Steven Kotsonis, MD

Steven Kotsonis, MD

Steven Kotsonis, MD, 34, of Compassionate Care Clinic in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin was indicted June 21st.  The indictment was for 21 counts including conspiracy and distribution of controlled drugs. His office manager, Susan Moyer, 53, was charged with 10 similar counts....

The Real Danger to the Community

Judge Schroeder Jr. said the potential for a crisis was serious enough to warrant a major change in Gosy’s bail. Dr. Gosy will now be able to return to his practice and, under the direction of a supervising physician, make recommendations on the use of painkillers and...
Christopher Watson, pharmacist

Christopher Watson, pharmacist

Christopher Watson, 43, an independent pharmacist in Perryville, Arkansas, was arrested in January, 2015 as part of “Operation Pilluted”, a four-state organized attack on health care providers. Watson was charged with illegal distribution of a controlled substance....
Steven K. Mangar, MD

Steven K. Mangar, MD

Steven Keith Mangar, MD and his office manager Maria Eclavea will be in court June 23, 2016 in California for the Monterey County Superior Court judge to consider a motion to prohibit Dr. Mangar from practicing medicine while his criminal proceedings are pending. The...
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