I met Dr. Alen Salerian in 2012. We were both under attack by the Western District of Virginia Federal Court—me in Roanoke and him in Abingdon. His practice, however, was in Washington, DC and he lived in Maryland, so what jurisdiction did SW Virginia have? They had the most experience in the region with attacking doctors. It would also appear that there were ulterior motives in the attack on Dr. Salerian.

Thumbnail sketch:

  1. Salerian was a psychiatrist and pain management physician in Washington, D. C, but indicted in SW Virginia
  2. Without cause, he was taken to prison at Butner FMC for “mental evaluation” before trial where he endured an assassination attempt, solitary confinement, and sexual assault.
  3. The case against him in SW Virginia was dropped as he was found “incompetent to stand trial”.
  4. Salerian moved as a political refugee to Athens, Greece where he continues with his claims against the US.
  5. The Greek government has now charged him with being a drug dealer for legitimate medications sent to him by his Bethesda physician, which he now receives from his Greek doctor.

Was this all just an attempt to shut Dr. Salerian up because of what he knew and the fact that he was charging the United States of America for fraud?

The Rest of the Story

Public Accusations by Dr. Salerian

The government has not been able to silence Dr. Salerian on his 2 primary accusations. Labeling him as “crazy”, in my opinion, actually gives more credence to what he is trying to tell us. Here are his two accusations:

  1. Armstrong Did Not Walk on the Moon
    Scientific Evidence:
    1. Fake moon rock given to the Dutch prime minister by Neil Armstrong.
    2. Apollo moon rock analysis  by Curtin University  indicating
      they  were  from  earth. Jan 25,2019. Earth and Planetary Science
    3. Chinese Moon rock samples retrieved by Chang E3 do not match
      the Apollo samples.
    4. 2001 Institute of medicine- National Academy of science
      report: manned  flights  to the moon are impossible because of
      unsolved health challenges.
    5. Neil Armstrong stated: “I did not see any stars from the moon.”
    6. 1969: Stanley Kubrick made the Apollo Mission movies. Later he stated: “I directed the fictional Apollo flights; I committed the greatest fraud in history.” One week after confession, he was dead.
    7. The Apollo Space suits were made of Teflon and aluminum
      inadequate Shields against radiation (this is why hospitals use metal
  1. Assassination of President Kennedy      
    1. 1963: Eugene Dinkins held a press conference at the United Nations headquarters in Geneva Switzerland to inform the public that he had highly classified information indicating the planned assassination of Pres. Kennedy in Dallas Texas on November 22, 1963. At the time of the assassination, Dinkins was hospitalized at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington DC, later declared insane and discharged from the army.
    2.  1963: Lyndon Johnson and a few generals killed Pres. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy and Kennedy Junior.  Years later Lyndon Johnson expressed remorse over the assassination and was killed.
    3.  1973: William Colby, the CIA director, testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee to provide information of Pres. Kennedy’s assassination and the successful infiltration of major international newspapers. A year later he was killed.

As the FBI psychiatrist, Dr. Salerian also was privy to information which—by doctor/patient relationship, he is unable to publicly divulge—but which would make him the government target he is. I think the government figured out his knowledge which is what targeted him.

He has appointed his April 19 trial in Athens as a mission.

Mission: To promote governmental integrity and zero tolerance for presidential lies by addressing:

  1. Exposure of persecution of 20,000 doctors with chronic pain patients or addiction and thought leaders in America.
  2. Recent life imprisonment of Dr. Steven Hanson in Wichita Kansas.
  3. The moon hoax.

Newspaper/media reporters needed: He is looking for newspaper reporters to follow the trial. Reporters will be able to call in to ask questions. High-tech
audiovisual systems will make this possible. For security reasons and
to avoid sabotage, he will not announce the details

Tentative Schedule

  1. Orientation Meeting for participants: Mission statement, essential rules, civility, professionalism, and fun tips for Athens.
  2. Pretrial press conference
  3. Meeting with the US ambassador or representative to
    present a formal letter to Pres. Trump.
  4. Trial: April 19, 2019
  5. Post-trial press conference covering the trial, persecution of 20,000 pain
    doctors, the deaths of Siobhan Reynolds and Kevin Byers, governmental
    integrity AND the recent discovery that Armstrong never walked on the moon.

Travel advisory: Computerized dirty tricks can be expected: cancellations of
reservations, fictional security-based delays etc. Keep your cool, take notes, and take pictures. If it’s too much, cancel your plans and go home.

The letter he has drafted to present to the American Ambassador in Greece addressed to President Trump states:

President Donald Trump
The White House
Washington DC

Dear President Trump

Will you please end the persecution of pain doctors as drug dealers in America and tell us the truth about the Apollo Moon missions. Scientific evidence suggests that 20,000 doctors are not drug dealers and Neil Armstrong did not walk on the moon.

We, the citizens of America, request your help to honor our constitution and protect governmental integrity supported by zero tolerance for past government lies.


Alen J Salerian, MD
President, Doctors for Equal Rights for Pain and Mental Illness

Feel free to offer constructive suggestions. Anyone who would like to add your name to the letter can communicate that with me and I’ll pass the contact information to Alen.

Dr. Salerian says about the trial:

“I am actually happy now that there is a trial in Athens. Although there is a chance blackmail and bribes will work again, the DEA lies ARE getting bigger and bigger. And I have a feeling it’s more difficult to fool people In Europe. If Europeans wake up, they may help us end the persecution of doctors in America. It looks like we will get some appropriate, friendly media attention.

On a personal note, I am concerned about my safety. Yet even that is secondary. I made a lot of noise before going to prison in North Carolina. Made no difference. I still ended up in solitary confinement and survived an assassination attempt.

I’m not ashamed to say I am afraid for my future. My own family members have been scared and will not be traveling to Athens. My doctors both in America and Athens got scared. The American will not testify. My local doctor in Athens will write a letter but will not testify in person. They are only human and well aware of the bad things that happened to my inner circle:

  1. Kevin–my lawyer–died in a plane crash along with his mother and painadvocate Siobhan Reynolds–my friend.

  2. A close friend of mine, a Nobel laureate, was put in prison after the raid on my house and office and never spoke with me since.

  3. A congressman friend cut me off from his social circle.

  4. A philanthropist doctor who had contributed hundred thousand dollars to mydefense fund committed suicide.

  5. My bookkeeper committed suicide?

  6. One of my relatives who helped me financially survived an assassination

Many of those things are documented in my book. I realize why terror and
intimidation continue. I have not stopped talking, letting others know. Please pass this information to others. Please pray for me. Please inform human rights organizations.
I hope that one day we Americans will evolve.

Dr. Salerian had someone offer a free trip to Athens for his trial on April 19 to anyone willing to be a witness to the proceedings.  But then the secret Santa backed out because Dr. Salerian wouldn’t allow his statements about the moon mission or JFK to be censored. Interesting, huh?

Who is Alen J Salerian?

  1. Medical director of Salerian Center for Neuroscience and Pain, practicing in Washington DC for 4 decades.
  2. President of Doctors for Equal Rights for Mental and Physical pain.
  3. Taught at George Washington University Medical Center
  4. Served as the FBI’s medical director of Mobile Psychiatric Emergency Response Team
  5. A life member of the American Psychiatric Association.
  6. He has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals including Lancet, Psychiatric Research, CNS Spectrum, Medical hypotheses, Journal of Psychology and Clinical Psychiatry contributed to Washington Post and LA Times.
  7. He also appeared on CBS 60 minutes and BBC’s Panorama.
  8. He has published twelve books, including The New Tuskegee: Persecution of Pain Doctors in America, and Viagra for Your Brain, all available on Amazon.

Dr. Salerian’s Story:

I’m proud of my service to my country and the FBI. As the chief of FBIs MPERT I had the honor to lead the psychological debriefing of FBI agents after the Waco operation.

I’m here today to inform you that a few bad apples of our government have made a mockery of our Constitution and the practice of medicine.

Since March 3, 2011 I have lost everything, I have been forced to bankruptcy, destitution and total financial dependence on family and friends.  My demise has occurred with small illegal punches over a period of time.

It began with CVS boycotting my valid prescriptions nationwide. CVS branded medication bottles: DR SALERIAN IS UNDER DEA NVESTIGATION.  Then with no stated reason Citibank terminated banking services.

On April 5, 2012 the DC Health Department suspended my DEA license. Administrative hearings were held but Judge Dean never ruled on the lawfulness of the suspension.  Salerian Neuroscience and Pain Center was forced to shut down and filed for bankruptcy. Twelve hundred patients had to find a new doctor. Seventeen people lost jobs. Philip, my bookkeeper, committed suicide. John, my dear friend and colleague treating some of my patients, died prematurely.  He was ambushed by DEA, lost his license, and bled to death in November 2013. My wife had a cardiac event one month before. Seven patients committed suicide.

There were other premature and sudden deaths. Two extraordinary souls–Kevin Byers, my attorney, and Siobhan Reynolds, the former president of Pain Relief Network and the founders of doctors for equal rights for mental and physical pain died in a plane crash in December 2011.

He also started several petitions that have some interesting information, such as:

Stop the atrocities against doctors and people with mental pain sent to Sen. Barbara Mikulski on Nov 4, 2014 with 37 supporters which states:

It makes no sense for DEA agents to medicate patients as it occurred on March 3, 2011 when DEA agent Sponheimer administered medication to one of my patients who fainted after being told that her doctor will never practice again.
It makes no sense for DEA agents to break down doors and shackle women just because they are relatives of a pain physician. This also occurred on March 3, 2011.
It makes very little sense for DEA agents to scare a physician with toilet boarding by placing him next to the toilet. This also occurred on March 3, 2011. The officer was agent Sponheimer.

Dr. Salerian has published a lot on his blog: http://dralensalerian.blogspot.com that is very interesting. And on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alen-salerian

Follow him there, and we will also keep you posted on his trial.

Linda Cheek, MD

About the Author Linda Cheek, MD

Linda Cheek is a teacher and disenfranchised medical doctor, turned activist, author, and speaker. A victim of prosecutorial misconduct and outright law-breaking of the government agencies DEA, DHHS, and DOJ, she hopes to be a part of exonerating all doctors illegally attacked through the Controlled Substance Act. She holds the key to success, as she can offset the government propaganda that drugs cause addiction with the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse.
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