Last night, Feb 5, 2023, CNN ran a 2 hour documentary produced and directed by Darren Foster called American Pain.  It has nothing to do with helping the treatment of pain. To the contrary. It will set back pain management another decade because of the overt government propaganda against opioids. According to Mr. Foster, he has been working on this film since 2009. Now I’m sure at the beginning of his investigation the anti-opioid frenzy ruled. But some of the doctors involved in the attacks on American Pain Clinic in Florida, such as Cynthia Cadet, MD and Joseph Castronuovo, MD were written about on posts on Doctorsofcourage. Both of these posts are either first or second in a google search. So I’m sure Mr. Foster has seen the truth on Doctorsofcourage and has ignored it for the purpose of making money with his documentary. Similar to Beth Macy and her book. But I guess it is only criminal for doctors to make money.

We need to kick off our communication campaign with this atrocity. I do not have the contact information for CNN. If anyone knows how to communicate with them, please send it to me. I have received some suggestions for reaching CNN. They are:

Mr. Foster’s Social Media Links are:


If you have any other means of communication with him, please send them to me.

Here is my suggestion for communication to either CNN or Mr. Foster.

Congratulations on setting us back a decade in the false propaganda that drugs cause addiction with your production American Pain. Drugs do not cause addiction, but your film spreads the propaganda that they do. If you are ever interested in the truth you can find it on the video The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse on And you can see on that website the thousands of lives ruined by this propaganda for the purpose of confiscation of assets and government jobs. And ignoring the real cause while spreading propaganda against opioids for money makes you guilty of causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands due to the forcing of people to the streets for illegal drugs. Hope you see the light someday.


No drug causes addiction. Your film American Pain is propaganda that will cause more deaths from illicit drugs and more suffering for patients in pain. Learn the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse. #lindacheekmd #doctorsofcourage

It is really important for anyone wanting pain management to return to get behind what I teach, join Doctorsofcourage, and get behind our communication campaign. This is all that will stop this anti-opioid hysteria.

About the Author Linda Cheek, MD

Linda Cheek is a teacher and disenfranchised medical doctor, turned activist, author, and speaker. A victim of prosecutorial misconduct and outright law-breaking of the government agencies DEA, DHHS, and DOJ, she hopes to be a part of exonerating all doctors illegally attacked through the Controlled Substance Act. She holds the key to success, as she can offset the government propaganda that drugs cause addiction with the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse.
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