Brian August, MD Indicted
This is an odd post, because I can’t figure out why this doctor was targeted. He doesn’t fit the mold.
60-year-old physiatrist Brian James August, MD of El Paso, Tx was indicted and arrested this week. He was charged with five counts of distribution of a controlled substance resulting in death or serious bodily injury, five counts of distribution of a controlled substance and five counts of health care fraud resulting in death. More than likely, all three groups of charges are related to the same 5 patients.
The federal press release doesn’t say much. They listed multiple opioids that were prescribed—methadone, fentanyl, hydromorphone, morphine, hydrocodone and oxycodone—over a 6 year period. The reason for spanning 6 years is so the government can recoup all the charges made to Medicare/Medicaid for those 6 years, which is the maximum time legally allowed. The problem with listing all of those medications is that it just demonstrates that he was a doctor treating legitimate pain for legitimate patients, and not selling drugs on the street corner, which is what the Controlled Substance Act would actually require if the government followed the rule of law…but they don’t.
So what is odd about this particular targeting?
First, Dr. August appears to be a Caucasian American. He graduated from Texas Tech University Health Science Center School of Medicine in 1990. He is affiliated with Hospitals Of Providence Memorial Campus, Las Palmas Medical Center, Del Sol Medical Center and El Paso Specialty Hospital and works for a large multi-clinic and multi-specialty medical organization, El Paso Integrated Physicians Group (EPIPG). So he is not a minority physician in an independent practice like who is usually targeted. In fact, there are multiple doctors that are minority in El Paso who do pain management that would be more likely the standard target, with names like Ibrahim, Jimenez, Annabi, Refaeian, etc.
The second oddity is that he is a physician in a large conglomerate medical clinic with ties to hospitals. The hospital-government collusion against independent practices once gave hospital-owned clinics safety against attack. I don’t think EPIPG is hospital-owned. My question is whether it is a competition to the hospital chains working in El Paso. If so, then other doctors in this organization can probably look forward to being the next target. If anyone from El Paso can shed light on the medical situation there and any hospital monopolies, I would appreciate it.
The last issue is the charge of charging government insurance for services that weren’t performed. First, my guess is that Dr. August is salaried, not paid on a commission of work that he did. The second problem with this is that, in a large corporation like this, the doctor doesn’t even submit the charges. They have special accountants to do that. So if there were charges applied to Dr. August that he actually didn’t do, it was probably the fault of highers up directing the accounting department to do that, not the doctor. But the usual problem is that the work has been done, but the CMS reviewers don’t recognize it.
Basically, this entire case smells rotten. The most likely government reason is money. With Dr. August’s age and 30 year work experience, the government intends to take everything he owns from his entire career to pay for their jobs and help with the government deficit. But my guess is there are some underlying collusive reasons for this particular attack, and none of them have any relation to the law being used to indict him—the Controlled Substance Act.
Bottom line—the American people need to realize that law is being used illegally to attack specific targets, for whatever the real reason is that we don’t know. Obviously the people listed in the indictment were patients, and that should make Dr. August exempt from CSA charges. If the deaths were caused by his inappropriate prescribing, that would be a malpractice issue, not a criminal one.
And now the government is using healthcare fraud to bring money back into the coffers and pay for DOJ jobs. This means that no one in the medical profession is exempt, because they can call anything fraud and get away with it. We must change the CMS laws pertaining to charges of fraud. First, a provider should be informed that their action is considered fraudulent, and only be charged if they continue that same action after notification. Without changes in the CMS regulations, no doctor is safe when accepting government insurance, and all doctors need to exclude themselves from government insurance until this loophole is fixed.
Thanks to the SCOTUS Ruan/Kahn decision, the court has dismissed all charges against Dr. August. Dr. August, you need to get on board DoC and help end these attacks on your profession.
Linda Cheek is a teacher and disenfranchised medical doctor, turned activist, author, and speaker. A victim of prosecutorial misconduct and outright law-breaking of the government agencies DEA, DHHS, and DOJ, she hopes to be a part of exonerating all doctors illegally attacked through the Controlled Substance Act. She holds the key to success, as she can offset the government propaganda that drugs cause addiction with the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse.
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I saw him at the store pushing a shopping cart.
I was a patient of Dr August, the man helped me so much. I was so thankful to have his help, and most of all understanding what I have been going through. I was called from the office, saying I needed to find a new doctor. I made calls all over west Texas, not one doctor would help me. All the way from El Paso to San Antonio, because he was arrested. So the patients were looked down on, because of what happened. And not one doctor would help anyone, this was like walking through hell without a hand to hold. I had 2 weeks of meds left, and had to spread them out for 6 weeks so my body wouldn’t freak out. Not only did the government make my life hell, no one would help me walk through it. It was so messed up that every doctor I talked to, looked at me and made me feel like this was my fault. Even to this day, I do not trust doctors. I would rather die a horrible death, than to go through what I did again. Now I manage my pain myself, because I was left no choice. There are days my pain is so bad, I beg for death. But every day, I pick myself up and push forward. After going through what I did, I am lucky to be alive. I miss Dr August, and being able to live life. Now I just live. It’s sad a government and system, can do this to people. There should be some kind system, to help the patients when anything like this happens.
Is Dr. August practicing again? Has anyone seen him? Does he have money for food? They should pay him restitution. I heard he was arrested in front of lots of people and I am sure he felt ashamed. Not only that, his photo is all over the internet.
Who is going to dismiss the financial and reputation setbacks. Ok, all charges dismissed. I’m truly happy and thank god for that. I prayed for the man and his family during this tragedy. But again, who will repay the cost of his medical practice being decimated, lawyers fees, lack of income, his license to practice medicine be revoked and the reputation of a great doctor being destroyed in public yet charges being dismissed but not even mentioned in public. I think when charges are dropped in the way they were here then there should be third party legal service that comes up with a cost to the citizens who have been the victim of these types of government overreach. It should not be the charged individual who has to take the government to court. I’d imagine that person, Dr. August in this case, has had just about enough of lawyers and courts. There should be a neutral third party assigned that each time the government has all charges dismissed or drops all charges then this third party steps in to figure out the cost to the individual that apparently should not have been charged. If there is fear that fewer cases would be dismissed because the government is concerned about this new office then that could be part of the process. If it’s a close call or charges are being dropped as a plea agreement then there could be a firm filled out with the defendant waiving all future claims for reimbursement. Dr. August lost no matter if the charges were dropped. I also can’t help but wonder if he does practice pain management again how much will this experience change the way he treats patients. Not intentional of course but he’s human. Won’t he be aware of the potential of running afoul of the government. I know Dr. August and I’m aware of his feelings toward the government but not all people have his courage. Most would flinch at the thought of being charged again. Dr. August would put up and middle finger and say bring it on!!!
I’ve wondered the same thing about all doctors contributing for the lawsuits of those doctors affected by this government overreach. They have such a fund to defend doctors charged with problems with delivering babies. But no organization has done anything, and doctors aren’t unionizing, which I think they should. So those are some things for the future. Meanwhile, what we need is to eliminate actual immunity from the government agencies. If they break the law trying to convict an innocent doctor they should have to pay reparition for the rest of their life to that doctor as a salary to him. That’s MY solution.
Look up Dr Brian August on google or wherever and to this day all you’ll see is “doctor charged,” and “doctor arrested.” You won’t see a single entry of all charges dismissed. You’ll not see anything about how this man who made it his life work to help others but now must rebuild his life after government overreach ripped it apart. He spent years in getting educated, yet more years as a mere apprentice to earn the title doctor. Then yet even more years to specialize in the field of pain management. All destroyed by someone with the title “special agent” coming into his office to interview him. He told me before his arrest that my wife and I shouldn’t be surprised if he’s arrested. He said that at first two showed up. Then days later six more. They started going through medical records. They started looking at billing and so on. He knew life was about to end as he knew it. I feel terrible because my answer was simply oh doc they aren’t coming after someone like you. They are after those doctors who set up offices in shopping malls. He said no, I think I’ll be arrested. A few days later the news broke. I feel like my government, who I’ve spent my life fighting for and being proud of, has more than let me down. That young lady who went into his office for an “interview” has no business having the power over someone’s life. She doesn’t have the training, education or experience to even understand what a pain doctor does. It’s such a unique occupation. All day Dr. August dealt with people in pain. The reason for the pain, real or imagined, was his to manage. Pain consumes a persons life. I personally can’t escape it. No matter what I do. In my case I feel actually fortunate that MRIs and other imaging shows the reason for my pain. I don’t have to convince anyone. Not all patients are so lucky. Sometimes those images are more vague. It takes a specialist like Dr. August to be understanding and concerned one one side and get weed out those either intentionally or not exaggerating their symptoms. It must be one of the more mentally challenging medical positions there is. But here comes this “special agent” who suddenly knows what took Dr. August many, many years to even begin to understand, interviewing him as if she even knew what questions to ask. Then sending in her worker bees to go through thousands of records and documents and finding “five” cases that she felt might warrant charges. Dr. August has practiced medicine for many years and she found five questionable cases. Not slam dunk cases or he would have been taken to court years earlier or lost his license to practice, or both. But she had zeroed in on her target and that’s all there is to it. Now she’s protected from legal repercussions and so is the entire government. Now it’s left to him to rebuild after this dumpster fire that our government has made his life. What about his son and daughter!?!? They did not receive an apology for the overreach by their government destroying the reputation of their father who paid to rear them and educate them. They are his pride and joy and what was the results to their life? No one at the DEA OR Attorney Generals office cares. That’s the problem! There needs to be better accountability for this type of failure. There won’t be though. So it takes people like you doctor and sites like this so we can at least discuss this. It takes this site for me to even discover the charges were dropped. This is we’re o finally found out. Thank you for your work Dr. Cheek. If not for you I’d still be in the dark. Keep up the great work.
What you describe is happening to every doctor investigated. There aren’t real reasons. It’s all job security for those in the government. You are right. We need to take away their immunity. THEY (the government agents) are the ones that break the law simply because they can. Your belief in the Justice System is what most people believe. My son, even, said to me “You must have done something wrong or they wouldn’t have come after you.” Lucky for me, my family has accepted me back. Many doctors lose their families for good. I wish I could retire from this fight, especially as people don’t do what is needed to end the atrocities, and I’m just in the mud spinning my wheels. But I keep on keeping on. I guess the good side is that I’m still alive to take care of my husband. I imagine when I actually become a threat to these government agents, my death will be immenent.
It beaks my heart to have to type this…..I’m happy for you that your family accepted you back after you troubles with the government. Why does it break my heart? Because someone with Dr. August and your backgrounds should not have to explain anything to anyone except the proper medical review boards if you do indeed make a medical mistake. But the thought of having to explain to your own family compounds the disgrace heaped upon you by the government. I kind of understand your sons response but I could never have said something like that to my mother. For fear of my personal safety, and just the respect I have toward her. But having been associated with the government in one way or another for most of my adult life I can understand his feeling that our government makes no mistakes. But I will say that in my personal experience the government is made of of human beings who do indeed make mistakes daily. While there is layer upon layer of supervision to try and keep those to a minimum there are none the less mistakes made. My complaints about these types of cases is not about mistakes, it’s about the long reach of law enforcement to be able to level these charges in the first place. This type of action should be enforced by the medical community and only the medical community. There should be a special department with doctors who are willing to change professions and investigate fellow doctors. It would be difficult to find qualified doctors willing to do this as I’m sure the pay would not be nearly what they could receive as private doctors. Maybe doctors who’ve been practicing for years and want to help keep that sacred profession beyond reproach would offer their services toward the end of their careers. But to have DEA, FBI or other criminal based investigators doing this work is unfair to the agents and most especially to the doctors. I read about your case a bit, but I’m sure there was much more involved than what the public can find. I’m sure that you too had your world torn apart in a single day as did Dr. August. As you’ve said there are many doctors going through this right now. Maybe this Supreme Court ruling will help some, but certainly not all. I lost my first wife of 35 years after heart heart finally gave out to the illness lupus (SLE). She had this terrible affection for 32 of our 35 years together. She was my best friend. I watched her as her body slowly deteriorated. She fought so hard. I saw as newer and better medications were created to treat her symptoms. She lived as best a life as she could because of doctors. I have a respect for doctors that will never diminish. I witnessed their fight to keep her alive if just for one more year, one more month, one more day….. They kept us informed and the care they showed was beyond reproach. Oh, and I shouldn’t forget to mention the nurses and other medical staff who showed as much care as possible. She was hospitalized more times than I can count. She took medications that seemed as dangerous as the illness itself. Anyway, I mention this because I know the power that a doctor can have over someone’s life and I know how 99.9 percent of them use it. They show concern and care. They do not try to act superior. They only care. Are doctors perfect? Of course not. Should they be monitored? Of course they should. But unless the person or organization doing the monitoring knows what they are doing the monitoring is useless and in fact can be detrimental. So to my government I challenge you, create a special department that not only oversees complaints about doctors but has investigators that are properly trained and educated in what they are investigating. Yes, it could be expensive. But what value is placed on the life of a doctor who is accused of wrong doing and their career and personal life destroyed. There is a shortage of doctors as it is. Are we going to compound that shortage by even one doctor due to a false accusation. I hope this stops yesterday!
Medical organizations, such as the AMA, were created to eliminate the competition. The organization of the AMA and their collaboration with the government led to the laws that outlawed all natural medicine. Boards of medicine were originally designed to do what you suggest. But they are now arms of the government as well, with the goal, also, of eliminating the competition. We bring in foreign doctors to use as slave labor in medical schools, residencies, and hospitals. But as the numbers of doctors increase, they have to be weeded out to keep the competition down. It’s all a racket. Until the human being, especially here in America, goes back to honoring virtue instead of value, I don’t see a change taking place. Most of the doctors you mention were probably old school, compassionate types. Now the new doctors have different goals. And they have a hard time practicing medicine. If it doesn’t show up in the lab work, they can’t diagnose or treat. It really has become a horrible state. And I don’t see it changing. That’s why I’m trying to teach people how to be their own physician. After all, our dependence on doctors just started about 50 years ago. Before that, people hardly needed a doctor. That is how it should be.
Dr. Cheek, this question is not related to the work you do with Doctors of Courage, but I’d like to ask it anyway. Right now with this triple threat of Covid, flu, and RSV the hospitals are at 80 percent capacity. On the news the “experts” are saying that they have pre hired (soon after the end of first Covid outbreak) nurses and doctors because they assumed there would be another pandemic caused by Covid or a similar illness. My question is this, do you think they hired a bunch of doctors and nurses from overseas? Did they go to countries like India or some of the African continent countries like Kenya? If that is what they did do you personally think the quality of health care will not meet US standards because of under qualified staff? I know this is not your area of expertise right now, but I’d still like to know if you’ve heard rumors or maybe even experienced something. You mentioned you “take care of your husband.” I took that to mean he’s unfortunately not totally healthy so maybe you are involved more extensively with the heath care system than most people. I’m sorry to ask these questions but I’ve got some medical issues that at the completion of my last emergency room visit the doctor told me that when I have attacks I need to come to an emergency room and get my breathing back to normal and then probably go home that day. I have COPD. I’m not asking for medical advice and would not take any answer to be advice. I’m just asking if you’ve heard things that the average person may not have heard. I’m concerned that if I have an attack and go to the wrong emergency room and get the wrong doctor I may get totally different opinions. My primary agreed with the emergency room doctor. I’m not looking for free medical advice, as I feel my doctors have me on a good program but I’m told that I will occasionally have attacks and I simply need to seek out help. That’s my plan. So again not asking for advice, I guess I’m asking for that old water cooler talk, otherwise know as rumors. Do you trust the quality of the current staff in the average emergency room? If not do you have any ideas of alternative methods for any person with COPD to stop a breathing attack? If you don’t feel comfortable answering these questions I understand. I have, simply put, become concerned with who may be treating me at any given time. I’ve learned to trust your opinion on things and I’m asking for that, your opinion. Oh, and I have the ability to either seek out VA treatment of Medicare (WellCare). I have drifted toward Medicare. But the VA does offer some treatments that Medicare doesn’t because I’m a service connected disabled veteran. Do you have, again a personal not medical, opinion on which you’d seek out given the option. My experience with the VA has been spotty. Sometimes I rated the service as outstanding and other times as scary. They did a surgery on my C4 and it went great. They brought in a surgeon that taught at Stanford. I never actually met him. My VA surgeon was the go between. On the morning of my surgery I was out cold and he came in and did the surgery and went back into the phone booth and changed back into his teaching clothes I suppose. But I was told by everyone involved that I was very fortunate to have had him as he was considered a great surgeon. When I had my pace maker put in the VA paid a civilian facility to do the surgery and again all went well. For my first battery replacement it was done at the army hospital and I swear they treated me like I was some sort of VIP or something. Very professional and very kind to my entire family. A matter of fact they were so nice to my family that although this is a minor procedure my family started getting nervous thinking I was much more sick than they thought. When I saw my wife, daughter and grandchildren they had this look of concern on their faces. I had to calm them down. It was kind of funny. I didn’t find out until my wife told me at a later date why they had become so nervous. The army was just too nice to them! I still laugh at the thought. For the bad sides of the VA, my last doctor was dismissed by the VA and lost his license to practice. Him and I had become friendly so he called me and told me they had offered him an administrative job not seeing patients. When he declined he was fired and then lost his license. I don’t know the entire story. After him I’ve gotten several primary’s and none spoke enough English that I’d want them to even mow my lawn let alone be my doctor. My wife speaks English as a second language so I’m comfortable having to wade through those waters, but these doctors simply could not be understood. Plus they only lasted a few months and poof I’m told by the next one I’m your new primary. As soon as I could I switched to Medicare. Any ideas? I know this is not related to Doctors of Courage but as I said I’ve just become comfortable with your viewpoints. Thank you in advance for the time to read this and for any time invested in thoughts about it. Hope to meet you if you ever come to El Paso. Do you do public speaking engagements? If so how can I get a schedule of your events? I’d be more than willing to travel to San Antonio if necessary. If so, maybe my wife and I can by you lunch or dinner. Give you an ear to discuss that thick mud that you are having to navigate through while your wheels are spinning. But the world needs people like you to bring truth to power. Otherwise that power grows to a point that it can’t be stopped until implodes. I’m growing concerned that our health care system is heading in that direction. I don’t know the answers so I guess I shouldn’t complain. But I do know our health care system is getting worse and not better. We were known and maybe still are as the greatest heath care providers in the world. Are we still? I have my doubts. I think part of the reason things are going downhill is that too many non medical people are being allowed to stick their nose into investigations about medical subjects that they are not educated or trained in. We need to let the medical community police the medical community. Keep politicians and law enforcement out of it. What took you much of your early adult years to learn these people think they can “bull in a china shop” their way through it. As usual, the government is making things worse not better.
I’ll try to answer your questions.
1. The medical profession is going down the tube. Medical schools are Big Pharma schools. They have become totally dependent on reading the lab work. If the problem doesn’t show in the lab, they can’t diagnose. Symptoms of disease mean nothing anymore. Then now they just want to stop the symptoms. Thats what all of the new medicines are doing, where they are using biologicals. The symptoms are turned off, but the disease progresses. The medical schools and big hospitals are bringing in foreign doctors to use as slave labor in their programs and residencies. Then when the doctors set up practices in the US they become targets of the DEA or CMS, to charge, take back everything they were paid in fines, and fill the prison beds. It’s a racket. No one with any intelligence would go into the medical profession today. And we see that in the decreased ability to reason and think in the new doctors. Plus most doctors are now owned by hospitals and are only given 6 minutes per visit with a patient to diagnose and treat. If you haven’t felt like a cow in a chute, you are lucky.
2. I know how to treat COPD so that the person doesn’t have any episodes. But I’m sorry I can’t do that for you. I am unlicensed. And I simply do not recommend anything to a person one-on-one because that could be interpreted as a doctor-patient relationship. Right now the Virginia Board of Medicine has decided to investigate me for even using MD behind my name. I’m ready to take them to court, and do anticipate I will be doing that after they deny the reinstatement of my license in February. They don’t want healing physicians in the profession, as we are competition for their harmful procedures. I don’t mind explaining healing procedures to groups as general information, though. There is no doctor-patient relationship there.
3. I’m not located in San Antonio. I’m in Roanoke, VA. I do speaking engagements, even virtual. I simply require at least 6 people present to conduct one. So if you are interested and can get a group together, or individually on zoom, go to my Author/speaker website, and put in a request for a speaking engagement. I can speak to church groups, PTAs, businesses, Kiwanis, Moose lodges, etc.
Thank you for your helpful input. I knew you were not in San Antonio, I just mentioned it because it’s the closest major city to El Paso. Sorry. For the confusion but it’s difficult to not over explain on line and not under explain. Anyway thank you. I’ll speak to my primary and pain doctor and see if they would be interested in a group meeting or chat. I am.
I was so happy to hear this. Dr August was my doctor for several years and he’s been so good to me and so helpful.
I’m so thankful for this group of attorneys that have fought for him. I think it’s awful how people have targeted him. It cost him so much pain and sorrow. I’m so glad that the charges were completely dismissed.
My question is will he be able to return back to practice? And what will the repercussions be from all of this damage that the media has done? I will say this much he was very careful with my medications for pain he wouldn’t allow me to have certain types of drugs. We found other ways to treat me which made me happy. I wish him the best. I hope restoration and restitution is paid back to him for the loss of his practice and I hope that the whistleblowers lose their jobs.
I’m just so happy that he’s out of that mess. Congratulations Dr August we love you and we’ve been praying for you! Never give up!
One thing that needs to be done is for the media to tell that he’s been found innocent and all charges were dismissed. It’s not right for them to take advantage of a doctor or anyone and smear their name and drag them through the mud. The news media went after Dr. August just like they have been about President Trump. I am seeing more and more people come against others because they don’t like their agenda or maybe they don’t like this or that but it’s got to stop. And the news media owes it to all of his family and to him personally and to we the people who were his patients. We were displaced! I won’t go to West Texas pain management and I could put in here why but I won’t,as well as another pain management company. The only one I would see and will see is if he comes back to practice will be Dr Brian August!
The rule is that once attacked, a doctor does not return to medicine. The Boards of Medicine, which are government entities, will often not restore the doctor’s license. It’s a long crawl uphill. Hopefully Dr. August will be the exception to this rule.
I read his license was temporary suspended by the TX Medical Board. There is no information that he had his license revoked. License had the following information: Expiration Date: 08/31/2022
Current Status: CANC NON-PAYMENT as of 09/09/2023.
There is no new information from the TX Med Board about the charges being dismissed and the temporary suspension being lifted nor Dr August requesting a hearing to request his license suspension being lifted.
I do not know where he is. My guess is he left El Paso.
And these names–are you serious people? This man gave his life for us. He’s the worst VICTIM. When not to be made their pawn, he became their prey. They have called one of the most honest men we know A DRUG DEALER! For most of us our bodies are surgical nightmares beyond repair. But you have the oddity to call yourselves John Doe, Willie Nillie… who’s next pee wee Herman? You’ve already been victimized. They targeted all of us and the worst casualty was our innocent doctor. I’m sorry for the comment but grow up some. He would have never treated you or anyone else with such ill disregard. I’m devastated that so few have responded. A lot of us are dying or in ungodly pain. What more could they do to us? I’ve also been a VICTIM of false prosecution. Four yrs later a judge dismissed over $5000 in fines and realized what happened to me was wrong. That’s 4 yrs. You’re talking about our innocent doctor whom they are trying to give LIFE. I will submit the email tommorrow in prayers for more proactiveness.
Dr August became my doctor in 2013. I was predominantly non-ambulatory at this time as my left side was astronomicaly affected by a faulty vehicle heavy machinery accident on my birthday in 2006. Dr August will always be that doctor patients came from all over the United States to see him all with the utmost of praise for a man who worked triple booked exhausted but steadfast 6 days a wk even to accommodate those from out of town so they could receive care. Dr August is the definition of the hypocratic oath!!! Amazing FACTS that EPIPG had settled in a prior plea agreement to the tune of 750 K. Also 2,929,162 for a group of their doctors for Medicaid fraud as well as other improprieties . Dr August, extremely devout as what we see, as a matter of public record had no part in these prior acts amongst his colleagues. He’s the definition of integrity at its finest. He’s a non-conformist, extremely intelligent and opinionated who was very strict and always adjusted to the letter of the law! Dr August was not the type to fold for threats of prosecutorial misconduct! Constant threats to all in all levels of society of false charges and false imprisonment, many of us from various social economic levels have fallen pray to illegal strong arm tactics!! Amazing just prior to the statute of limitations and with what I’m sure was his integrity in not willing to wrongfully conceded he’s as many fallen VICTIMs. As a patient I now run blood pressures of 179 over 125 ,160 over 116, level 3 crisis hypertension. Not only our doctor but we also as patients, have fallen VICTIM. Sadly enough really to do no harm, it’s not our doctor who didn’t honor his hypocratic oath. It’s our justice system. How many of us have perished or now have permanent damages due your causing us irreversible irreparable harm!
How, Dr Cheek, can we help? We don’t know who his lawyer is. EPIPG is of no help.
I don’t know how to learn who his lawyer is, if you can’t contact Dr. August personally. You might check Facebook or LinkedIn to see if he or a relative is there and communicate with him there. I don’t know if the District Federal Court would give you that informmation, but you might try calling the Clerk of the Court to see.
Thank you so much Dr Cheek. I was informed today to mail it was stated he’s very proactive in answering emails to further let us know how we can help Dr August. I will be sharing any reply. Alot of us haev been calling regularly with no information or response. This seems promising!
I emailed you after receiving this commment plus one other with a different contact email, but never heard back. That’s why the comments have not been posted. But the other email was Let me know which is correct and I’ll modify if needed.
I am Dr. Brian August’s attorney. Yesterday, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas signed an Order dismissing all charges against Dr. August. The Court’s Order was in response to a motion by the government requesting dismissal in light of the Ruan case. The prosecution of Dr. August is over. Many thanks to Linda Cheek, MD for publicizing Dr. August’s plight.
Thank you, Mr. Wisenberg. We are always looking for lawyers who will stand up for doctors being ruthlessly and illegally attacked. If you are one, please contact me so we can chat and get you advertized.
Help me. I was on all these meds plus many many more. I was in bed for 8 years to die. I’m lost in so much pain. Can’t walk or do anything. Can’t find a doctor because on Medicaid. I’m begging please help. My son is the one suffers know his mother will not make it much longer
Hopefully the Supreme Court decision today will free all the doctors charged with violation of the Controlled Substance Act. We need everyone to write to President Biden to get an executive order exonerating all the doctors charged. I will be putting such a letter on Doctorsofcourage soon.
Has anyone heard anything? I have not. My primary care giver is also with EPIPG and I’ve asked the staff and they say they have seen him around but have not heard the outcome. I pray he didn’t feel he had to agree to some deal with the government. He did nothing wrong as far as I know. But the government can put so much pressure on a person they feel they have nothing to gain and everything to lose by fighting. I can’t judge him if he did make a deal but I hope he ends up ok when everything is said and done. My prayers are with him and his son and daughter. My wife and I feel blessed that we had him in our lives for over 10 years. He IS a great doctor!
Nothing yet. Since he was just indicted in May, it will probably be 2023 before anything happens unless he takes a plea. Attacking doctors is job security. The US Attorney offices aren’t in a hurry to go to trial because then they have to work on another physician. So they raid the office, confiscate a room full of charts and other information, and then 6 people spend 2 years sitting in that room going through the charts creating a case and earning their salary. This is why I tell doctors to NOT relinquish their right to a speedy trial. They have a defense automatically while the government has to create their case and they take time to do it.
The trial begins in September 2022
Is he poor? Does he have job? Does he need anything? It’s unfair what they are doing to him
I’m sorry. I can’t answer your questions. And Dr. August has not communicated with us what his situation is.
I saw Dr August for pain management of my osteoarthritis for years. My PCP was Dr Palacios and later Dr Caballero of the same physicians’ group. They are all very competent, ethical and compassionate Drs. in my opinion.
I agree with you, Dr Cheek. These DEA agents Kyle W. Williamson and this new US attorney Ashley C. Hoff want to justify their jobs and positions by trying to get a conviction and trying to look like “heros.” Dr. August is a hero. Ashley C. Hoff and Kyle and the other agents are NOTHING but thieves and enemies of the people who are trying to take everything that compassionate Dr. August has worked for. He has worked longer and has more education to rescue the ailing, desperate and sick and these flunkies want to take it all away. He gave us our lives back. If some junkies betrayed his trust that is on them. Go after them and their family. Every patient I have talked to said “WE ARE NOT CHILDREN and he is not our babysitter.” Is he suppose to hold our little hands and give us our medicine accordingly?. And this healthcare fraud is bs. EVERY SINGLE business has some accounting and billing mistakes, Every single one of them. He is not an accountant or went to school for billing. He is not a greedy man. He wears the same shoes and humble clothes often. Leave him alone and stop declaring war on our doctors. The entire city has lost faith in the DEA because of this injustice. Dr. August is a sweet man. He is a beautiful man. He is a kind man. He is CHRIST-like. What the hell are these DEA demons doing? Right now, I have friends who were his patients who don’t want to live anymore that are up day and night crying and screaming in pain. I have known these people and not seen them once cry in 30 years until NOW.. One friend even wants to shave her head bald because even the long hair that she has tried growing out for decades and so proud literally hurts..She was a very educated professional who had to leave her career because of the severe pain until Dr. August gave her back a decent life. Dr. August actually saved my life, as well and put me on track when no other doctor could. The government is torturing us. Dr August is a HERO not YOU
The problem is, though, that as long as people think drugs cause addiction, the government will attack doctors simply for jobs and money, and the people will incarcerate them. We have to teach the people the truth, and that is want I try to do. As for fraud charges, you are right about mistakes being made in every business. But it is only in medicine that it is a chargable criminal offense and there is no defense. We need to change the Medicare/Medicaid laws to stop this flagrant misuse of the law as well. Doctorsofcourage needs people’s support so we can get the word out to more people. So join us in the fight and help stop this from happening so Dr. August can practice again. And spread the word to his patients.
Guess what. Many of Dr August’s patients are suicidal because of the extreme pain they feel and the other doctors refusing to treat them. The other doctors are just worried about themselves. The patients should sue the DEA. They have devastated our city. Do you expect the pain patients to go to the street.
The government doesn’t care what happens to the patients. In fact, if they are of the “expendable” populations–Medicare, medicaid, uninsured, poor, disabled, elderly–they are happy to see them die. The government is only interested in money and jobs for their agents. If you want to see change, you need to join us and get the word out. I am happy to give virtual talks throughout the area that Dr. August practiced in. Just contact me. My speaker’s website is
All of his patients are not children. We knew what we were doing and the risks involved. We needed medical help and he helped us and had compassion for our aching bodies. Leave Dr. August alone
Yes he is a Good person he was my doctor since 2015..very ki d and prifesional I don’t believe in that cráp Even one of my doctors told me it was Hard for him to make Dr August to prescribe controlled medications to patients that he thought really needed them. I HOPE HE HAS A GOOD is so sad how they can destroy someone’s career and reputation
What gets me is that the prosecutors are calling sweet and caring Dr. August a “serial killer” and putting him within the likes of Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, Richard Ramirez, Jeffrey Dahmer ect. Are we seriously suppose to believe that? They even put their names alongside this garbage., which makes me them loose all faith in them and their credibility completely destroyed. It’s not only what they are doing to him, but the fact that they underestimate our intelligence and education not to see through this sensationalism and attempted muckraking. I feel like they are reaching and so desperate to get a conviction that they go so far as lying. Not only that, calling this case “Operation Murder He Wrote” like this is a tv show or entertaining for them as if they are watching that 1980s Angela Lansbury show or reading the dang National Enquirer to garner support for a lie that they are trying to make a truth. This is not entertainment but a person’s life, an awesome person that has helped so many people for decades.
Don’t even “feel” like the prosecution goes so far as lying. Not only do they lie, but they force their witnesses to commit perjury as well. My nurse was held in a room at the local police station for 6 hours, told that if she didn’t lie, she would go to prison. They do this to everyone. How do you think they get 98% conviction rate?
I miss him desperately. He saved me through many many days of agony and I miss him very much and hope that he’s able to get out of this terrible mess.I hope he will be able to come back into practice and I can see him again
Dr August is a very gentle, thorough and compassionate doctor. I’ve been his patient for over 30 years. He was always strict in prescribing and testing with rules enforced everytime I saw him for my pain management.
I am as shocked as everyone that HE of all doctors be under indictment; I still can’t believe it.
I Pray for Dr August that he be exonerated and soon get his life back, Amen
I will pray for him also he was my fathers in law doctor for so many years i can’t believed what happened.
Does anyone know how Dr. August is doing or heard from him? Just concerned
I have been Dr August patient for some years now. BEST pain management Dr there is. Very strict, urine test every other month. If I complained of something new he ordered MRI, Xray, CT-scan. He never changed prescriptions until he had facts in front of him.
I agree. He is a very strict Dr. Urine test every other month because if we didn’t have the test as scheduled; he would not give the prescription. He will not prescribe meds for no reason.
What else can we do for Dr. August? Call the Whitehouse and write to Biden? Talk to Governor Gregg Abbott? Go to the media? Write letters. Sign the petition. Everyone show up to his trial?
Share what I teach on DoC with everyone in the area. No drug causes addiction. Doctors are convicted because that propaganda has been driven into everyone’s minds. Learn the REAL cause. Schedule me to speak virtually to groups in the area. When you communicate with government, explain that drugs don’t cause addiction. In El Paso, stress that the War on Drugs is the cause of the border problem and we need to legalize all drugs.
Thats is a very good idea
I’ve been a patient for over two years. Dr. August has been 100% professional at all times.
Monthly urine tests for signs of abuse. No increase in dosage for two years. He’s the reason I’ve been able to continue working and being a contributing member of society. This is a disgrace and a total over reach by the federal government. Texas can take care of Texas!
I intend to help and support Dr. August anyway I can.
I agree. I have been with Dr August for years as well. This targeting affects patients! There have to be doctors who can manage these drugs fir people who need them. I know that I cannot lead a normal life without meds. I had to leave teaching because I could mo longer physically handle the work. My family lost my income, now I work 4 hours a day at a call center and even that is in jeopardy. I’m ready to write or call whoever may have influence here.
The main thing you can do is learn the REAL cause of drug abuse, here in a video on the videos page, spread the word, and work to get the CSA (Controlled Substance Act) repealed and all drugs legalized, as drugs don’t cause addiction, and the war on drugs is purely racist and political.
Dr. August is the best Doctor I’ve had since my combat injury while I was in the Army I was medically discharged after 15 years got out in 2019 due to my reconstruction knee surgery and I was under his care even til this current day, I told the VA that he is the best Dr I am honored to have, He is by the book and not only by the book but he cares for the patients especially when I need help during my physical therapy and fighting through the pain I sustained Dr August cared for my health he supports our Veterans of the Military and by far to my opinion is the Best Pain Management Doctor serving El Paso and Veterans. I am deeply honored as a Staff Sergeant while in the Army to a disabled Veteran thankful to be under his care. I was told in the Army I wouldn’t be able to regain strength in my left leg and that the damages of my left knee would never be normal, they were wrong since 2019 to 2021 I have made major improvements on my mobility and strength I went from not being able to ever run to now starting to run again and this is all because of Dr August he helped me with my pain management and was always motivating me to never give up hope and soon I’ll be able to be back on the playing field and sure enough he is right. Again I am US Army Veteran from 2005-2019 like the military says We Stand to Protect our Nation and that’s the same attitude Dr August has a heart of a Soldier and A degree of excellence.
I was a patient of Dr. August for many many many years. He made me get MRI’s and urine tests. Unfortunately, my opiod levels were elevated and he refused to prescribe to me ever again. He doesn’t play games. He has discharged hundreds of patients for the same reason. I was on Medicaid and he never overcharged me. He was always very professional and ethical. When I would ask him to increase my dosage or switch me to a more powerful opiate he refused. Even after berating him and throwing a tantrum he refused. I am thankful that he saved my life in the decade I knew him. . Those people who died were probably getting more from the side or from the streets. I am so sorry this happened to him. I think his charges are politically motivated as well and stem from his personal beliefs that the pandemic was done on purpose. This is also a witch hunt and a tragedy. And I speaking as someone who almost hated him and left him childish, stupid and bad reviews because he refused to prescribe me any more opiates.
You need to offer yourself as a defense witness.
You don’t think I am scared. Look what they are doing to him. Look what they do to hundreds of innocent people on Texas death row
Why would you be scared to testify for him in court? Who are you afraid of?
You don’t have anything to be scared of, unless in the course of your treatment, or since then you have done drugs off of the street.
I’ve been a patient of Dr. Augusts for many years. I’m also a Nurse and I work at a drug and alcohol detox center. On top of that I have 22 years of recovery! I wholeheartedly agree with you
Dr. Cheek. I’ve already offered to be a character witness. I have so many accolades for Dr. August, from a medical and personal perspective. For now I’ll simply say, God bless this man for all of his compassion, expertise, understanding and support.
Let’s hope he doesn’t take a plea, and the court doesn’t limit his witnesses, and he is able to get a good lawyer and get acquitted. Prayers!
How do you contact Dr. August’s defense team to be a character witness? Thank you
Never pay with Medicaid or Medicare. Docs who prescribe need to be paid in cash. Full Stop. Oh, that is because there are huge data bases like the one Pro Publica has at their site, which will reveal all the drugs prescribed and paid for by the two Federal programs. The DEA uses lists like the one from Pro Publica and their own data ( PDMP’s )to flesh out the top prescribers and then search and/or arrest them. Keep your data to yourselves, yo
So what happens to the patients looking for there meds this coming month!
You go to the street and get fentanyl-laced pills with the possibility of death. Part of the government agenda to get rid of the expendable population. This is part of the US government “Hitlerism” that AG Garland needs to be aware of (if he isn’t already). Sign our petitions that are listed on the top menu and join DoC as a supporting member if you want to see change in this agenda. We hold the key to success, if people would just learn it and accept it. But, sadly, for the most part, CPPS that hold the strings on getting anything accomplished are only interested in finding another sucker doctor willing to prescribe and lose their life, livelihood, and family.
Right now the DEA, CBP, and local LEO’s in El Paso have had a lot of problems with pills on the street that look like Oxycodone and Oxycontin that are actually Fentanyl, and they dose themselves as they believe they are that based off of the looks of the pills, and end up ODing on Fentanyl.
That’s the problem across the country, and it is all because of the CSA. We need to get the CSA repealed, and a lot of problems will be solved, including the border problem. So people in El Paso need to get me scheduled to speak virtually to groups to get the truth out to the people to invoke change.
Dr Cheek, how do we get you to El Paso? Dr. August is not this kind of doctor, he is not reckless, he is not careless… he’s a good man..
My suggestion, since this is early in the game, is that you have me speak virtually to groups in the area so that people learn the truth about what is happening and what needs to be done. Then we can work on things in the future when they come up. My being there physically at this point would not do any more than virtual exposure. Go to my speakers website,, and fill out a contact us page. Email me at and I’ll send you a speaker one sheet that you can send by email to groups, organizations, businesses in the area to have me as a speaker.
The DEA has pulled his DEA# he has no way to prescribe controlled medications. Anyone seeing him for controlled pain meds will have to find a new Doctor. They will have to find a new Doctor pronto, before they start going into withdrawals. He can still practice as a doctor for non-controlled medications/treatments.
He had his medical license REVOKED! Great doctor but he can’t practice his profession right now. If Americans would stop killing themselves with drugs then wonderful doctors like Dr. August would not be targeted by the government. He didn’t do anything wrong. Look at the five people he’s charged with overdosing and chances are that they are the culprits. Take these dangerous medications the way they are prescribed or they can kill you. I’ve taken opioids since 2004 and my has taken them since 2006 and neither of us has had an incident that would cause concern. We take what is prescribed and NO MORE. Do that and doctors like him will not have their lives destroyed by an overreaching government. Politicians have to pretend they are doing something so they put pressure on DEA to make arrests. The more newsworthy the arrest the better. So why not go after pain management doctors. Hell they are a gift that keeps on giving. My new pain management doctor has said flat out that he’s not going to be the next Dr. August. So the wife and I are taking drug test monthly (every 3 with Dr. August) and they actually make us bring our opioid pill bottles to our appointments and they count our pills. I feel like a child. Plus Walgreens treats me like a potential criminal every month. “Hello Mr. customer, put your hands in the air and wait for the police!” New price of taking my medications. Hell when I went through the VA IT WENT FROM MAILING ME MY MEDS MONTHLY WITHOUT SEEING MY DOC TO FRISKING ME AT THE DOOR!!!
Doing what they are doing won’t stop them being the next target. But surprisingly doctors are so naive to think that if they do certain things they will be safe from attack. WRONG! Just doing drug screens every month can get charges of insurance fraud for unnecessary testing. You need to tell your doctor to join Doctorsofcourage. We will have courses in the future to teach doctors how to try to protect themselves if they really want to prescribe controlled substances.
Thank you for the advice. I will tell him. If you’d like his contact information let me know. He’s a great doctor. Like Dr. August he is a caring doctor. His staff is outstanding as well. He accepts Dr. August’s patients so long as they have MRIs or other proof that a pain doctor is required. The office simply requested my wife and my records from Dr. August office and we are fine. He did change my wife to a different opioid so that two members of the same household are not taking the same meds. She gets the same dose of the new med as if she were taking the morphine.
If you can share his contact information, I would love to have it. You can send it via a reply here but I won’t post it.
Hope he is interested in your fine organization. I read what the government did to you. Honest to the man upstairs it’s horrible! It needs to stop. Doctors who are dedicating their lives and profession’s to help those in pain should be admired not ridiculed. It’s criminal!!! For doctors to intentionally pick a speciality that requires them to have to listen to those in with a condition that cannot be vanquished. So the pain management doctors job is to hopefully bring the person to literally a livable state. To listen to their complaints and know there’s not much that can be done. Patient after patient. Hour after hour, day after day. This is only rewarding to doctors with a heart the size of texas! Thank you and Dr. August for your loyalty to your patients.
Anyway doctor, god bless and keep up the fight.
For lack of better terms they have to go Doctor shopping. Dr August can technically still work as a Physician, up to or until he is convicted of a felony, which then he would lose his medical license; however the DEA has pulled his DEA # which prevents him from prescribing medications especially controlled substances/opioids. My Dad was suppose to have an appointment with him yesterday and when he either called the office or the office called him. He was told Dr Office was no longer seeing patients, and until the DA’s office and State Attorney collected all of the information and documents he isn’t even allowed in the building.
We go through withdrawals, search for other doctors who are skeptical of taking us on for the same threat they face
I’ve already been turned down by one. There may be serious consequences for those if us who cannot get meds.
They suffer….every pain so-called doctor in ElPaso and Midland that I have talked to, will not prescribe you your medication if you were seeing Dr. August….El Paso pain management clinic stole $450.00 cash from me Knowing that I was needing Opioid pain management….they took my money (that I had saved to find a physician to treat me) sent me to the back room and in 5minutes informed me that they only stick needles in people and that in no way do they treat people with opioid pain management that We’re Dr.August patients…I. Asked why they didn’t explain that to me since they KNEW in advance (they had my charts) that was what they were going to say to me…No insurance, a widower, having to travel from Alpine Texas 6hours, they said that they would ask the manager for a reimbursement, since I stated that would be the honest, professional thing to do…The manager said “no way”. The $450.00 was a “new patient fee” clearly I was not accepted as a patient! It’s time for change…I’m in!
Write up a post about this “clinic” that just does shots and stole $450 from you and send it to me. Are they a hospital-owned clinic? I would love to expose them on DoC for what they are.
Doctor August warned me about El Paso Pain Management clinic when I was his patient. I had to see another doctor when he went out of town and that was his only advice. Don’t go to them they are a scam. Well I had forgotten what he had said after he was arrested and I needed a new doctor. I looked up pain doctors on my phone and booked an appointment. It was them and my wife and I went. They cut our meds in half at first appointment and said we would be switched to shots. No MRIs, or any other tests. Just we are going to start giving you shots. No easing us off meds, 90m morphine a day. Just half dose for one month, then zero! Fortunately we found a caring doctor who runs a professional office to replace our dearly missed Dr. August. He is a wonderful doctor who treated my wife and I for over ten years.
They did the same thing to me after waiting 3 hours. He never introduced himself. Threw a box of medicine on my lap to help with withdrawals and told me they would call in a RX as well. Never discussing why I was on the meds in the first place. Told me I had to go to physical therapy…..which I can’t do without pain meds. Even then almost impossible to do. I tried explaining that I have Chronic AS and that’s why I was on meds. Told me sorry. They don’t prescribe opiates. They do injections in the spinal canal. I told him that wasn’t an option. I don’t think he knew or cared. He made it clear that he didn’t like Dr. August. That he was old school and refused to conform to new treatments. Also that he wasn’t following protocol or he wouldn’t be in the mess he was in. I was livid. I got up and left. The next Dr. Left me on my meds but I wasn’t on the full dose. So they were giving me one rx to get me to the full dose and then were going to change what I was taking. I’ve been on Fentanyl for 10 years. If it’s not broken why change it. None of them wanted my medical records. 3rd times a charm and I found a great new doctor who has kept me on my dose. Has order updated X-rays and CT scans. Checked my blood work from my chemo every 4 weeks. He has offered the injections but he’s not forcing me to get them. I’m in and out of the office in an hour and I’ve even had to reschedule at the last minute due to illness and was able to get in in a couple of days. Checks my urine every 4 weeks. Hard to compare the 2 Drs. Dr Augusts practice had a lot of problems with office staff. His billing is 3rd party. If a RX is prescribed he can’t guarantee that person is going to be responsible and take it as it’s prescribed. Even if he was testing them there are ways around it depending on where they go. People know how to play the system. They know how much to take so their test will be within normal range. What we don’t know is if these people took more because they were in pain or were they actually prescribed a higher dose taken more frequently. These things will come out at the trial which by the way is supposed to begin this month April 2022. And those who are saying drugs don’t cause addiction need their head examined. Like I said I’m on Fentanyl patch. I am definitely addicted to it and will have withdrawals. Someone else mentioned to hurry up and find a Dr so get a refill so they wouldn’t have withdrawals. You can only have withdrawals if you are addicted. That has nothing to do with over prescribing or the government. Legalizing all drugs will only help us not have to get a rx for them. Dr. August reduced my meds for fear it would cause a conflict with the patch. He was always very personable and knew me. If my husband wasn’t with me he asked how he was. He always shared his points of view on various topics but I never felt like I had to agree with them or not. I know he was a part of or even a member of the New World Order. But he never tried to recruit us. It was always about the science that was out their. At least that was my experience.
Sorry, but you don’t understand what addiction actually is. You equate addiction with dependence, and they are entirely different. You need to get behind Doctorsofcourage and support us if you want to have any opioids in the future. And you need to take my course and learn the truth, not continue with government propaganda.
This is My dilemma too….A sad state of affairs….
I am a disabled veteran and a patient of Dr. August for over a year now and their is no doubt in my mind the real enemy is the United States Department of Justice and I think a civil war is in the making. Dr. August only prescribes opioids to patients with justifiable medical conditions and in his 30 years not one malpractice complaint was ever filed which says a lot. This is nothing but Government control justified by the alleged opioid pandemic that ultimately causes patients to suffer because doctors are afraid to prescribe opioids. I therefore support armed Americans to rise up and meet this threat to our right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness by force.
The department of justice and FBI have been weaponized by the Bolshevik’s that are trying to ruin our Country.
it is the usual playbook and the 5 deaths triggered. Not sure he is employed either.
I have seen Dr. August for multiple chronic incurable conditions. Our appointments are thorough and if I complain of new pains, imaging is done prior to any medication changes. I had seen two other pain doctors in the area. One wanted to inject each large joint with steroids. The charge master for that would have been astronomical and it must be done regularly. Another pain doc in the area was ready to provide hydrocodone and oxy without any imaging. Btw, I have had back and knee surgery so my pain will be lifelong but Dr. August was improving my quality of life. My medical team is comprised of a rheumatologist, neurologist, orthopedic surgeon, gastroenterologist and an internist. Going on this type of treatment leaves me, as a patient, with some responsibility, to include taking my medication as prescribed. Just like any other prescription, it is up to the patient to follow instructions. For example, insulin is not controlled but if a patient takes too much, that could kill them too. Where does it stop. As patients we must accept responsibility as well. Dr. August sent me for random drug screens to make sure 1. I am taking my pills and 2. I’m not taking anything that would cause an adverse reaction. He doesn’t mess around with the rules. The feds have now caused a severe interruption in care and unfortunately some patients may turn to the black market for relief and they will be playing “Russian Roulette” with potential fentanyl overdoses. This was not thought through. I still support you, Dr. August- innocent until proven guilty. I wouldv gladly be a character witness.