by Linda Cheek, MD | Jun, Sat, 2019 | Under fire by Medical Board |
Connie Basch, MD, an integrative medicine family practitioner specializing in pain management in Arcata, CA is the next California government target. As I’ve been preaching, in spite of the re-statement of the CDC guidelines, Dr. Basch is being attacked for failure to...
by Linda Cheek, MD | May, Wed, 2019 | Doctor charged |
Gilbert Ross Ghearing, MD, 65, a family practitioner who treated pain in Celina, Tennessee, was charged May 17, 2019 with violating the Controlled Substances Act by prescribing controlled drugs “outside the usual course of practice and not for a legitimate medical...
by Linda Cheek, MD | May, Tue, 2019 | Medicine |
More doctors are being owned by large conglomerate clinics or hospitals. And the hospitals are in cahoots with the government, or else THEY would be reaping the attacks for insurance fraud, because that is where the fraud lies. Hospital-owned doctors are instructed to...
by Linda Cheek, MD | May, Fri, 2019 | Convicted physician |
The government succeeded in convicting Marcus Welby, MD yesterday in the Western District of Virginia District Court of criminal compassion. If you are old enough, you remember the character played by Robert Young in the 1970’s—the kind of doctor most of us hold in...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Apr, Thu, 2019 | Convicted physician |
Dr. Lamartiniere, 60 years old, was a successful Internal Medicine physician with 30 years experience. He started seeing pain patients in 2014 after they were abandoned by their previous physician. He continued their usual pain management regimen after informing...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Apr, Wed, 2019 | Convicted physician |
On March 14, 2019, Richard Arthur Evans, MD, 74, was the first innocent incarcerated physician released from prison under the First Step Act. But it wasn’t a result of the Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP) following the law because they rarely do. Dr. Evans was...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Mar, Wed, 2019 | Doctor charged |
I met Dr. Alen Salerian in 2012. We were both under attack by the Western District of Virginia Federal Court—me in Roanoke and him in Abingdon. His practice, however, was in Washington, DC and he lived in Maryland, so what jurisdiction did SW Virginia have? They had...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Feb, Mon, 2019 | Medicine |
Many doctors read Medscape for information pertaining to their practice. Jan. 18, 2019, Medscape released a CME activity for practitioners entitled Opioids for Chronic Pain Better Than Placebo? First, the authors spout data from an editorial written by someone who...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jan, Wed, 2019 | Convicted physician |
Should this happen to any caring doctor, especially when the laws being used were designed for Jim Crow minority disenfranchisement and are now being used to confiscate doctors’ assets and provide jobs to government agents without a real cause? No doctor should be...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Dec, Sun, 2018 | Acquitted |
Christopher Russo, MD, 50, of Birmingham, Michigan was charged Dec. 6 along with his 5 colleagues with one count health care fraud conspiracy and one count conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute controlled substances. He was also charged with...