by Linda Cheek, MD | Oct, Thu, 2020 | Plea agreement |
I have permission from 67 y/o Randall W. Wade’s wife, Sharon, to publish her journal entries about the deplorable medical care in prisons. I can guarantee, from personal experience, that this is not the exception, but the rule. We need to take away implied immunity...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Oct, Thu, 2020 | Convicted physician |
Dr. Ajeeb John Titus, 55, a family practice physician in Bethlehem Township, Pa, treating primarily pain and addiction, and also specializing in alternative medicine and interested in the medical use of cannabis, is the latest government target for doing his job. He...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Aug, Fri, 2020 | Government propaganda |
I am moved to write this post as I watch the rally in Washington on the 57th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr’s I Have a Dream speech. It brings memories back, and also what needs to happen for his dream to be realized. The answer is available. Will people...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Aug, Thu, 2020 | Doctor charged |
On April 17, 2019, the Appalachian Regional Prescription Opioid Strike Force (ARPO) arrested and indicted 53 medical professionals in 10 federal districts in 6 states. The indictments included 31 doctors, 7 pharmacists, 8 nurse practitioners, and 7 other licensed...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Aug, Mon, 2020 | Convicted physician |
Saad Sakkal, 72, is board certified in 4 specialties/subspecialties—internal medicine, endocrinology, geriatrics and obesity. He practiced in Hamilton, Ohio, with over 48 years of medical experience, On Aug. 14, 2020, he was sentenced to 20 years in prison. He...