Wallace Anderson, DO

Wallace Anderson, DO

Nothing has changed with the Ruan/Kahn decision. And no one is interested in what will get the CSA repealed.  So the misery will not only continue, but get worse. Wallace Steven Anderson, DO, 68, of Douglas, Ga., was sentenced to 5 years in prison after pleading...
Marc Laruelle, MD

Marc Laruelle, MD

The DOJ is not going to listen to the SCOTUS decision of Ruan/Kahn. They never have, and they never will. The only way to free doctors and get pain management back is to learn what I teach—the REAL cause of addiction. Here is a case to prove my point. Marc Laruelle,...
Feedback on Clubhouse room

Feedback on Clubhouse room

Before getting into the feedback and my responses, l need to explain the purpose and expectation of the “End the War on Drugs” room on Clubhouse. First, please don’t expect to get the answer in just a one hour dialogue. If it was that easy, more people would...
David Jankowski, DO

David Jankowski, DO

On July 11, 2022, two weeks after the 9-0 decision by the Supreme Court for Drs. Ruan and Kahn, 62 y.o. osteopathic physician David Jankowski was convicted on thirty charges of “unlawful” distribution of Schedule II, III and IV controlled substances and health care...
James Maccarone, DO

James Maccarone, DO

James Maccarone, DO, an internist and certified pain management specialist in Clarksville, Tenn., pleaded guilty January 26, 2022 to conspiring to illegally distribute drugs. Dr. Maccarone owned and operated Gateway Medical Associates in Clarksville, Tenn., a pain...
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