So now let’s look at the DEA Production Quota reductions over the last 12 years.  The DEA has a chart of production quotas from 2012 to 2022 HERE.   Below, I have shortened the chart to opioids that are pertinent for pain patients.  Let’s do some analysis of the reductions made.


Controlled Substance 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Codeine (conversion) 65000.000 81250.000 68750.000 50000.000 50000.000 40000.000 13536.000 12900.000 3225.000 1612.500 1,364.981 1,085.024 942.452
Codeine (sale) 39605.000 49506.250 46125.000 63900.000 63900.000 45000.000 36114.260 36114.260 35341.292 27616.684 22,260.178 21,003.397 19,262.957
Fentanyl 1428.000 2108.750 2108.750 2300.000 2300.000 1350.000 1342.320 1185.000 934.956 731.452 691.51 731.452 731.360
Hydrocodone (conversion 1,250.000 1,250.000 1,250.000
Hydrocodone (sale) 79700.000 99625.000 99625.000 99625.000 86000.000 51900.000 43027.640 43027.640 33997.285 30821.224 29,599.888 27,239.822 27,143.545
Hydromorphone 4207.000 6750.000 6750.000 7000.000 7000.000 5140.800 4547.720 4071.000 3512.651 2743.101 2,097.255 1,994.117 1,951.801
Marihuana 21.000 21.000 650.000 658.000 658.000 472.000 1140.216 2450.000 3200.000 2000.000 3,200.000 6,675.000 6,675.000
Methadone 23100.000 33125.000 31875.000 31875.000 31875.000 23700.000 22278.000 22278.000 25619.700 25619.700 25,619.700 25,619.700 25,619.700
Methadone Intermediate 29970.000 40500.000 38875.000 34375.000 34375.000 28700.000 24064.000 24064.000 27673.600 27673.600 27,673.600 27,673.600 27,673.600
Morphine (conversion) 83000.000 91250.000 91250.000 91250.000 91250.000 27300.000 4089.000 4089.000 3376.696 3376.696 2,584.860 2,458.460 2,393.200
Morphine (sale) 48200.000 61125.000 62500.000 62500.000 62500.000 35000.000 29353.676 29353.676 33756.703 26505.995 22,525.461 21,747.625 20,805.957
Noroxymorphone (conversion) 7200.000 9000.000 17500.000 17500.000 17500.000 17700.000 17804.670 19169.340 22044.741 22044.741 22,044.741 22,044.741 22,044.741
Noroxymorphone (sale) 1,981.00 1262.500 1262.500 1475.000 875.000 400.000 376.000 376.000 376.000 376.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Oxycodone (conversion) 7,600.00 10250.000 9250.000 8350.000 5000.000 2610.000 2453.400 2081.000 725.998 620.887 519.061 437.827 437.827
Oxycodone (sale) 105,200.00 153750.000 149375.000 141375.000 139150.000 101500.000 79596.606 79596.606 65667.554 57110.032 54,003.559 53,840.608 53,658.226
Oxymorphone (conversion) 12,800.00 18375.000 25000.000 29000.000 25000.000 23000.000 20962.000 24525.540 28204.371 28204.371 28,204.371 28,204.371 28.204.371
Oxymorphone (sale) 5,500.00 7000.000 7750.000 7750.000 6250.000 3600.000 3137.240 2880.000 658.515 563.174 516.469 516.351 464.464

Graph of overdose deaths 2012-2020


As you can see, production quotas were increased from 2012 to 2013. Then from that point on, they have been continuously decreased.  Below the chart I have elongated the graph of overdose deaths for comparison.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to evaluate the data. When you compare the graph above with the individual quota decreases in the years as shown below, you will see that during the years 2015-2017, when the graph shows the sudden increase in deaths, it was the greatest production decrease in opioids generally prescribed to pain patients (Hydrocodone, Fentanyl, Morphine, Oxycodone).

Then again, from 2019-2020 the decrease was again larger, and we have the highest jump in overdoses.  What part of this does the government not understand?  Or is it part of their agenda?

Here are the total changes in percentage from 2012 to 2024:

Controlled Substance 2013 (in kg) 2024 (in kg) difference (in kg)) % change
Codeine (conversion) 81250.000 942.452 -80307.548 -99
Codeine (sale) 49506.250 19,262.957 -30243.293 -61
Fentanyl 2108.750 731.360 -1377.390 -65
Hydrocodone (conversion 1,250.000 1250.000 0
Hydrocodone (sale) 99625.000 27,143.545 -72481.455 -73
Hydromorphone 6750.000 1,951.801 -4798.199 -71
Marihuana 21.000 6,675.000 6654.000 31,685
Methadone 33125.000 25,619.700 -7505.300 -23
Methadone Intermediate 40500.000 27,673.600 -12826.400 -32
Morphine (conversion) 91250.000 2,393.200 -88856.800 -97
Morphine (sale) 61125.000 20,805.957 -40319.043 -66
Noroxymorphone (conversion) 9000.000 22,044.741 13044.741 145
Noroxymorphone (sale) 1262.500 1.000 -1261.500 -99.9
Oxycodone (conversion) 10250.000 437.827 -9812.173 -96
Oxycodone (sale) 153750.000 53,658.226 -100091.774 -65
Oxymorphone (conversion) 18375.000 28,204.37 9829.371 53
Oxymorphone (sale) 7000.000 464.464 -6535.536 -93

So since 2013, we have lost from 60% to 99% of our opioids used for pain. And the DEA continues to lower the quotas and will continue to do so. Does this make you mad enough to get on board what will end this? We must get the CSA repealed and legalize all drugs.  The DEA is simply working to legitimize their existence.


Here are the Year to Year Changes:


Controlled Substance  2012 (in kg) 2013 (in kg) difference (in kg)) % change
Codeine (conversion) 65000.000 81250.000 16250.000 25
Codeine (sale) 39605.000 49506.250 9901.250 25
Fentanyl 1428.000 2108.750 680.750 48
Hydrocodone (sale) 79700.000 99625.000 19925.000 25
Hydromorphone 4207.000 6750.000 2543.000 60
Marihuana 21.000 21.000 0.000 0
Methadone 23100.000 33125.000 10025.000 43
Methadone Intermediate 29970.000 40500.000 10530.000 35
Morphine (conversion) 83000.000 91250.000 8250.000 10
Morphine (sale) 48200.000 61125.000 12925.000 27
Noroxymorphone (conversion) 7200.000 9000.000 1800.000 25
Noroxymorphone (sale) 1,981.00 1262.500 -718.500 -36
Oxycodone (conversion) 7,600.00 10250.000 2650.000 35
Oxycodone (sale) 105,200.00 153750.000 48550.000 46
Oxymorphone (conversion) 12,800.00 18375.000 5575.000 44
Oxymorphone (sale) 5,500.00 7000.000 1500.000 27


Controlled Substance  2013 (in kg) 2014 (in kg) difference (in kg)) % change
Codeine (conversion) 81250.000 68750.000 -12500.000 -15
Codeine (sale) 49506.250 46125.000 -3381.250 -7
Fentanyl 2108.750 2108.750 0.000 0
Hydrocodone (sale) 99625.000 99625.000 0.000 0
Hydromor-phone 6750.000 6750.000 0.000 0
Marihuana 21.000 650.000 629.000 30
Methadone 33125.000 31875.000 -1250.000 -4
Methadone Intermediate 40500.000 38875.000 -1625.000 -4
Morphine (conversion) 91250.000 91250.000 0.000 0
Morphine (sale) 61125.000 62500.000 1375.000 2
Noroxymorphone (conversion) 9000.000 17500.000 8500.000 94
Noroxymorphone (sale) 1262.500 1262.500 0.000 0
Oxycodone (conversion) 10250.000 9250.000 -1000.000 -10
Oxycodone (sale) 153750.000 149375.000 -4375.000 -3
Oxymorphone (conversion) 18375.000 25000.000 6625.000 36
Oxymorphone (sale) 7000.000 7750.000 750.000 1


Controlled Substance  2014 (in kg) 2015 (in kg) difference (in kg)) % change
Codeine (conversion) 68750.000 50000.000 -18750.000 -3
Codeine (sale) 46125.000 63900.000 17775.000 39
Fentanyl 2108.750 2300.000 191.250 9
Hydrocodone (sale) 99625.000 99625.000 0.000 0
Hydromor-phone 6750.000 7000.000 250.000 4
Marihuana 650.000 658.000 8.000 1
Methadone 31875.000 31875.000 0.000 0
Methadone Intermediate 38875.000 34375.000 -4500.000 -12
Morphine (conversion) 91250.000 91250.000 0.000 0
Morphine (sale) 62500.000 62500.000 0.000 0
Noroxymor-phone (conversion) 17500.000 17500.000 0.000 0
Noroxymor-phone (sale) 1262.500 1475.000 212.500 17
Oxycodone (conversion) 9250.000 8350.000 -900.000 -10
Oxycodone (sale) 149375.000 141375.000 -8000.000 -5
Oxymorphone (conversion) 25000.000 29000.000 4000.000 16
Oxymorphone (sale) 7750.000 7750.000 0.000 0


Controlled Substance  2015 (in kg) 2016 (in kg) difference (in kg)) % change
Codeine (conversion) 50000.000 50000.000 0.000 0
Codeine (sale) 63900.000 63900.000 0.000 0
Fentanyl 2300.000 2300.000 0.000 0
Hydrocodone (sale) 99625.000 86000.000 -13625.000 -14
Hydromor-phone 7000.000 7000.000 0.000 0
Marihuana 658.000 658.000 0.000 0
Methadone 31875.000 31875.000 0.000 0
Methadone Intermediate 34375.000 34375.000 0.000 0
Morphine (conversion) 91250.000 91250.000 0.000 0
Morphine (sale) 62500.000 62500.000 0.000 0
Noroxymor-phone (conversion) 17500.000 17500.000 0.000 0
Noroxymor-phone (sale) 1475.000 875.000 -600.000 -40
Oxycodone (conversion) 8350.000 5000.000 -3350.000 -40
Oxycodone (sale) 141375.000 139150.000 -2225.000 -16
Oxymorphone (conversion) 29000.000 25000.000 -4000.000 -14
Oxymorphone (sale) 7750.000 6250.000 -1500.000 -19


Controlled Substance  2016 (in kg) 2017 (in kg) difference (in kg)) % change
Codeine (conversion) 50000.000 40000.000 -10000.000 -20
Codeine (sale) 63900.000 45000.000 -18900.000 -30
Fentanyl 2300.000 1350.000 -950.000 -40
Hydrocodone (sale) 86000.000 51900.000 -34100.000 -40
Hydromor-phone 7000.000 5140.800 -1859.200 -27
Marihuana 658.000 472.000 -186.000 -28
Methadone 31875.000 23700.000 -8175.000 -26
Methadone Intermediate 34375.000 28700.000 -5675.000 -17
Morphine (conversion) 91250.000 27300.000 -63950.000 -70
Morphine (sale) 62500.000 35000.000 -27500.000 -44
Noroxymor-phone (conversion) 17500.000 17700.000 200.000 1
Noroxymor-phone (sale) 875.000 400.000 -475.000 -54
Oxycodone (conversion) 5000.000 2610.000 -2390.000 -48
Oxycodone (sale) 139150.000 101500.000 -37650.000 -27
Oxymorphone (conversion) 25000.000 23000.000 -2000.000 -8
Oxymorphone (sale) 6250.000 3600.000 -2650.000 -42


Controlled Substance  2017 (in kg) 2018 (in kg) difference (in kg)) % change
Codeine (conversion) 40000.000 13536.000 -26464.000 -66
Codeine (sale) 45000.000 36114.260 -8885.740 -20
Fentanyl 1350.000 1342.320 -7.680 -0.5
Hydromor-phone 51900.000 43027.640 -8872.360 -17
Marihuana 5140.800 4547.720 -593.080 -11
Methadone 472.000 1140.216 668.216 142
Methadone Intermediate 23700.000 22278.000 -1422.000 -6
Morphine (conversion) 28700.000 24064.000 -4636.000 -16
Morphine (sale) 27300.000 4089.000 -23211.000 -85
Noroxymor-phone (conversion) 35000.000 29353.676 -5646.324 -16
Noroxymor-phone (sale) 17700.000 17804.670 104.670 0.5
Oxycodone (conversion) 400.000 376.000 -24.000 -6
Oxycodone (sale) 2610.000 2453.400 -156.600 -6
Oxymorphone (conversion) 101500.000 79596.606 -21903.394 -21
Oxymorphone (sale) 23000.000 20962.000 -2038.000 -9
3600.000 3137.240 -462.760 -13


Controlled Substance  2018 (in kg) 2019 (in kg) difference (in kg)) % change
Codeine (conversion) 13536.000 12900.000 -636.000 -5
Codeine (sale) 36114.260 36114.260 0.000 0
Fentanyl 1342.320 1185.000 -157.320 -12
Hydrocodone (sale) 43027.640 43027.640 0.000 0
Hydromor-phone 4547.720 4071.000 -476.720 -10
Marihuana 1140.216 2450.000 1309.784 115
Methadone 22278.000 22278.000 0.000 0
Methadone Intermediate 24064.000 24064.000 0.000 0
Morphine (conversion) 4089.000 4089.000 0.000 0
Morphine (sale) 29353.676 29353.676 0.000 0
Noroxymor-phone (conversion) 17804.670 19169.340 1364.670 8
Noroxymor-phone (sale) 376.000 376.000 0.000 0
Oxycodone (conversion) 2453.400 2081.000 -372.400 -15
Oxycodone (sale) 79596.606 79596.606 0.000 0
Oxymorphone (conversion) 20962.000 24525.540 3563.540 17
Oxymorphone (sale) 3137.240 2880.000 -257.240 -8


Controlled Substance  2019 (in kg) 2020 (in kg) difference (in kg)) % change
Codeine (conversion) 12900.000 3225.000 -9675.000 -75
Codeine (sale) 36114.260 35341.292 -772.968 -2
Fentanyl 1185.000 934.956 -250.044 -21
Hydrocodone (sale) 43027.640 33997.285 -9030.355 -21
Hydromor-phone 4071.000 3512.651 -558.349 -14
Marihuana 2450.000 3200.000 750.000 31
Methadone 22278.000 25619.700 3341.700 15
Methadone Intermediate 24064.000 27673.600 3609.600 15
Morphine (conversion) 4089.000 3376.696 -712.304 -17
Morphine (sale) 29353.676 33756.703 4403.027 15
Noroxymor-phone (conversion) 19169.340 22044.741 2875.401 15
Noroxymor-phone (sale) 376.000 376.000 0.000 0
Oxycodone (conversion) 2081.000 725.998 -1355.002 -65
Oxycodone (sale) 79596.606 65667.554 -13929.052 -17
Oxymorphone (conversion) 24525.540 28204.371 3678.831 15
Oxymorphone (sale) 2880.000 658.515 -2221.485 -77


Controlled Substance  2021 (in kg) 2022 (in kg) difference (in kg)) % change
Codeine (conversion) 3225.000 1612.500 -1612.500 -50
Codeine (sale) 35341.292 27616.684 -7724.608 -22
Fentanyl 934.956 731.452 -203.504 -22
Hydrocodone (sale) 1,250.000 1250.000
Hydromorphone 33997.285 30821.224 -3176.061 -9
Marihuana 3512.651 2743.101 -769.550 -21
Methadone 3200.000 2000.000 -1200.000 -38
Methadone Intermediate 25619.700 25619.700 0.000 0
Morphine (conversion) 27673.600 27673.600 0.000 0
Morphine (sale) 3376.696 3376.696 0.000 0
Noroxymorphone (conversion) 33756.703 26505.995 -7250.708 -21
Noroxymorphone (sale) 22044.741 22044.741 0.000 0
Oxycodone (conversion) 376.000 376.000 0.000 0
Oxycodone (sale) 725.998 620.887 -105.111 -14
Oxymorphone (conversion) 65667.554 57110.032 -8557.522 -13
Oxymorphone (sale) 28204.371 28204.371 0.000 0


Controlled Substance  2021 (in kg) 2022 (in kg) difference (in kg)) % change
Codeine (conversion) 1612.500 1,364.981 -247.519 -15
Codeine (sale) 27616.684 22,260.178 -5356.506 -19
Fentanyl 731.452 691.51 -39.941 -5
Hydrocodone (sale) 1,250.000 1250.000 0
Hydromor-phone 30821.224 29,599.888 -1221.336 -4
Marihuana 2743.101 2,097.255 -645.846 -24
Methadone 2000.000 3,200.000 1200.000 60
Methadone Intermediate 25619.700 25,619.700 0.000 0
Morphine (conversion) 27673.600 27,673.600 0.000 0
Morphine (sale) 3376.696 2,584.860 -791.836 -23
Noroxymor-phone (conversion) 26505.995 22,525.461 -3980.534 -15
Noroxymor-phone (sale) 22044.741 22,044.741 0.000 0
Oxycodone (conversion) 376.000 1.000 -375.000 -99.7
Oxycodone (sale) 620.887 519.061 -101.826 -16
Oxymorphone (conversion) 57110.032 54,003.559 -3106.473 -5
Oxymorphone (sale) 28204.371 28,204.371 0.000 0


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Controlled Substance  2022 (in kg) 2023 (in kg) difference (in kg)) % change
Codeine (conversion) 1,364.981 1,085.024 -279.957 -21
Codeine (sale) 22,260.178 21,003.397 -1256.781 -6
Fentanyl 691.51 731.452 39.941 6
Hydrocodone (conversion 1,250.000 1,250.000 0.000 0
Hydrocodone (sale) 29,599.888 27,239.822 -2360.066 -8
Hydromor-phone 2,097.255 1,994.117 -103.138 -5
Marihuana 3,200.000 6,675.000 3475.000 109
Methadone 25,619.700 25,619.700 0.000 0
Methadone Intermediate 27,673.600 27,673.600 0.000 0
Morphine (conversion) 2,584.860 2,458.460 -126.400 -5
Morphine (sale) 22,525.461 21,747.625 -777.836 -3
Noroxymor-phone (conversion) 22,044.741 22,044.741 0.000 0
Noroxymor-phone (sale) 1.000 1.000 0.000 0
Oxycodone (conversion) 519.061 437.827 -81.234 -16
Oxycodone (sale) 54,003.559 53,840.608 -162.951 -0.3
Oxymorphone (conversion) 28,204.371 28,204.371 0.000 0
Oxymorphone (sale) 516.469 516.351 -0.118 0


Controlled Substance  2023 (in kg) 2024 (in kg) difference (in kg)) % change
Codeine (conversion) 1,085.024 942.452 -142.572 -13
Codeine (sale) 21,003.397 19,262.957 -1740.440 -8
Fentanyl 731.452 731.360 -0.092 -0.01
Hydrocodone (conversion 1,250.000 1,250.000 0.000 0
Hydrocodone (sale) 27,239.822 27,143.545 -96.277 -0.3
Hydromor-phone 1,994.117 1,951.801 -42.316 -2
Marihuana 6,675.000 6,675.000 0.000 0
Methadone 25,619.700 25,619.700 0.000 0
Methadone Intermediate 27,673.600 27,673.600 0.000 0
Morphine (conversion) 2,458.460 2,393.200 -65.260 -2
Morphine (sale) 21,747.625 20,805.957 -941.668 -4
Noroxymor-phone (conversion) 22,044.741 22,044.741 0.000 0
Noroxymor-phone (sale) 1.000 1.000 0.000 0
Oxycodone (conversion) 437.827 437.827 0.000 0
Oxycodone (sale) 53,840.608 53,658.226 -182.382 -0.3
Oxymorphone (conversion) 28,204.371 28.204.371 0.000 0
Oxymorphone (sale) 516.351 464.464 -51.887 -10

Looking at this evaluation, if you still believe in following the CDC rabbit trail, I think your agenda might be suspect. The CDC knows what is going on, and they don’t care.  We have to get the CSA repealed.  Join my ecourse to learn how to get the legislators to understand.

Linda Cheek, MD

About the Author Linda Cheek, MD

Linda Cheek is a teacher and disenfranchised medical doctor, turned activist, author, and speaker. A victim of prosecutorial misconduct and outright law-breaking of the government agencies DEA, DHHS, and DOJ, she hopes to be a part of exonerating all doctors illegally attacked through the Controlled Substance Act. She holds the key to success, as she can offset the government propaganda that drugs cause addiction with the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse.
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