Invitation to Clubhouse

Invitation to Clubhouse

I’ve given up on pain patients and doctors. They won’t learn what is necessary to stop the attacks on opioids. So I’m going to reach out to the general population through the social media, Clubhouse. I am starting a weekly meeting room on Clubhouse called “End the War...
Zena Crenshaw-Logal, JD  In Memoriam

Zena Crenshaw-Logal, JD In Memoriam

We mourn the loss of a warrior for Justice. With heavy heart we say goodbye to her and promise that we will commit ourselves to keep working on the path she charted.  I know, if you are familiar with our work with AUI (American United International) and Dr. Z, that...
Notice to Attacked Medical Providers

Notice to Attacked Medical Providers

I am updating posts on attacke medical providers that have been on since our creation in 2016.  Some of these providers have been sentenced, went to prison and are now free to join the fight.  But they haven’t.  Some were even lucky enough to be...
Systemic Racism in Pain Management

Systemic Racism in Pain Management

On November 6, 2020, an article by Malini Ghoshal, Hanna Shapiro, Knox Todd, and Michael E. Schatman was published in the Journal of Pain Research. In the article, they point out the blatant discrimination against Blacks, Indians, and People of Color (BIPOC) who seek...
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