DoC Resources

America's War on Pain Jacob Sullum

Jacob Sullum’s article “America’s War on Pain Pills is Killing Addicts and Leaving Patients in Agony” is the best article I’ve read, and is what I’ve been teaching. Only one thing is missing to end the nightmare–recognition of the REAL cause of drug abuse.  For that, you need to watch my video:, or better yet, buy the DVD and help the cause. Doctors should have this DVD playing in their waiting rooms.

It is imperative that every American communicate with the health issues staff person for their legislators. If you don't have that contact information, you can get it by filling out the contact form here:

Who Are My Health Issues Staff?

9 + 8 =

Ambassadors, Advertise Here

Ambassadors, if you have any skills, products, that you are using to make a living during your attack, please share with us and we will support you, spread the word, and do everything we can to help.

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