Hopefully this article will show the truth of what I teach and will bring people around to understanding the elephant in the room. Every doctor in this country needs to understand that they are just a single stroke away from being the next government target. Government abuse of the judicial system—creating crime where there is no crime—is now the norm simply because they can and there are no repercussions. Our justice system has become weaponized against innocent citizens causing crimes against humanity. Doctors are simply one large group of victims of this massive government abuse.

Government Creating Crime Where There Is No Crime

Dr. Mukaram Gazi, MD, 51 is an independent urologist with over 26 years of experience. He graduated from University of Miami School of Medicine in 1995. He has offices in Freehold, Hamilton, Howell, and Toms River, New Jersey. Although not verified, I believe Dr. Gazi to be of Indian descent. He is fluent in 6 languages including Hindi.

On November 4, 2021, Dr. Gazi was charged for receiving payment from a pharmaceutical company for being a speaker to physicians to explain the use of their opioid for pain.  There is nothing illegal about this practice.  It has been used for decades to teach doctors about new pharmaceuticals. But in order to confiscate doctors’ assets and remove competing minority, independent physicians from the profession, this is now a working mechanism in the judicial abuse system.

The charges against Dr. Mukaram Gazi, MD, are:

  1. one count of conspiracy to pay and receive kickbacks;
  2. one count of receiving kickbacks;
  3. one count of health care fraud; and
  4. one count of conspiring to unlawfully distribute dangerous narcotics.  

So what was his purported “crime”?

He was paid $132,000 for his educational presentation speaking engagements. It is completely standard practice for doctors to be brought together for a meal and a presentation by a doctor familiar with a new medication. Doctors simply won’t show up if they don’t receive a meal. And they aren’t being “paid” for their prescribing.  Doctors have more integrity than that. But a meal is a small price for their time. In order to be considered for this opportunity, the presenting doctor has to be using the drug in his practice, have experience in its efficacy and believe in its use, and demonstrate all of that to the drug rep coming to his office with the drug.

It is also standard procedure for new opioid drugs to first be approved for cancer pain because that is the easiest, cheapest and quickest approval received by the FDA.  But all doctors treating pain know that pain is pain. And what can be used for cancer pain can legally be used for non-cancer pain.  Doctors speaking for the drugs know to address the approved uses of the drug during their presentation, and any other off-label use brought up by the participants is described as such, but can still be discussed.

But now, with the propaganda they have put into every American mind, the government is using this completely legal and necessary practice to charge doctors with a crime.  These government officials are violating TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242.  This law makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.

In their indictment, the government commits perjury stating that Dr. Gazi did not treat patients who were suffering from breakthrough cancer pain and was not in the practice of prescribing fentanyl-based pain medications. Dr. Gazi’s practice is listed as including urinary oncology, so the government is lying. Obviously, as a urologist, Dr. Gazi would be treating prostate cancer among other types. They continue to perjure themselves by stating that his claims to Medicare, Medicaid and “other health insurance providers” (probably private insurances in cahoots with the government to get their hand in the pie) were “medically unnecessary”. Government officials are not medical doctors and cannot determine what is medically necessary. 

And then they use the Controlled Substance Act catchall phrase that has been weaponized against any physician prescribing any controlled substance: “outside the course of professional practice and not for a legitimate purpose”.  The stated use of this phrase, both in the law and by Supreme Court decisions in the past shows that this phrase is supposed to separate the doctor prescribing to a patient from the person standing on the street corner selling prescriptions for money without a doctor-patient relationship.  This misuse of this phrase has been cookie-cuttered into every attack on every doctor since 2002, and it needs to end.

The REAL Law Breakers

The agents listed by the government that need to be held accountable for the violation of TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242 are: acting U.S. Attorney Honig, Assistant U.S. Attorney Adam Baker and his special agents of the U.S. Attorney’s Office, under the direction of Special Agent in Charge Thomas Mahoney and Senior Trial Counsel David Malagold; FBI Special Agent in Charge George M. Crouch Jr. in Newark and his special agents and investigators; DHHS Special Agent in Charge Scott J. Lampert, and his agents; DEA Special Agent in Charge Susan A. Gibson in Newark and her agents; State Attorney General Gurbir Grewal plus any local law enforcement involved.

Egregious Media Reporting

Media reporting is also at fault for the expansive violation of human rights in these egregious attacks. For example, Erik Larsen of the Ashbury Park Press interspersed the following links to articles about addiction, which is a foul attempt to equate pain management with the government definition of doctors as drug pushers:

Shame on you, Mr. Larsen! Mr. Larsen can be reached at 732-682-9359 or elarsen@gannettnj.com

Dr. Mukaram Gazi’s expertise earned him recognition as one of America’s Top Urologists by Consumers’ Research Council of America and Castle Connolly Medical, Ltd. The New Jersey Monthly has listed Dr. Gazi as a top doctor in the state from 2011 to 2021. But the last article listing him as one in 2021 was removed from the magazine. Shame on you, New Jersey Monthly.  You shouldn’t be jumping on the government misconduct bandwagon.

Call to Action

So if you want these egregious attacks on innocent citizens by unscrupulous, law-breaking unfettered government officials to end, join us in the alliance and support of AUI—America United International—and help bring this weaponization of the US Justice System to an end.

Share the truth with the reporters who wrote the government perjury in their respective media.  Their contact information is:

Erik Larsen, Asbury Park Press  elarsen@gannettnj.com

Chris Sheldon, NJ Advance Media csheldon@njadvancemedia.com.

About the Author Linda Cheek, MD

Linda Cheek is a teacher and disenfranchised medical doctor, turned activist, author, and speaker. A victim of prosecutorial misconduct and outright law-breaking of the government agencies DEA, DHHS, and DOJ, she hopes to be a part of exonerating all doctors illegally attacked through the Controlled Substance Act. She holds the key to success, as she can offset the government propaganda that drugs cause addiction with the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse.
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