Bringing REAL Healing Medicine Back

Bringing REAL Healing Medicine Back

Time Left to Join My Course Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) This post is directed to everyone affected by the War on Drugs, Doctors, and Patients.  But it even goes beyond that.  Anyone with a chronic disease needs this information I am offering. Also anyone...
Qing McGaha, MD

Qing McGaha, MD

Qing McGaha, MD, 55, is the next minority physician to be targeted by the rogue US Department of Justice. Dr. Qing McGaha is a PM&R physician in Clearwater, FL. She received her medical degree from Tianjin Medical University in China, but then came to America for...
Richard Morgan, DO

Richard Morgan, DO

Richard Morgan, DO, was a physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM & R) physician in New York City.  He was also an addict, which led him to commit the crime of selling prescriptions for drugs. Literally, he is the first doctor in the 5 years that I have been...
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