STARS in Their Eyes: How Blue Cross Blue Shield Turns Predictive Policing Artificial Intelligence into a Profitable Pseudoscience

STARS in Their Eyes: How Blue Cross Blue Shield Turns Predictive Policing Artificial Intelligence into a Profitable Pseudoscience

Move over fortune-tellers and crystal balls, Independence Blue Cross (IBC) has unveiled its own form of modern-day soothsaying with their STARS and STAR Sentinel artificial intelligence systems. These AI tools promise to root out fraud and waste in healthcare, but a...
When Doing Your Best Isn’t Enough: How the Sixth Circuit Ignored Justice Breyer’s Final Ruling in the Conviction of Dr. Suetholz

When Doing Your Best Isn’t Enough: How the Sixth Circuit Ignored Justice Breyer’s Final Ruling in the Conviction of Dr. Suetholz

Ah, Justice Breyer. His farewell decision in Xiulu Ruan v. United States was hailed as a triumph for reason in an era of madness, giving doctors the breathing room to, you know, actually practice medicine without constantly fearing the government’s pitchforks. A...
Adrian Talbot, M.D.

Adrian Talbot, M.D.

United States v Talbot: A Veteran’s Battle with Injustice in the Age of 5th Generation Non-Kinetic Warfare In a poignant and distressing tale, the life of Dr. Adrian Talbot, a distinguished U.S. Navy veteran and dedicated addiction medicine physician, serves as...
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