Letter from Paul Volkman, MD

Letter from Paul Volkman, MD

DoC’s note: On Thanksgiving Day Dr. Paul H. Volkman wrote this letter to the supposed “victims” of his government-created “crime” of appropriate medical care. November 22, 2018 Paul H. Volkman 19519-424 I-2, USP Coleman 2 Letter to my “victims”: As you...
Richard Stehl, MD

Richard Stehl, MD

Richard Stehl, MD, an internist in Montgomery, AL, was arrested August 9, 2018. He was escorted out of his practice in handcuffs and taken to jail. The law that the DEA complained about on 60 minutes, stating it “tied their hands behind their back”, prevents them from...
Fuhai Li, MD

Fuhai Li, MD

Dr. Fuhai Li, 53, of Milford, PA was convicted June 5, 2018 for doing his job by another falsely-led naïve jury.  When is this illegal government overreach into medicine going to stop?  People have to understand that, as long as the federal government creates crime to...
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