Aaron Borengasser, PA Acquitted

Aaron Borengasser, PA Acquitted

Aaron Paul Borengasser, 35, of Little Rock, Arkansas was acquitted August 12, 2016 by jury trial. This case, like all others where the accused end up convicted and imprisoned, was based on the usual reasons: Normal prescriptions for people with pain and anxiety...
Joseph Castronuovo, MD

Joseph Castronuovo, MD

Joseph Castronuovo, 77, of Palm Beach Gardens, a Vietnam War veteran and co-defendant to Cynthia Cadet, MD, has until Oct. 18 to surrender and begin serving his 18-month term because he needs hernia surgery and treatment for a heart condition, according to court...
Cynthia Cadet, MD

Cynthia Cadet, MD

Cynthia Cadet, MD reports to prison Cynthia Cadet, 46, of Parkland, FL has to turn herself in to prison by noon Monday, Sept 12, 2016, for a 6 ½ year term. In July 2013, although acquitted of the most serious charges of causing the death of 7 patients, she was...
Michael Belfiore, DO

Michael Belfiore, DO

Michael Belfiore, DO, 53, of Westbury, NY is the next solo-practice family doctor willing to treat pain to be attacked professionally for doing his job as a doctor. He is also the eighth Long Island doctor to be attacked, in a federal targeting of pain-treating...
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