Dr. John Whelan of Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin, needs our prayers and support.  I received information from his nurse, who was also attacked and did prison time.  Just shows how innocent Dr. Whelan is.  According to Tina,

“Dr. Whelan had a Saturday practice for Suboxone treatment. He was charged with giving prescriptions outside the scope of medical practice. They took his house, bank accounts, car and his daughter’s car. They put him in prison in California with his diabetes and high blood pressure and asthma. He was sentenced to 48 months and then he was given a walker and the prison make him walk. Because he couldn’t make it, he closed down and did not eat. He was transferred to Federal Medical Center in Rochester, MN and he has been in and out of the hospital. He was in solitary confinement and from there went to the Mayo hospital with 3 broken ribs. Then he got aspiration pneumonia from tube feedings in the hospital and was put on a ventilator. They gave him 6 months max to live. He has dementia and is confused now.

He is currently back in prison at the Federal Medical Center in Rochester. He cannot walk anymore, is in a wheelchair and has to be on a puréed diet due to choking. He has liver damage and they pump out his fluid at times.

I was also put in prison for a year because I was his nurse. I knew him for 18 years. He tried to help everyone and sometimes would not even charge the people for their Suboxone appts.  So they said he made $250,000 over the course of doing Suboxone on Saturdays. They took his house and sold it for $250,000 and money’s out of his bank and his car and his stepdaughter’s car, so they took a lot more then he made.

He is trying for compassionate release. He has been in the hospital several times. He was on a ventilator and tube feedings. He would call several times a week but then we’ve heard nothing since Dec 10th. He is confused and they said now he has dementia and still in the hospital. He just gave up and now cannot get out of bed and eat, per his Daughter.”

Dr. Whelan, 78 y/o, is a Psychiatrist and an Adolescent and Child Psychiatrist who practiced in Wisconsin. He and his nurse, Tina Montezon, age now 63, were indicted in January, 2021, for

  1. Conspiring to distribute controlled substances, including Buprenorphine, Ritalin, Xanax, and Adderall outside the course of a professional medical practice and not for a legitimate medical purpose, in violation of  21 U.S.C. §§ 841(a)(1), 841(b)(1)(C) and 846.
  2. Maintaining a drug-involved premises, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 856(a)(1),
  3. and Dr. Whelan making false statements to federal agents, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1001.

The government accused him of distributing controlled substance prescriptions in exchange for cash, making him look like a drug pusher instead of a compassionate physician taking care of the uninsured, even though his costs were for a standard office visit charge. The government also made it appear like all of his Suboxone patients were illegitimate, stating he made more than a quarter of a million dollars by selling improper and illicit prescriptions.  That was his total income for his Suboxone practice.  The government is after the money, and with the win, they were able to confiscate all of his income.  This has got to stop.

Probably due to the fact that the government had confiscated all his money and he was a victim of the public pretender office (Public Defender), he pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced in March,  2024 to 48 months. At the time of sentencing, Judge Brett H. Ludwig stated the reason for his sentence was “to send a message”.  Sorry, Judge, but doctors over the last 20 years haven’t heard the message, or don’t pay attention to it, in spite of my also telling them that they need to stop prescribing controlled substances altogether.

The real criminals and those who will be held accountable by God are U.S. Attorneys Haanstad and Matthew Krueger, Assistant United States Attorneys Julie F. Stewart and Kevin Knight, DEA Agent John G.D. McGarry, and U.S. District Judge Brett H. Ludwig.

As stated at the beginning of this post, Dr. Whelan needs YOU!!  Please communicate with him that he can’t give up.  We need him! When he gets released he needs to work to help stop these attacks on doctors.  He can survive incarceration if he would just eat and live.  So if you want to communicate with him and show your support, send him cards and letters to:

John D. Whelan 27931-509
FMC Rochester
Federal Medical Center
P. O. Box 4000
Rochester, MN 55903-4000

Understand that he can’t write back. The computer is on the other side of the prison and he cannot make it there.  Everything in prisons is now electronic. He doesn’t know how to use the computer to print labels, etc. But he can receive mail. Just let him know you are not expecting a reply.

Thank you for your support and help.

John Whelan, MD
Dr. John Whelan and friend<br />
Dr. Whelan and daughters<br />
About the Author Linda Cheek, MD

Linda Cheek is a teacher and disenfranchised medical doctor, turned activist, author, and speaker. A victim of prosecutorial misconduct and outright law-breaking of the government agencies DEA, DHHS, and DOJ, she hopes to be a part of exonerating all doctors illegally attacked through the Controlled Substance Act. She holds the key to success, as she can offset the government propaganda that drugs cause addiction with the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse.
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