Gregory Gerber, MD

Gregory Gerber, MD

Dr. Gregory Gerber, MD, 55, is a physical medicine & rehabilitation specialist in Sandusky, OH with over 30 years of experience in the medical field. After a 3 year wait for the government to construct a crime, he was indicted April 16 with 51 counts of...
H. R. 1002

H. R. 1002

House Bill H. R. 1002 was just passed in the House of Representatives with a vote of 411 Yea and only 5 Nay.  So what does that mean? First, What is H. R. 1002? This is a bill introduced by Rep. Bob Latta, OH 05. What it does is amend the Controlled Substance Act so...
Howard Adelglass, MD

Howard Adelglass, MD

Dr. Howard Adelglass, MD is a 65 y/o physiatrist in Manhattan. He received his medical degree from Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara and did his residency at NYU School of Medicine. November, 2020, he became a victim of the US government in their agenda to attack...
Sudipt Deshmukh, MD

Sudipt Deshmukh, MD

Sudipt Deshmukh, MD, 56 y/o, is an internal medicine doctor practicing in Rochester, NY. He graduated from Bangalore Medical College in 1988. Bangalore is in Karnataka, a state of India. Dr. Deshmukh was then brought to the United States as a resident at North Shore...
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