Stanley Charles Evans, DO

Stanley Charles Evans, DO

So do you really think that the Supreme Court decision in Ruan/Kahn is going to stop the attacks on doctors for prescribing opioids?  I’ve been explaining the facts, but no one listens.  History has proven this will not happen. In the early 1900’s doctors continued to...
Zena Crenshaw-Logal, JD  In Memoriam

Zena Crenshaw-Logal, JD In Memoriam

We mourn the loss of a warrior for Justice. With heavy heart we say goodbye to her and promise that we will commit ourselves to keep working on the path she charted.  I know, if you are familiar with our work with AUI (American United International) and Dr. Z, that...
David Jankowski, DO

David Jankowski, DO

On July 11, 2022, two weeks after the 9-0 decision by the Supreme Court for Drs. Ruan and Kahn, 62 y.o. osteopathic physician David Jankowski was convicted on thirty charges of “unlawful” distribution of Schedule II, III and IV controlled substances and health care...
The Elephant in the Room

The Elephant in the Room

I just finished an exasperating conversation with an incarcerated physician, and I would like to vent. The problem is, this physician is a carbon copy of every other physician and person in this country (except me, I guess) with their eyes blinded and their ears...
Debbie Nickels Heck, MD

Debbie Nickels Heck, MD

Debra Nickel Heck MD was a victim of Board of Medicine attack in 2007.  She volunteered her story for me to publish.  Here it is: I began med school at age 33 with childoctoren ages 4, 6 & 9 as God had directed me. I’m a very committed Christian & have had to...
Melvin Gonzaga, MD

Melvin Gonzaga, MD

The attacks on pain management doctors are far from over. Don’t let the Ruan/Kahn decision make you think pain management is now safe to practice.  The government will still attack us, coming up with some other way to do it.  Healthcare fraud is the big ticket.  You...
Peter Stimpson, MD

Peter Stimpson, MD

Peter G. Stimpson MD, a 73 y/o family medicine specialist in Loudon, TN had his license permanently revoked by the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners on May 25, 2022. He was accused of over-prescribing opioids without documenting the justification for the...
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