by Linda Cheek, MD | Jun, Wed, 2018 | Under fire by Medical Board |
It is a bad omen when a simple doctor like myself can predict the future. Well, my prediction is coming true. A year ago I exposed the Washington State Standard of Care Law as a future attack on physicians. (click HERE) Now we have a doctor going through the first...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jun, Thu, 2018 | Medicine |
The FDA has finally looked out of the conventional medicine box and has approved a device based on auriculotherapy. Auriculotherapy is an energetic form of medicine. It uses the ear as a hologram of the body and through placement of needles in the corresponding...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jun, Sat, 2018 | Doctor Raided |
Ralph Thomas Reach, MD, 58, is a board certified physician in family, addiction, and emergency medicine. He is the owner of eight addiction treatment centers in Virginia and Tennessee. His home and clinics were raided May 2, 2018. As he was driving to Virginia his...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jun, Fri, 2018 | Convicted physician |
Dr. Fuhai Li, 53, of Milford, PA was convicted June 5, 2018 for doing his job by another falsely-led naïve jury. When is this illegal government overreach into medicine going to stop? People have to understand that, as long as the federal government creates crime to...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jun, Wed, 2018 | Doctor Raided |
One current trend in the DOJ is to attack doctors for receiving money from pharmaceutical companies for speaking engagements to other professionals. Although completely legal and basically the only way established doctors can learn about new products, the government,...