.  So for the last 20 years, all those doctors now practicing are stuck with that mentality.  And it will take years to change the teaching in the medical schools, especially since the truth is known by so few people. Even the addiction specialists I know personally who have been attacked aren’t willing to learn the real cause of drug abuse. They are so indoctrinated in the conventional crap, and can’t give it up.
  4. Pain patients are also not joining the fight. Sure, they sit on FB, twitter, etc., and gripe and complain. But they aren’t willing to do what is needed to change things. For the most part, when they lose their doctor, they just simply say they’ll go to another one.  This was the response I got from my patients in 2008 when I first lost my license and asked them to get on board and support me.  Now most of them are dead..

Now for your solution: Writing letters to Congressmen/women—a waste of time if there isn’t a large number of people writing the same letter at the same time.  You see, the staffers for these legislators don’t even read the letters/emails you send them.  How do I know this?  I’ve been writing to the health staffers of every legislator now for 10 years.  Nothing changes.  And yet, in spite of the information I give them, they still follow the propaganda.  Finally this year, I sent out an open-ended question to all 435 health staffers, without giving them any direction, asking them

“Would you please tell us what your boss thinks about what is going on in this country pertaining to opioids and drug abuse?”

I received only two replies, which tells me they don’t even open their emails from constituents. That is supported by the fact that I have been writing to all of them for 10 years and yet they still promote the propaganda.  The two replies I received were from Becca Flikier of Lois Frankel’s office, Florida 22.  And Ms. Frankel is a white, Jewish lawyer, who should be on our side. Here is Ms. Flikier’s response:

“Hi Linda- thank you so much for reaching out. We certainly are concerned about the opioid epidemic.

The Congresswoman sits on the House Appropriations Committee, which in recent years has increased federal investments in programs that aim to prevent, respond to, and treat opioid addiction. Specifically, for Fiscal Year 2023, we provided a $970 million increase for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), including $237 million for substance abuse prevention services, $4.2 billion for opioid prevention, treatment, and recovery, $2 billion for the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant, and $1.575 billion for the State Opioid Response Grant. We also provided $145 million for the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program. I hope this helps. If there is anything else I can provide, please let me know.”

The second reply was from Kannon Butler of John Curtis’s office, Utah 03. Her response was

“The Congressman is generally supportive of efforts to reduce opioid abuse.”

I replied with the truth about abuse and addiction. I received no reply. Obviously they are sticking with the propaganda.

I put on Doctorsofcourage, a page for a communication campaign, with the idea that I would get at least 1000 people to copy and paste the letters each day, and send them to their legislators.  I have a cheap membership available, which gives the members a complete list of all 435 health staffer email addresses, as well as the legislator’s email, FB, and twitter links.  Instead, people send their contributions to groups that just complain, complain, complain, with no achievable action or plan.  Pulling one drowning baby out of the water doesn’t do any good. We have to go to the place where they are being dropped in, and stop the drowning of all. Not only that, we have to exonerate all of the practitioners who have had their lives ruined, and compensate them and their families for the damage done by our rogue DOJ. The communication campaign page started having maybe 20 people access it. But it drifted down to zero, so I stopped putting up letters.  Why waste my time.

Now I’m tired of chasing my tail getting nowhere.  I’ve offered the answer to the problem now for 2 years—my ecourse. My plan is to have 10 knowledgeable people go with me to Washington to talk to these oxymorons in person. I figured, with all the suffering people out there, they would jump at the chance.  WRONG!!  In two years I still don’t have 10 capable people to go.  I’ve offered the ecourse for the 3rd time, and haven’t even had enough people to sign up to hold it, even when ambassadors—professionals attacked—or their representative can attend for free.

So, bottom line, if you are interested in stopping the attacks on doctors and patients, get those charged exonerated, and restore healthcare in America, here is what you need to do:

  1. Join Doctors of Courage as a supporting member. We hold the Key on DoC.
  2. Join the Communication Campaign on the page
  3. Take my ecourse. You not only learn what is needed to end the war, you learn what is needed to cure any chronic disease yourself. Conventional medicine simply maintains disease so they can sell pills. And I believe that the not-too-distant future holds the condition of no medical care at all, when we are attacked either from the inside or the outside.  Then share than knowledge with your family and friends. The information on the ecourse is available on  Before the signup buttons are activated, though, you need to message me that you want to take it. I’ll activate the signup buttons when I get enough people.
  4. Stop creating or supporting new complaint groups that have no plan.

Linda Cheek, MD

About the Author Linda Cheek, MD

Linda Cheek is a teacher and disenfranchised medical doctor, turned activist, author, and speaker. A victim of prosecutorial misconduct and outright law-breaking of the government agencies DEA, DHHS, and DOJ, she hopes to be a part of exonerating all doctors illegally attacked through the Controlled Substance Act. She holds the key to success, as she can offset the government propaganda that drugs cause addiction with the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse.
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