by Linda Cheek, MD | Mar, Wed, 2017 | Convicted physician |
Clarence Scranage Jr., MD, 61, of Richmond, VA is the next doctor illegally persecuted by the government for money. He was indicted Feb, 2017 on a charge of conspiracy to possess controlled substances with the intent to distribute them and 18 counts of distribution of...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Feb, Fri, 2017 | Convicted physician |
71 y/o OB/Gyn George Kudmani MD of Louisville, KY is the next doctor attacked by the government for money. He was found guilty Jan 26, 2017, on 26 of 29 federal charges of unlawful distribution and dispensing of controlled substances that were “not for a legitimate...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jan, Tue, 2017 | Acquitted |
Joseph Oesterling, MD, a urologist, is illegally being accused of running a criminal drug ring in his clinics in Caro, Saginaw, and Mount Pleasant, Michigan. The reason why these illegal actions occur is stated in the US Attorney’s release: “In addition to criminal...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jan, Sat, 2017 | Doctor charged |
Clifford Bowe, MD, 83 y/o family medicine physician, pain management and addiction specialist in Cadott, MI, had DEA Federal agents with the Chippewa County Sheriff’s deputies and Cadott Police raid his small clinic Jan.18, spreading through the clinic “like a hill of...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jan, Tue, 2017 | Licensed to Lie |
Chapter 22: The Bar At Its Lowest Neither the government nor the courts ever acknowledged or discussed the highlighting of crucial exculpatory statements as Brady material. No court ever required the politically powerful former prosecutors to answer for their conduct....
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jan, Mon, 2017 | Licensed to Lie |
Chapter 19: The Last Chance They filed an appeal of Judge Werlein’s denial of a new trial on the perjury and obstruction convictions. A few weeks later, Nicholas Marsh committed suicide, as already mentioned in Chapter One. That brought the prosecutorial misconduct...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jan, Mon, 2017 | Licensed to Lie |
Chapter 16: Truth Be Told Long before the Barge trial, Ruemmler, Friedrich, Weissmann, and Hemann knew exactly what evidence the Merrill defendants needed for their defense. They knew that a “best-efforts” agreement to remarket the barges was lawful. These prosecutors...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jan, Mon, 2017 | Licensed to Lie |
Chapter 14: Another Try Ms. Powell received denials on their motions of double jeopardy for Brown and their petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court. So they were looking at going to trial again for the same indictment. She then reached out to Deputy...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jan, Sun, 2017 | Licensed to Lie |
The Mother of All Corruption–DOJ Chapter 12: The Mother of All Hearings April 7, 2009—a momentous day in legal history—especially for anyone who cares about individual rights. The prosecutorial misconduct in the Stevens case was before Judge Sullivan. He began...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jan, Sun, 2017 | Licensed to Lie |
The Department of INjustice: Polar Pen Melts In late 2008, young FBI agent Chad Joy filed a complaint with the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility claiming that the prosecutors hid evidence in the Stevens “Polar Pen” case. He had to request...