“More than a million high-dose opioid ‘super pills’ are prescribed by doctors every month, creating an opioid epidemic that’s ‘on steroids’.”
This man needs to be fired. New York has been one of the engineers of the gravy train against physicians. Obviously he sees the $$$ and intends to continue the lies to attack doctors. In fact, New York is proceeding with an attack on Perdue for Oxycontin, and obviously Schumer is putting out propaganda so that the attack on Perdue gets public support.
The senator, a lawyer by profession, then states that this dosage is rarely needed in pain management. And where is his license to practice medicine? Oh, that’s right, lawyers in this country can now practice medicine without worry of being attacked by their colleagues in the Department of Justice. They are one big exclusive club protecting each other.
More propaganda using fake news is his comment that:
“Gaining access to these drugs often begins with the stroke of a doctor’s pen, but can lead down a dark and dangerous path that either fuels opioid addiction or results in overdose death.”
Also his statement that the CDC data shows the number one way that people improperly acquire opioids is for free from a friend or relative is also propaganda. The real data shows that most opioids of abuse are now being acquired from the street, not from prescription drugs.
It is important that people who know the truth work to remove self-serving, propaganda-spreading politicians like Mr. Schumer from Congress. If you allow him to stay, then you give your stamp of approval to his lying, propagandizing fake news against legitimate pain management.
The truth is that OxyContin is not the evil drug he paints. In fact, long acting opioids should be an important part of chronic pain management because they provide a continuous level of opioids in the system rather than the roller coaster treatment of the short-acting forms. The attacks on long-acting opioids as a “cause” of addiction has actually set pain management back a decade, put more short-acting pills available for diversion, and actually worsened the probability for chronic pain patients to become addicted, because of the increased anxiety and pain when those short-acting meds wear off and the patient doesn’t receive 24 hour coverage.
Here is what people need to do to fight this ignorance spouted by Schumer:
- Join Doctors of Courage, and especially get your doctors to join as professionals.
- One person from each congressional district in the country needs to purchase the DVD “The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse” for me to send to their representative.
- Two people from each state need to purchase the DVD “The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse” for me to send to the Senators of that state.
- Everyone needs a copy of The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse for themselves, and one to give to their doctor.
Here is the link to go to:
A person can purchase 3 DVDs for only $107, saving $12 per DVD.
With that support, we at Doctors of Courage would have the means to attend conventions, travel to Washington more to meet with your representatives and represent YOU!
Without that support, you are sending more doctors to prison cells, and removing any chance of appropriate pain management in the future.
Linda Cheek is a teacher and disenfranchised medical doctor, turned activist, author, and speaker. A victim of prosecutorial misconduct and outright law-breaking of the government agencies DEA, DHHS, and DOJ, she hopes to be a part of exonerating all doctors illegally attacked through the Controlled Substance Act. She holds the key to success, as she can offset the government propaganda that drugs cause addiction with the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse.
Get a free gift to learn how the government is breaking the law to attack your doctor: Click here to get my free gift
I thought addiction was caused by genetics, and trying to intentionally get high from opioids (virtually impossible for genuine CPPs/IPPs).
“and actually worsened the probability for chronic pain patients to become addicted, because of the increased anxiety and pain when those short-acting meds wear off and the patient doesn’t receive 24 hour coverage.”
Actually addiction is a side effect of toxicity as explained in the DVD/video The REAL Cause of drug abuse. Genetics is a factor of what body systems you will store your toxins in, causing breakdown of those tissues. But your second point is correct. Stress is the #1 acidifier which prevents detox, so toxicity increases, the body becomes luetic, and addiction is more likely.