by Linda Cheek, MD | Jul, Wed, 2020 | Convicted physician |
Lonnie Joseph Parker, MD, 55, of Texarkana is a primary care physician with pain management training. He was arrested in October, 2019 based on a federal indictment of nine counts prescribing without a legitimate medical purpose outside the scope of a professional...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jul, Mon, 2020 | Plea agreement |
Robin A Cox, DO, 63, a Family Medicine Specialist in Rogers, Arkansas, is another victim of government attack on physicians for money. Arkansas mounted a statewide effort to prosecute doctors for treating pain because, according to the CDC, Arkansas had the...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jul, Wed, 2020 | Defense |
Ron Chapman posted an article entitled Bye Bye “Good Faith”: 6th Circuit Erodes Medical Decision Making in Opioid Prosecutions on For those interested in following healthcare law, this would appear to be a good blog to follow. The...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jul, Mon, 2020 | Legislative |
The Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act will be on the Oregon ballot in November. This measure is meant to increase access and funding for drug treatment while also decriminalizing some drugs. It establishes a health-based approach to drugs and addiction. If...
by Jeffrey Young, FNP | Apr, Wed, 2020 | Advocacy |
I put the book down and laid back on my bunk staring out the sliver of window carved out in my cell wall. The part of the sky I could see was gray, much like mood. It began to rain. It was as if the heavens had opened pouring tears on the compound to match those...
by Jeffrey Young, FNP | Mar, Fri, 2020 | Physician Assistants |
February 27th, 2020 2am “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant”. –Martin Luther King It is just another night...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Feb, Sat, 2020 | Convicted physician |
Frank H. Bynes, Jr, MD, a 70 y/o internal medicine doctor in Savannah GA, was sentenced to 20 years in prison (probably a life sentence unless we do something) on Valentine’s Day for prescribing legal opioids to established medical patients with pain. In contrast to...
by Jeffrey Young, FNP | Feb, Thu, 2020 | Nurse Practitioners |
Thursday February 6, 2020 3pm An Open Letter To Those Who’ve Hurt Me … I’d like to start off by saying “Thank You”. A simple, yet extremely heart felt and honest “Thank You”. You always told me I was different, I’ve...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Feb, Tue, 2020 | Pharmacist charged |
Goodbye Independent Pharmacies Another caring, independent pharmacy bites the dust. Farmville Discount Drug Inc. in Farmville, North Carolina and its owner and pharmacist-in-charge, Robert (Bob) L. Crocker, have been closed down by a consent agreement with the...
by Jeffrey Young, FNP | Oct, Thu, 2019 | Physician Assistants |
CH’KLUMP — (A Chunky Clanging Thump) — the sound an 8 foot tall, by 3 foot wide, by 2 inch thick metal cell door makes as it slams shut; an unnerving, hollow, thunderously reverberating chunky clanging thump! I developed the above definition after...