Paul McClung, MD

Paul McClung, MD

Here’s the thanks you get when you try to follow your oath and take care of the unfortunate in America.  The government sifts through the Medicare/Medicaid records and hand-picks those doctors, primarily minority, who take care of those patients. The message? ...
Lazar Feygin, MD

Lazar Feygin, MD

“On the street? No. No comments. I am absolutely innocent. I don’t know what’s going on. My attorney will take care of it,” as 70y/o Lazar I Feygin, MD was led into court in handcuffs. That just about sums up what the average doctor knows about what is...
Manoj Patharkar, MD

Manoj Patharkar, MD

Can we ever believe anything the government charges a pain management physician with? I don’t think so. Here is a case of a doctor being charged with schemes involving kickbacks for patient referrals and tax evasion. Manoj Patharkar, MD 45, was a Physiatrist (Physical...
Asok Roy, MD

Asok Roy, MD

How low will the government go to convict independent minority primary care physicians who take care of the complete patient?  How about, when there is nothing else, charge them with sex crimes! I have a little inside information about this technique, having met a...
Raman Popli MD

Raman Popli MD

Raman Popli, MD is a 48 y/o internal medicine doctor who practices in McHenry, IL. He has been practicing for 25 years and was also categorized as a buprenorphine provider, so he knows how to prescribe opioids. He was rated 5 stars out of 5 by 23 Google users, with...
John K. Sturman MD

John K. Sturman MD

Yippee!! Finally we have a smart jury acquitting 71 y/o John K. Sturman, MD formerly of Indianapolis, IN of all charges. Let’s hope other juries in the country follow suit, and government attorney’s offices stop making money riding the backs of hard-working...
FDA Workshop on Prescriber Education

FDA Workshop on Prescriber Education

I attended the FDA workshop on Training for Opioid Analgesic Prescribers on May 9, 2017. This was a workshop to obtain input on issues and challenges associated with Federal efforts to train prescribers on pain management and the safe use of opioids. The workshop had...
Harvey Jenkins, MD

Harvey Jenkins, MD

52 y/o Harvey Jenkins, MD, a graduate of Duke School of Medicine and Harvard-trained spine surgeon in Oklahoma City, OK is another physician illegally attacked by the out-of-control DOJ. Twenty-nine false felony charges and one misdemeanor charge were filed against...
Steven Henson, MD

Steven Henson, MD

It is unbelievable and maddening how brazen the DOJ is now at criminalizing good, compassionate doctors. They have it down to a science. The right words—the propagandizing media—and a law-abiding citizen could become a convicted felon. Steven R. Henson, MD, 54, of...
Fathalla Mashali, MD

Fathalla Mashali, MD

Fathalla Mashali, MD is an elderly minority doctor targeted because he prescribed narcotics in a pain management practice. Dr. Mashali finally pleads guilty to health care fraud charges built by prosecutors through illegal search of patient records. The original...
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