Finally, I want to show the data pertaining to the Presidents through the time frame of 2013 through 2024.  This covers three presidencies—Barack Obama (2013-2017), Donald Trump (2017-2021) and Joseph Biden (2021-2024).  Let me state at the onset, that I am independent.  I swear no allegiance to any political party. I evaluate the person running for office at the time, the needs for the country, and then I make my decision.  So please don’t take my evaluation here as a pro or con any individual.

Barack Obama (2013-2017)

Controlled Substance 2023 (in kg) 2024 (in kg) difference (in kg)) % change
Codeine (conversion) 81250.000 40000.000 -41250.000 -51
Codeine (sale) 49506.250 45000.000 -4506.250 -9
Fentanyl 2108.750 1350.000 -758.750 -36
Hydrocodone (sale) 99625.000 51900.000 -47725.000 -48
Hydromorphone 6750.000 5140.800 -1609.200 -24
Marihuana 21.000 472.000 451.000
Methadone 33125.000 23700.000 -9425.000 -28
Methadone Intermediate 40500.000 28700.000 -11800.000 -29
Morphine (conversion) 91250.000 27300.000 -63950.000 -0.7008219
Morphine (sale) 61125.000 35000.000 -26125.000 -70
Noroxymorphone (conversion) 9000.000 17700.000 8700.000
Noroxymorphone (sale) 1262.500 400.000 -862.500 -68
Oxycodone (conversion) 10250.000 2610.000 -7640.000 -75
Oxycodone (sale) 153750.000 101500.000 -52250.000 -34
Oxymorphone (conversion) 18375.000 23000.000 4625.000
Oxymorphone (sale) 7000.000 3600.000 -3400.000 -49

What we see here is:

  1. Marihuana is accepted as a medically effective drug and production is increased over 2000%.
  2. The highest percentage decreases of all opioids was oxycodone for conversion at 75% decrease and morphine for sale at 70% decrease.
  3. Noroxymorphone for conversion is increased by 97%. Noroxymorphone is an intermediate in the production of narcotic antagonists such as
  4. If you add up all of the negative percentages, you get -522


Donald Trump (2017-2021)

Controlled Substance 2023 (in kg) 2024 (in kg) difference (in kg)) % change
Codeine (conversion) 40000.000 1612.500 -38387.500 -96
Codeine (sale) 45000.000 27616.684 -17383.316 -39
Fentanyl 1350.000 731.452 -618.548 -46
Hydrocodone (sale) 51900.000 30821.224 -21078.776 -41
Hydromorphone 5140.800 2743.101 -2397.699 -47
Marihuana 472.000 2000.000 1528.000
Methadone 23700.000 25619.700 1919.700
Methadone Intermediate 28700.000 27673.600 -1026.400 -4
Morphine (conversion) 27300.000 3376.696 -23923.304 -88
Morphine (sale) 35000.000 26505.995 -8494.005 -24
Noroxymorphone (conversion) 17700.000 22044.741 4344.741
Noroxymorphone (sale) 400.000 376.000 -24.000 -6
Oxycodone (conversion) 2610.000 620.887 -1989.113 -77
Oxycodone (sale) 101500.000 57110.032 -44389.968 -44
Oxymorphone (conversion) 23000.000 28204.371 5204.371
Oxymorphone (sale) 3600.000 563.174 -3036.826 -84

What we see here is:

  1. Fentanyl, hydromorphone, and oxycodone for sale are all almost cut in half.
  2. Opioids used in conversion to other opioids is cut by almost 90%
  3. This is the period where opioids are cut the most.


Joe Biden (2021-2024)

Controlled Substance 2023 (in kg) 2024 (in kg) difference (in kg)) % change
Codeine (conversion) 1612.500 942.452 -670.048 -41
Codeine (sale) 27616.684 19,262.957 -8353.727 -30
Fentanyl 731.452 731.360 -0.092 -0.01
Hydrocodone (conversion 1,250.000 1250.000 0
Hydrocodone (sale) 30821.224 27,143.545 -3677.679 -12
Hydromorphone 2743.101 1,951.801 -791.300 -29
Marihuana 2000.000 6,675.000 4675.000 234
Methadone 25619.700 25,619.700 0.000 0
Methadone Intermediate 27673.600 27,673.600 0.000 0
Morphine (conversion) 3376.696 2,393.200 -983.496 -29
Morphine (sale) 26505.995 20,805.957 -5700.038 -22
Noroxymorphone (conversion) 22044.741 22,044.741 0.000 0
Noroxymorphone (sale) 376.000 1.000 -375.000 -99.7
Oxycodone (conversion) 620.887 437.827 -183.060 -29
Oxycodone (sale) 57110.032 53,658.226 -3451.806 -6
Oxymorphone (conversion) 28204.371 28,204.371 0.000 0
Oxymorphone (sale) 563.174 464.464 -98.710 -18

What we see here is:

  1. The level of reduction is dramatically less, with a total decrease of all opioids being 82% while the two previous administrations were both over 500%, and Trump’s being almost 600%
  2. Still, with almost 4700 complaints to the DEA, they stick to their standard protocol of reducing the controlled drugs as they propose. My prediction is that they intend to eliminate opioids all together, and I believe this will happen by 2030. I especially believe this will happen if Trump succeeds in running again, and wins, as he has been and is the most anti-opioid of all running for President, even saying drug pushers (which includes your doctor) should be sentenced to die.


Overall, however, it really isn’t the President that runs this process. Agencies run the government unfettered and without being held responsible. Even when Judge Kavenaugh was being questioned by Congress, legislators continuously stated this—that they don’t run the government anymore, the agencies do. So this should not be a factor in deciding the next President because it won’t make a difference.  We must…

Do Away with the CSA!

Linda Cheek, MD

About the Author Linda Cheek, MD

Linda Cheek is a teacher and disenfranchised medical doctor, turned activist, author, and speaker. A victim of prosecutorial misconduct and outright law-breaking of the government agencies DEA, DHHS, and DOJ, she hopes to be a part of exonerating all doctors illegally attacked through the Controlled Substance Act. She holds the key to success, as she can offset the government propaganda that drugs cause addiction with the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse.
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