Adnan S. Khan, MD

Adnan S. Khan, MD

Adnan S. Khan, MD is a 48 y/o family medicine doctor in Newport, New Hampshire with a subspecialty in addiction medicine. Being a minority makes him a government target. He received his medical degree from Medical University of Silesia and has been in practice in the...
Adnan S. Khan, MD

Thomas Romano, MD

Thomas Romano, MD is a 74 y/o internal medicine physician with specialties in rheumatology and pain medicine in Martins Ferry, OH with over 46 years of experience. On Sept 12, 2019 he was indicted for 20 counts of diversion of controlled substances through the...
Noel Smith, MD

Noel Smith, MD

How about this picture? 82 y/o Noel L Smith, MD, of Manhattan, NY, with 57 years of experience as a general surgeon and family practitioner, is led handcuffed into a courtroom for indictment as a drug pusher. Naturally, the prosecution and law enforcement is only...
Adnan S. Khan, MD

Lawrence Sherman, MD

Lawrence Sherman, MD, a 75 y/o emergency medicine physician, was arrested June 21, 2021 for conspiracy to distribute opioids and 19 counts of distributing oxycodone outside legitimate medical practice. On November 14, 2023, he was convicted of all counts. Here is his...
Imagine the future

Imagine the future

I know that when people come into a situation for the first time, they accept things as they are, and can’t imagine something different. So most people in pain management consider monthly visits to the doctor as normal. But just give this some thought. Think about:...
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