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It is only by working together that change can be made.

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Schedule Linda as a Speaker

To win the war against doctors and patients, the truth must get to the public. Linda can do that through educational, audience-participating, live, or virtual events. For more information, go to her speakers website,  Contact her in the contact form above.


Help with Communication Campaign

Individual communication from chronic pain patients means nothing to legislators. Come together if you want to achieve anything.  Join our communication campaign to make a difference. 

Membership Inquiries

Join Doctors of Courage membership site for help in communicating with ALL legislators, through a point and click connection to websites, Facebook, twitter, and health staff information. Your membership helps pay for our expenses and travel on your behalf.


Is Doctors of Courage only for doctors?

Of course not!  It is for all Americans, becase at one point or another, everyone is going to need treatment for pain. But as it stands now, people don’t even get pain relief following surgery. Either the propaganda that the medicine will make the person an addict, or fear of government attack has cut off appropriate treatment for pain. 
Doctorsofcourage was simply a name to create the acronym DoC, to help make the website memorable.  The group of people who have the most to lose for not joining is the chronic pain patient population. Because I can promise that the worst is yet to come. And if something isn’t done soon, there won’t be any opioids for pain.

Why do we have to pay for membership to the membership site?

Dr. Cheek, the founder and administrator of Doctors of Courage, is a victim of the rogue government.  She lost everything she owned to their illegal use of the forfeiture law. She lives on $1200 per month Social Security. Just the running of the website and its branches cost over $3000 per year. She can’t afford to cover those costs herself.  She is then also willing to travel for adocacy, but that needs support as well.  All money donated to DoC goes to the maintenance and advocacy of DoC.  Hopefully, with her speaking venues, costs can be reduced.

Membership can be achieved, however, without monthly payments. If a person brings onboard a paying professional, they will have free membership as long as that professional is a member.  There is work that can be done to earn membership as well. That is usually written in notices on the home page or Call-to-Action page.

Why is your approach the only approach that will work?

The problem that we are facing to get appropriate pain treatment back is the propaganda that opioids cause addiction.  Any chronic pain patient that cries out “I need my medicine” with tears in their eyes is automatically labeled an addict. This is purely government propaganda built upon a 100 year old racist ploy to disenfranchise and incarcerate minorities for legalized slave labor after the Civil War.  There is no approach out there that will combat this propaganda except what Linda teaches–that drugs are not the cause of addiction.  The basis for her work is the knowledge based on the scientific method that explains the REAL cause of drug abuse and addiction. So without the tools to end the propaganda, the other approaches being promoted by other groups will not succeed.  Evidence to this is the fact that many of these groups–Pain Relief Network in the past and US Pain Foundation now, have existed for years and the problem has just gotten worse.  Get on board with Linda, and we will see change. Those with ears, let them hear. Those with eyes, let them see.

If your information is so important, why don't you give it away?

The information Linda teaches is worth every penny. Value is dependent on what it can do fo you. The information on the DVDs and ebooks found here can safe your life and the lives of your family and friends.  You can’t put a price tag on that.

People will pay $10 or more for an unhealthy fast food meal, and then complain that information that can give them fantastic health is too much.  Or pay hundreds of dollars a month for a drug that, if they just learned what Linda teaches, they would never need. Face it…a healthy life is a choice.

The other fact against giving this information away is that people don’t value what they get free. Every businesspeson knows this. And the information available here is something to be valued.  BTW, to order this valuable information, go HERE.

OK, I'm convinced. What can I do to help?

There is so much work that needs to be done to bring us success. Most of the work involves writing for the website, gathering the news, making it informative, and posting it. Bills in Congress and the states need to be collected, summarized, and shared so that people following the site can send their communication to their legislators.  Example letters of communication  need to be written.  Lots of data collection and reporting.  

If you are interested in the work being done and what needs to be done, or if you see something we could use here and you are willing to pitch in, just fill out the general contact form above and I’ll get in touch. Thanks.

Doctors of Courage

6621 Williamson Rd, #7715
Roanoke, VA 24019

Help stop government overreach into medicine.  Be a part of the change you want to see in the world.

© 2016 Linda Cheek, MD.


About the Author Linda Cheek, MD

Linda Cheek is a teacher and disenfranchised medical doctor, turned activist, author, and speaker. A victim of prosecutorial misconduct and outright law-breaking of the government agencies DEA, DHHS, and DOJ, she hopes to be a part of exonerating all doctors illegally attacked through the Controlled Substance Act. She holds the key to success, as she can offset the government propaganda that drugs cause addiction with the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse.
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