Doctors of Courage Responds to Pain Warrior, David E. Smith’s Powerful Reflection on Human Rights Champions, Narxcare, PDMP, Human Worth, and His Lawsuit Against the U.S. Government

Doctors of Courage Responds to Pain Warrior, David E. Smith’s Powerful Reflection on Human Rights Champions, Narxcare, PDMP, Human Worth, and His Lawsuit Against the U.S. Government

David E. Smith has emerged as a true hero in the ongoing battle for justice, particularly for chronic pain patients, as he stands up to the might of U.S. government agencies. Following in the footsteps of human rights champions like Zena D. Crenshaw-Logal Esq., Smith...
I Am Soooo Embarrassed!

I Am Soooo Embarrassed!

How could this happen?  I’ve always tried to keep Doctorsofcourage up to date! And then this week, working on the communication campaign for getting the House flipped so that we can get freedom from government overreach recognized and have laws changed, I found out...
The Bait of Satan Must End

The Bait of Satan Must End

We are supposed to be a nation who believes in God—the one true God—but as a nation and as individuals, we don’t follow His instructions. That has led us down a dark path (the bait of Satan) and God is not with us. I’m not just pointing a finger, because I am also...
Meeting With Your Legislator

Meeting With Your Legislator

The chronic pain patient that responded to my call to action about our communicatiion campaign sent me a wonderful email on how she suggests to others how to go about communicating with legislators. Her general comments about communicating can be found in the post...
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