Elaine Sharp, MD, 72, an Obstetrician/Gynecologist in Gulf Breeze, FL was arrested and charged with murder and manslaughter in 2023. She was taken to jail. The judge denied her bond, citing community safety. I guess she is still in jail, and is unable to defend herself. Another ploy of the Justice System to force doctors to take a plea.
So what did she do? Point a gun at people and shoot them dead? No. She simply treated chronic pain patients no one else would treat. In addition to the murder and manslaughter charges, Dr. Sharp is charged with:
- Conspiracy to commit racketeering
- Unlawfully prescribing for monetary gain
- Unlawfully prescribing not medically necessary
- Conspiracy to traffic 100 grams or more of oxycodone
- Conspiracy to traffic 28 grams or more of hydromorphone
- Conspiracy to traffic 100 grams or more of hydrocodone
- Money laundering
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) arrested 10 additional suspects related to Dr. Elaine Sharp’s case, all of whom will be used by the prosecution to convict the doctor. As you can see on our list of attacked professionals, those working for doctors or otherwise charged, hardly ever go to trial themselves, but are threatened with prison if they don’t cooperate and testify against the doctor. You see, following the steps to put them in prison does not bring in the money, so it is a waste of the DOJ’s time. They are just after the money they can confiscate from doctors. That is what the racketeering law allows the government to do—confiscate everything a doctor owns. The racketeering law has to go, just like the Controlled Substance Act. And we can get the job done through the knowledge we share.
The investigation against Dr. Sharp began in February 2021 after “agents received complaints of large amounts of oxycodone being prescribed out of her office.” According to the press, the complaints were received from the area pharmacists saying she prescribed controlled pain medications “in significantly higher doses than other pain management physicians.” But we know from the charges that that is not true. Obviously they are working off scare tactics by the DOJ, since pharmacists are also being charged with CSA crimes. But IMO, what really happened is that the Florida US Attorney’s office checked the PDMP or Narx Score and as an OB/GYN, she had a higher number of opioid prescriptions so she is an easy target to take down. All they have to do to convict her is to use the propaganda, which is overflowing in their press releases. Such things as
- Patients overdosed
- People supposedly selling the pills she prescribed them.
- Prescribing 120 oxycodone pills a month with “no legitimate need”, even though for short-acting oxycodone, that is the minimum amount needed per month to keep pain controlled. And in all trials, the government admits that only the doctor can determine legitimate need. But they still get doctors convicted through their propaganda.
- Using the DOJ propaganda term “pill mill” to describe her clinic.
- Calling her a drug ring king, putting drugs on the streets and bringing in people from other states.
The real criminals are FDLE Pensacola Special Agent in Charge Chris Williams, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo
Who is Dr. Elaine Sharp? She is a white, elderly US-trained physician, licensed to practice since 1989. But she practiced in Florida, the land of Pam Bondi, our future US Attorney General. As many elderly procedure-oriented professionals do when they don’t feel confident in the surgery suite, she started treating pain in 2017. Obviously no one gave her the memo. Or, like most physicians, she thought she was safe because “she was doing everything right”. How many times have I heard that from doctors who have been attacked. Dr. Sharp also treated opioid addiction.
So why is Dr. Sharp being charged with murder? And what does this step mean for other doctors treating pain? A task force made up of FDLE and FBI special agents claims that patient named “D.D.,” died of an overdose based on a prescription from Dr. Sharp for 120 30-mg tablets of oxycodone. That would be a daily dose in legitimate range for a chronic pain patient, allowing only 4 doses per day, when it is okay to be given at 6 doses per day. Naturally they don’t go into the details of the death, in order to get a bigger charge on the doctor, in hopes that she will succumb to a plea agreement. Another charge is for Dr. Sharp prescribing 120 tablets of 4 milligram hydromorphone, which again, is a minimum dose for a short-acting opioid to have 24-hour coverage for chronic pain.
The raid brought a seizure of money that the government charges was obtained through racketeering and trafficking. They are able to do this through the racketeering law. They seized $16,311.04 from her credit union savings account, $5,233.07 from her bank account, $4,798 from her office, and $1,427 from insider her car. An FDLE agent stated in an affidavit that Dr. Sharp made late-night deposits into her Pen Air and Bank of America accounts. Well, duh! When is she going to make deposits during working hours? And who, today, if they have the resources or an active medical practice, doesn’t have cash on hand or stored for the future? And wow! Such tremendous sums of money! Amazing the government officials that do this have any conscience. But again, the propaganda wins in the minds of the jurors. She is currently fighting this in a civil suit to get back the money they seized. The presiding judge ordered the case to go to mediation in May 2024. I don’t know the results of that. Mediations are usually not publicized. But good for her. Keep it up, Doc! Don’t give in to their propaganda-leading conspiracy charges.
To prohibit Dr. Sharp from continuing her practice and force all of her legitimate pain patients to the street, in June 2023 Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo signed an emergency order restricting her from prescribing or ordering controlled substances. Before this time Dr. Sharp has had no disciplinary or administrative actions taken against her by the Florida medical board. But of course, the prosecution will play on the juror’s propaganda-filled mind. And then, to leave the standard paper trail, in June, 2024, without much documentation except the accusation, the Florida medical board revoked her license to practice.
As part of their attempt to build their case, two separate undercover agents attempted to see Sharp as patients, but both were denied. To accept a new pain patient, they had to be referred by someone she knew. This, by itself, should show that she maintained a legitimate practice. But once you are a government target, it doesn’t matter. The government sent in 6 CS’s to my practice, not a one received controlled drugs. In fact, the government finally called in a prescription in my name themselves, which should have been a crime. But my public pretender, paid off by the government, did nothing about it. Anyway, back to Dr. Sharp. The government explained it this way:
“This unusual practice allows Dr. Sharp to control her clientele and ensure that new patients are familiar and complicit with her inappropriate prescribing patterns prior to becoming a patient,” the report says. “Therefore, they would be unlikely to report Dr. Sharp to a regulatory or law enforcement agency.”
This is going on all over the country. The illegal actions of the DOJ are rampant. They must end. The DEA must be dissolved. Understand this: NO DRUG CAUSES ADDICTION! The War on Drugs was created to be a war against minorities to disenfranchise them and keep America a white supremacy nation. We explain all of this on DoC. And we have the answer to take to Washington. Join us and you can have the contact information for all legislators on a point and click format. To sign up as a supporting member, go to https://doctorsofcourage.org/membership-levels/.
Linda Cheek is a teacher and disenfranchised medical doctor, turned activist, author, and speaker. A victim of prosecutorial misconduct and outright law-breaking of the government agencies DEA, DHHS, and DOJ, she hopes to be a part of exonerating all doctors illegally attacked through the Controlled Substance Act. She holds the key to success, as she can offset the government propaganda that drugs cause addiction with the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse.
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