Freeda Flynn, MD

Freeda Flynn, MD

In spite of the Ruan/Kahn SCOTUS decision, the CDC guidelines revision, and any other platform used by other advocates in the War on Doctors and Pain Patients, another doctor was convicted and will be going to prison. When are people going to get behind what is needed...
Patients Work to Save David Bockoff, MD

Patients Work to Save David Bockoff, MD

John P. Flannery, II, Esq., lawyer, long-time advocate for ending the government attacks on pain management and author of Pain in America, has written an emergency petition for 11 patients of Dr. David Bockoff to the United States Court of Appeals for the D. C....
CDC Guideline Update

CDC Guideline Update

This post is extremely long, and I apologize. But you should, if you read and study this, understand why nothing is getting accomplished in the realm of pain management, and nothing will if people stay on the CDC guidelines track. I’m sure, if you are reading this...
Steven Chun, MD

Steven Chun, MD

Steven Chun, MD, 59, a pain management physician in Sarasota. FL has been sentenced to three years and six months in prison and must also forfeit $278,900 for being a speaker for the pharmaceutical company Insys. Dr. Chun along with the Insys rep Daniel Tondre. 52,...
DOJ Attack on Telemedicine

DOJ Attack on Telemedicine

Intro by Linda Cheek, MD Last Friday, November 18, two doctors and three pain clinic operators in Detroit, MI were charged with illegal opioid distribution for providing legal telemedicine to patients in Michigan.  The doctors are Dr. Juan Bayolo, 48, of Lake Mary,...
Chad Hall, DO Acquitted

Chad Hall, DO Acquitted

Chad Hall, DO, 43, of Las Vegas, NV was acquitted of all 19 charges against him on Nov 9, 2022. Interesting, though, that there is no news of this achievement in the media. There was notice of his indictment in June, 2019 and the mistrial called in August, 2022 from...
Jessica Spayd, ANP

Jessica Spayd, ANP

In early October 2019 my life changed forever. The woman I love was ripped from my life by an overzealous and unscrupulous Federal Government. I was not alone in my loss. Her 9-year old son lost his mother, her father lost his daughter, countless others lost a friend...
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