Raymond Kraynak, DO, 60, from Mount Carmel, PA—a family practitioner/pain management specialist in a medically underserved area as well as a former school district board member—was arrested Dec. 21, 2017. Forced to surrender his license to prescribe controlled substances, he was released on bond.
The Raid on Dr. Kraynak’s office
Dr. Kraynak’s office had been raided in March, 2016—the standard 2-year time frame for the government to comb through charts in order to build a case because there wasn’t a just cause to start with. The government finally created 19 fake charges: five counts of the unlawful distribution and dispensing of a controlled substance resulting in death (to give him a heavier prison time and more reason to take a plea), 12 counts of prescribing controlled substances outside the usual course of professional practice and two counts of maintaining drug-involved premises at his offices (in order to confiscate his building). These charges have become the standard illegal use of the Controlled Substance Act, created to attack the influx of illegal drugs from outside the country, not to attack doctors. Doctors were actually protected from persecution by the phrase they are now using against us: “legitimate medical purpose”.
Who determines “legitimate medical purpose?
According to the Controlled Substance Act, it is the PHYSICIAN that determines there is a legitimate purpose. (see Title 21 §802 (56) (c)) so for some flunky DEA agent with only a 12 week course in investigation, or even a US Attorney with a degree in law does not fit the bill for determining legitimacy. They only fit the bill for creating crime where there is none due to the trust the American people have for our legal system. Hopefully, though, that will change with exposure. It’s a shame, though, because trust is hard to regain once lost.
Ignorant publicity-seeking reporters make it impossible for innocent doctors like Dr. Kraynak to receive a fair trial, by reporting false, propagandizing statements, using inflammatory words like “pill mill”—a catchy DOJ-created word, and “overprescribing” to inflame the public against the doctor and force him to take a plea.
People Die As a Result of the Attacks on Doctors
In their propagandizing articles, the Daily Item shows that the government dumping legitimate pain patients into the category of “drug abusers” is supported as patients are forced to turn to addiction centers to get some help from the sudden stopping of their pain treatment. Naturally also, there will be an increase at the coroner’s office as people are forced to the street for self-treatment, and some actually commit intentional suicide. Of course, that is part of the goal of this government protocol—cull out the expendable populations.
Northumberland County Coroner James Kelley is even knowingly ready for the deaths of innocent victims of the government agenda:
“I’m always prepared for it. We’re always prepared for it. We’ve seen an increase in it.”
Now when someone sets up the situation intentionally, knowing that people will die as a result, THEY should be held accountable. That’s the US Attorneys, DEA agents, and even the Coroner, as they all just sit back and do nothing but count the bodies, when THEY are the cause. More than 63,600 lives were lost to drug overdose in 2016, marking the most lethal year yet. And it is the government attacking innocent physicians for money, putting legitimate patients out on the street that is the main cause. Doctors are now being put in prison for life for properly prescribing medications to patients who do not take them as prescribed and die. So at least the government agents that knowingly cause death of upwards to 10% of a doctor’s patient base should do life.
The government targets independent physicians, predominantly rural, as they are easy to take down. Dr. Kraynak treated people in a small part of Pennsylvania where doctors are scarce, and he has a legitimate concern about his patients now. With the understandable fear among doctors now, he was the top prescriber in the state for opioids. The standard government slough-off was done by April Hutcheson, communications director for the state Department of Health who simply recommended that patients contact their health insurance provider to find another physician in their area. But that is a dead end. Doctors are listed, but they rarely accept patients from a doctor who has been attacked. So, Ms. Hutcheson, you are responsible for patients dying, and should spend the rest of your life in prison. I recommend Alderson Prison Camp. (see A Heroine Story for what that will be like.)
The government likes to throw numbers around for shock value. To again try to sway public opinion and force a plea, the US Attorney David Freed stated
“The sheer number of pills prescribed in this case is staggering. Death or serious injury was the inevitable result of this defendant’s conduct.”
But let’s look at the facts. They claim he wrote prescriptions for about 2.7 million doses of opioids within 19 months for about 2,838 patients. When you break that down, it’s around 50 doses per month, not even enough for twice per day dosing. That’s not even standard for the usual short-acting opioids now being forced on doctors to prescribe for chronic pain, which require 4x/day dosing (120 doses per month) at a minimum to maintain pain relief.
Dr. Kraynak was also the area doctor approved with special certification by the DEA to prescribe buprenorphine to treat opioid addiction. He was also approved by the Department of Health this year to recommend patients for medical marijuana as part of the state’s new program.
Update 9/23/21
Dr. Kraynak has faced a trial reeking of prosecutorial misconduct, as all doctors attacked for treating pain patients have. With the forced perjury by witnesses, the propaganda that opioids cause addiction, he was forced to take a plea.
But don’t think this is the end. The world will know the truth. This Saturday, Sept 25, there will be a conference that will be going to the United Nations showing the violation of human rights being done by the rogue Justice Department against doctors and pain patients, causing death and destruction of lives. Go to the post The Legal System is Weaponized Against Doctors and you will recognize the tactics used to cause Dr. Kraynak to join the population of innocent doctors made into criminals by a rogue Justice System. Register to come to the free conference.
Update 3/6/22
Dr. Kraynak submitted a motion to withdraw his guilty plea. The judge slapped handcuffs on him and sent him to jail with the reason being he was a likely flight risk since he would probably be spending the rest of his life in prison. His request for voiding his plea has not been dealt with yet, and he has not yet been sentenced.
The judge denied Dr. Kraynak’s motion to withdraw his plea. On Aug 3, 2022 he was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
To end these attacks, restore pain management, and provide compensation to all the families that have been destroyed by government overreach, we must get the Controlled Substance Act repealed. Join Doctorsofcourage to get that done. Learn what we teach and spread the word. NO DRUG CAUSES ADDICTION!! Let’s end the War on Drugs, Doctors and Pain Patients, end the black market, solve the southern border crisis, and restore proper pain management. It CAN be done!
Addendum from the author:
I have failed in my mission to end these attacks on doctors and pain patients. Through John Bevere’s book The Bait of Satan, I have figured out why—my lack of forgiveness to those who attacked me. As in Mark 11: 24-26:
“Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.”
And when you do not do the will of the Father, you are estranged from him and he will ignore you. So we all must forgive the agents who attacked us in order for things to be made right through any of our works.
Jesus said
“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”
But we cannot lay down our lives for God unless we know Him well enough to trust Him. We must have the assurance that He would never do anything to harm us. He always looks out for what He knows is in our best interest. As a nation, those of us suffering from these attacks must understand that we are serving as God’s messengers of love. We must forgive those who persecute us and love them instead, following God’s will for us. Then and only then will we see fruits from our labor.
So I hope that everyone who has suffered from what happened to the doctor can trust the Lord, forgive those who have hurt you, and help bring this country back to the God-fearing country that our forefathers founded. Then, and only then, can you be a part of the effort to stop these attacks. I look forward to that day.
Linda Cheek is a teacher and disenfranchised medical doctor, turned activist, author, and speaker. A victim of prosecutorial misconduct and outright law-breaking of the government agencies DEA, DHHS, and DOJ, she hopes to be a part of exonerating all doctors illegally attacked through the Controlled Substance Act. She holds the key to success, as she can offset the government propaganda that drugs cause addiction with the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse.
Get a free gift to learn how the government is breaking the law to attack your doctor: Click here to get my free gift
I have something to say, as far as ,”documentation,” goes, as a Registered Nurse since 2002, working in the cardiovascular ICU and knew Dr.Kraynak both professionally and personally, he was my doctor as well. Perhaps the Doctor running this website will remember this. WAY back 20+ years ago a government agency named JACHO told doctors and nurses pain is the 5th vital sign…assess a patients pain and treat it with each vital sign assessment. What is the patient’s pain? Well the government body STATES the patient’s pain is WHAT the PATIENT STATES! WHERE the PATIENT STATES AT THE LEVEL THE PATIENT STATES!!! We as Healthcare providers warned where is would lead…the GOVERNMENT BODY WOULD NOT HEAR OF IT!! TREAT WITHOUT QUESTION WE WERE TOLD!!! WE DID WAS WE WERE MADE TO DO!! and now as an act to cover their own backsides a witch hunt begins…this makes me sick. Clearly the government has amnesia. The government needs to stay in their own lane. These poor doctors, lives destroyed. Good for you for making this page.
Join the fight to end this and get Dr. Kraynak exonerated and back in practice. The only way is to repeal the CSA. Learn how to do that here, through the videos, or take my ecourse offered again starting July 1.
I no longer live in Pennsylvania, I am not sure I would could be of help, however if there is something I can do from Oregon please let me know.
My suggestion is what you need to do no matter where you live. And that is true for everyone.
Do you have an newsletter
Yes. To get it, get on the email list by getting the ebook offered in the author box at the bottom of any post.
Ray was the best Dr. I ever had. Ray was my doctor since I was a kid he did everything in his office including X-rays. I don’t understand how he is being blamed for people becoming addicts, most of their stuff was bought off the street, I knew some of the people. I had a few instances that required pain medicine, kidney stones, broken hand, broken foot, severe migraines and I’m not an addict. I was on pain meds for my severe headaches that had a few types of pain medicine in one pill including codeine he would not keep prescribing that medicine he told me it was too addicting and gave me the same thing minus the codeine. I know he didn’t do anything wrong.
None of us attacked have done anything wrong. It is a government agenda. They raid without just cause because they can. Then they create a case by getting patients and employees to commit perjury or they will be charged. Most people, even family, will crumble and lie. What people need to do to end this atrocity is learn that no drug causes addiction, and spread the word. You can learn the truth here on this website, or http://www.sevenpillarstotalhealth.com. Or get me a virtual speaking engagement in your area. Then we need to get the Controlled Substance Act repealed. If we don’t get this done, soon there will be no opioids available for the next 2 generations.
Tomorrow starts jury selection… I hope everyone keeps me in mind how corrupt our federal government truly is and how great of guy dr Kraynak is! May these 12 people that get selected be able to see thru their evil ways.
Most definitely. The most important thing is to offset the propaganda in every juror’s mind–that opioids cause addiction, so prescription opioids are creating addicts. NO DRUG CAUSES ADDICTION!! The war on drugs is a racist agenda to disenfranchise minorities, and now the CSA is being used to confiscate money and assets from doctors to pay the DOJ and DEA salaries–nothing more.
The win has to be in the trial. Wish I could have been a part of the defense team. I hope they do what is necessary to win. I will be praying.
Exactly what alternative treatments do we have? Some people cant do cannabis. I happen to be one of them. I have low bp and if I try and stand, pass out. It also makes me nauseous and anxious. I would love to do prolotherapy but its still not approved. Drs don’t have control over what can be used. Steroid shots also aren’t approved for spinal pain and can actually cause weakening of the dura and ligaments, and can create scarring causing even worse problems. NSAIDS cause bleeding ulcers. What exactly do you want them to do when pot isn’t the answer. Until you have that answer, you’re basically saying let pain patients all suffer in agony because 3% might get addicted. As with all things its risk vs reward. How about my body my choice? Or does that only matter for abortion and masks.
I have multiple severely painful diseases. I can’t find anyone to help me. Im becoming bedbound, even though at 49 and female and having been on and off medication my whole life and showing no signs of addiction (don’t even drink) I am very low risk for addiction and overdose. And you think I should just live a life of torture.
One day it will be you or someone you love. They may even commit suicide. And you will be the one who caused it with your draconian ideas
This website, and particularly, the article about Ray Kraynak is jaw dropping. Despite any good Dr. Kraynak has done in his area, the charges against him are very clear and devastating. First off, I’m at a loss that he calls himself a pain management specialist when he has no fellowship or training. Also, even though he does medical marijuana consultations now that he lost most of his practice rights, he seems to not have suggested it to any of the legion of patients that he had on opioids for years. As we know all to well, opioids are highly addictive and can be deadly. Marijuana doesn’t kill people and has a relatively mild risk of addiction. It also outperforms opioids in treating chronic neuropathic pain. As a pain “specialist,” one would think the doctor would know that.
I think you really need to take the time to read the court indictment. At the center of his wrongdoing is the fact that he failed to keep ANY coherent records of his patients. There were no updates, plans, or important information noted for the record. Notetaking is demanded by law and is a good practice of medicine. One has to wonder why he wasn’t taking notes—was it pure negligence or concealing illegal activity? Either way, he is responsible. Additionally, he continued to give opioids to patients who had a history of abuse and even overdoses. In the cited cases, he gave opioids to patients who literally just got out of rehab for opioid use disorder. Why? Those patients subsequently overdosed and died. Perhaps if the doctor took notes, he could have seen their histories and consequently recommended other modalities. In the end, Dr. Kraynak was either grossly negligent or was up to some type of nefarious actions.
It’s really time to wake up and realize that the doctors on this site had their licenses taken away because their negligence presented a threat to their patients. It is these so called “pain specialists” that helped catapult us into the opioid crisis that we know face. If they were better doctors, with more knowledge, and more of an ethical backbone, they would have found affective alternatives to opioids.
I’m only posting this comment so I can respond to it and so that other people visiting DoC can see the ignorance out there in the medical world. Here is someone calling themselves and “addiction doctor”, who is throwing stones at other good doctors because of what was written by the government in the indictment. Absolutely ignorant about how the government creates these cookie cutter indictments on every good doctor they target.
He also calls opioids “highly addictive”–again, now believed by most medical professionals who refuse to treat their patients appropriately due to this false conventional teaching. If he is an addiction doctor, I wonder if he is prescribing Suboxone, one of the most abused opioids out there.
He castigates Dr. Kraynak for calling himself a pain management specialist without doing a fellowship. I was a pain management specialist, and did not do a fellowship. I looked into doing a fellowship, but all they do is teach how to do invasive treatments with steroids, which we now know leads to adhesive arachnoiditis. I healed people’s diseases, but knew how to treat with opioids because all of my CME was done in pain management. I knew better how to treat with opioids than the fellowship graduates did. So get off your high horse, mister addiction doctor, and realize that their is more to learning than a 2-year fellowship.
As for Dr. Kraynak’s record keeping, you are believing the government propaganda. Unless you were there, you don’t know, do you? Keep in mind, record keeping was purely for insurance purposes to prove that you earned your payment. It was never intended to be a legal instrument. Read Ronald Libby’s Criminalization of Medicine. No doctor can write a perfect record.
I could go on, but I hope readers see the ignorance we are faced with in our own profession, and the stone casting. Watch out, Mr. Addiction Doctor. You live and work in a glass house! I hope other doctors are just as inflamed by this comment as I am, and will reply to this imbecile.
Thank you Dr Cheek. I wish this guy a lifetime of chronic pain.
I completely agree with all the record keeping descrepicenes but on the flip side he was a great doctor that cared about me as a patient. Was I on opiods? Yes I was but at least I can live a normal life now I don’t even want to live anymore at times. Also I tried every alternative in the book including spending thousands on weed and acupuncture. So in the end did my oxy help me ? Sure it did. I could work 80 hrs a week when I was on it now I can barely work my 40 hr work week. So please stop the bs with this epidemic , some people need pain relief and one day it might be you or the person you really love !
If patients in pain addicted as easily as CDC states that they do well EVERY SINGLE PATIENT left in a needless state of suffering due to doctor abandonment of care or FORCED tapering due to fear alone would all be on the streets & dead too due to the ACTUAL deadly opioid illegal/illicit Fentanyl that is the actual culprit of the most overdoses & poisonings not legal FDA approved pain medications!!!!!! Disgusting that our country, government & its agencies have lost their collective minds & are harming countless lives & families by no longer caring for actual patients! 😢 😠 😡
So join what will end this. Take my ecourse starting July 1 and with that knowledge you can help teach others the truth and we can get the CSA repealed, pain management restored, doctors exonerated and compensated.
What is the definition of coherent records to a reasonable person ?
The law says records only and sloppy handwriting is not under any law . I would love to see every record of yours without an EMR
Pretty sure I can make a claim against you for an incoherent record
Do you have any understanding at all about addiction? Less than 1% of all pain patients become addicted and the # of deaths have been admittedly (by the CDC & DEA)
been exaggerated by adding ILLICIT POISONOUS drugs with opioids & ILLICIT TAINTED fentanyl deaths to the list. Drs that have compassion, prescribe opioids in various doses to their patients, depending on their needs. With MANY MANY patients, the #’s APPEAR high. How can you call yourself an addiction specialist when you automatically think everyone is an addict and doesn’t need pain medication. The # of opioid Rx’s has gone down by 49% yet the number of deaths have gone UP by 110%! It’s from the poisonous illicit drugs that patients are being forced to take because their Drs have abandoned them. Perhaps you have an addiction problem or someone in your family must be an addict for you to see &
assume everyone who takes opioids is or surely will be an addict. I urge you to do your research and quite a bit of studying before you proceed as a supposed addiction specialist. Ppl have committed suicide because they can’t take the pain and so called Drs like YOU have made it impossible for these “victims” -of the fake opioid crisis-, to get the opioid therapy they NEED to function and have a somewhat normal life. Veterans who made it so that ppl like you could sleep safely in your bed at night have been, abandoned after severe injuries from fighting for YOU have claimed limbs, eyesight, and stole their once healthy, strong bodies have left them in excruciating 24/7 pain and YOU want to leave them suffering. You want terminally ill patients to die in unbearable pain as well. WHY? Are you afraid they’ll become addicts in their next life? Why would you WANT chronic pain patients to suffer 24/7, 365? Our quality of life is gone and we are worthless in society and to our poor families who then suffer right along with us. I Pray you do some soul searching and find your way back to reality and to your own heart & Soul.
The DEA, PROP, Shatterproof, the CDC (who were coerced into writing hasty guidelines at the DEA’s request-, ppl like YOU and Kolodny, McNett and everyone who is trying to make a buck off of suboxone and addiction clinics have been/are responsible for all the suicides and illicit poisonous opioids deaths and the horrific suffering of millions & millions of CRPP’s. I just wish I knew how all of you were able to sleep at night. Only those without a soul could possibly live with themselves for taking low shots at compassionate Drs and push for the complete destruction of millions upon millions of patients that only want to live a life without pain. Addicts are the only ones that think everyone must be an addict. I will pray for your Soul.
Of course you would say that you are an addiction specialist. It’s funny bc Dr Kolodney is one too and he claims to be a chronic pain specialist, of which he is not! Addiction and chronic pain are separate issues. Pain patients chose to go to addiction places bc they can get a treatment not bc addiction! They will go where they need to to get help with pain but you know this already bc you set it up this way and benefit from it. Follow the $ PROP gets rich off the suffering of chronic pain patients! Smh! Do better!! Leave good Drs that treat pain alone and stick to addiction!
I’m so sorry you’re brainwashed myvthe government and media propaganda against therapeutic, life-saving opiate prescription medications which are documented to have an exccedingly low addiction rate in chronic pain victims even in cases of past addictive behaviors. I am scared for my life every day that the meds I depend upon to provide palliation will be denied. And, that my excellent pain doctor will become another victim of the madness that could jeopordize his practice and freedom for merely doing as pain management textbooks teach. Doctors need to stand with each other and the chronic pain patients who depend upon them against the lies, statistical manipulation and occult genocide that is occuring to force us to commit suicide or die by being forced to turn to illicit drugs and or alcohol when properly prescribed opiates are denied and physicians are witch hunted since actual drug dealers are far more deadly to tangle with. Stealing a doctors livelihood is like taking candy from babies and forcing his patients to die just thins out an expensive population group. Please, ignore the propaganda avalanche and get on the moral and ethical side of this issue. Don’t cause further harm by believing thus supporting this Fascist takeover disguised as stopping a phony opioid OD epidemic by chronic pain victims. Drug addicts and their choices should have no bearing on how we are treated.
Hey, “Addiction Doctor”, why haven’t you responded to the comments that are responses to yours? Better yet, would you please give us your name and/or an email address where those of us who wish to directly discuss this with you can do so? I have now experienced 30 years (exactly 1/2 of my entire life) of severe, intractable head pain due to a TBI caused by a literal electrocution in my parent’s flooded basement in 1991. I spent 11 years searching for a “cure” or, at the very least, relief from excruciating pain to no avail. I reached the point where I began making specific end-of-life plans because I absolutely could not live any longer with the pain. God intervened and directed me to a Pain Mgt Dr-neuropsychiatrist (who’s 1st undergrad degree was in Electrical Engineering, btw). Upon perusing the previous treatments, he immediately prescribed high-dose, high-strength opioid meds, and for the 1st time, I obtained wonderful, glorious relief. After a about a year, we found the effective dosages, From that point on until 2017, I was prescribed those same meds and never needed any increases or additional meds. Until, that is, the DEA bullied its way in and arrested my Dr on baseless and absurd charges. (He was imprisoned for 3 years without the opportunity for bond/bail and all of his assets were seized. Charges were eventually dropped for 3 of his office staff and the case against him have crumbled. The “Special Agent” in charge resigned and they are now on their 3rd prosecuting attorney. But because of the money invested in the case, his trial, after several delays, is finally set for 6/21.) After his arrest, I searched and searched for another Dr to prescribe those same effective meds, but was laughed out of several offices. Living in Georgia, I eventually had to go to Houston, TX, EVERY MONTH, to see the only Dr willing to prescribe. That lasted 6 months before he refused to continue the meds, insisting that I have a pain pump surgically implanted (which I learned from other TBI pts was worthless). I searched again for a Dr and found that I had to go to CALIFORNIA for a willing Dr. The ONLY silver lining to the pandemic was was the use of ZOOM appointments. But I live in continuous, paralyzing fear of losing that Dr. And that same treatment of high-dose meds continue to provide relief! The ignorance of “addiction” doctors claiming to know what’s best for the treatment of chronic, severe pain is baffling. While I wouldn’t wish my pain on my worst enemy, I do pray that people like you must spend one calendar year living with “my” pain. I guarantee that you would not survive. Please – PLEASE! – open your mind and heart! Try to understand that pain sufferers DO NOT want to get “high”. I wish I had the option to give up a body part in exchange for living without pain, because I would do it in an instant! The shame of it all is that there’s nothing I, or anybody else can say or do that will change your mind. Drs and people like you, for some reason, are far too arrogant to even consider that YOU ARE WRONG. But, one day, you or someone you love, will get sick, or have an accident that will change their life forever and in terrible, painful ways. Then, and only then, will you finally see the light. But, you will likely use your position and/or contacts to get your loved one the opioid/pain relief they will desperately need. And good for that person! But you will assuredly hide the fact that you, then, know you were wrong. And that arrogant pride that almost smells now, will go unnoticed. By everyone but you, that is. I pray that you will dream about it nightly, and daydream about it daily. Eventually, you WILL realize how wrong you were (are). My prayer is that you have faith in our Lord, and you turn to Him for the forgiveness that, in my humble opinion, you DO NOT DESERVE. Thankfully for you, I am not as great as He is. He will forgive. But what will you do then? And how much pain and suffering will you have caused by that point in time?
It would appear that this post was written by a government agent/troll, not a licensed MD. The email he gave was fake. He can’t spell. He refuses to respond to the comments to his post. This exemplifies what government agents do to try to propagandize against targeted doctors. Mr. “addiction doctor”: if you are real, stand up and identify yourself. Otherwise what you say here is total government BS.
I ( and my family) were patients of Dr. Ray for over 35 years. He helped us when we’re all sick kids with no insurance, he helped us by coming to our elderly when they couldn’t get to him, he helped us by caring and truly listening. He truly believed that Doctors and not the government should decide what type of treatment should be given. For months I looked for a new doctor, no one would see me because they were not taking any of Dr. Rays patients, finally I made BlueCross make me an appointment. They sent me to one of the places that already told me no; but, they had to take me because they take Blue Cross/Shield and it is wrong to pick and choose patients. Since then I have been treated very badly by the medical industry. After cutting my meds by 75% they treat my like an addict, I am forced to pee in a cup to “prove” I am taking them. The price charged to my insurance for testing the pee for one year was more than my entire medical expenses for 5 years with Dr. Ray. These new Doctors look to see what my insurance will cover, then the bill for that? A back brace, neck brace, a tens unit, injections…all to no avail. Almost all of the places I have gone for treatment since Dr. Ray was taken away have come right out and said that they are scared of the DEA and DOJ and that that has to take precedence over my quality of life. For the last two years almost all my free time is spent in bed steeling my body for one more shift of work. It is getting to the point that I don’t see how I can continue to provide for my family…
My family and I pray for Dr. Ray. He is a good caring man who is being treated unjustly.
Please don’t just stand by and watch this happening to good, compassionate doctors like Dr. Ray. Join the fight. http://docmembers.doctorsofcourage.org/membership-levels/. Get your current doctor (and others in the area) on board. If a professional joins based on your referral, your membership is free.
Dr. Kraynak was the only Dr. That would take me in with no insurance, no money and I had severe blood pressure issues. He is being wrongly accused. He is a good man. He cared about his patients. How can they say he killed those people?? Read the bottle, take as directed. They are making it sound like he shoved the medicine down they’re throats while holding a gun to their head. I pray for him every day. I only hope he gets a REAL FAIR trial. How easily everyone forgets about all the people left with nowhere to go when they took him. How is that legal?? I just don’t know anymore. The world has become a very unfair place.
Without Dr.Kraynak’s caring and beautiful giving heart. I would have been in the awful shape I am in now 2 years ago. I have chronic pain problems diabetic neuropathy,rhabdomyopthy and fibromyalgia. Since I have a new doctor I have been in bad shape, ow I have COPD, ONLY 18% of my heart works, I am without any pain relief at all, an have a defibrillator to keep me alive. Dr Ray is a good man. He wouldn’t ever lit me live like this! I never had withdrawal of any kind.I took 3-4 oxycodone #20’s a day. He is a good doctor,a good friend.he is sadly missed.with or without money, he took care of me, my husband and my 2 children. God bless Ray Kraynak! He doesn’t belong being lynched like this. The crime here is on the evil people who took away our good caring Doctor?
I too am an associate of Doctors of Courage & National Pain Patients Coalition ( Doc Meyers group )
I have been a patient of Doc Rays since 1982, my whole family are his patients. I have written to Pat Toomey, Bob Casey Cartwright, & Sen Yaw. I have been told they cannot help.
The Federal Govt. is attacking all independent drs., taking their licences away & personal property.
The Controlled Substance Act is being used against drs. in complete opposition to the purpose for which Congress wrote it. The article Linda Cheek wrote is the truth about Doc Ray. She, herself was one that went thru the same as Doc Ray. Congress’ findings were meant for illegal drug trafficking etc._not DOCTORS. The Federal Govt. is taking the focus off the illegal market because they were a failure in it & turned on innocent drs. because that has been successful.. They looked at the Controlled Substance Act to find loopholes where they could interfere with the legitimate practice of medicine.The practitoner
acting in the usual course of professional practice, determines there is a legitimate medical purpose for the issuance of a new prescription.
Statue 802 gives definitions: These are Pro-Practitioners giving the dr. credit for knowing what he is doing medically.The DEA still falsifies search warrant requests to attack innocent physicians, raiding their offices,suspending their certificates without just cause.
Dr. Ray is a caring man & physician. He does not deserve what is happening to him. They accused him unjustly & degraded him & his knowledge. As all the people that wrote on this form, I am in total agreement. He is a wonderful, smart dr.that knew how to treat you, listen to you & not dismiss your true pain. He was one of three that passed the test to prescribe legal medical marijuana.
All these so called govt. people possessing their so called knowledge can & will be replaced.Yes, we all need to stand up for OUR DR. as he did for us. I will write & fight for Dr. Ray as long as it takes.
This is happening to many drs. in this country in the name of greed & govt abuse. Read Linda Cheeks articles on what is going on in this world to innocent drs. She is fighting & spreading the word about GOVT ABUSE.
Keep writing in defense of Dr. Ray.
May GOD BLESS him, and open the eyes of these people and their ears to GODS WORD.
August 5th, 2019 is the latest newest rescheduled date to start jury selection for Doc K’s trial.
Trial for innocent doctor delayed until 2019 (Feb. 4, 2019).
By Justin Strawser jstrawser@dailyitem.com Aug 23, 2018
Kraynak trial rescheduled for February (02/04/2019).
By LARRY DEKLINSKI THE NEWS-ITEM larry_d@newsitem.com Aug 24, 2018
WILLIAMSPORT — Dr. Raymond Kraynak’s trial on 19 charges related to unlawfully dispensing opioids has been rescheduled for February (2-4-19).
Kraynak had filed a motion to continue the trial and extend the deadline for filing pre-trial motions. All parties concurred with the motion and U.S. District Judge Matthew W. Brann granted the continuance.
Thank you for Reading!
Wow, the comment here is right on correct. I (and my family) have been patients of Dr. Kraynak’s for 30 years and now myself being disabled and my father being elderly STILL have no dr. since they did this to Dr. Ray. At the beginning of this whole thing, all the agencies and officials said that offices and organizations were preparing to take on the influx of patients and they’d be taken care of. What a crock of bull. We called everywhere within reason and nobody would take us on, typically saying no up front or saying we’d get a call back to let us know (and, you guessed it, the calls never got returned). Finally finding a clinic that would see us we were belittled and treated like criminals, like addicts and with no respect. Everything that Dr. Ray has done for us, things that kept us going and actually helped (no, no opioids, narcotics or anything of the sort were involved) were frowned upon by this new “Dr.” we got stuck with. He’s gone so far as to decide he will be pulling us off a specific anxiety med, a med that is terribly dangerous to come off of cold turkey but he didn’t care and gave us the ultimatum to go off or hit the road. Nice! Even the pharmacist said do not do this, there could be serious consequences. Dr. Ray would NEVER let this happen to us and now we’re in danger. This is such a small town and small area and Dr. Ray has done nothing but help people. If people chose to abuse his kindness in trying to help people then that is on them. There is a level of patient responsibility here that the guys in suits conveniently fail to speak of. So, here we are (along with many others) who are suffering as a result of losing our trusted Dr. Ray. What are people like us supposed to do? Nobody will help us and the only danger Dr. Ray presents is not returning to practice. He cared for me when I became disabled, when I had no insurance, he saved my mother’s life many times when she was here. He listens, he cares, and what’s happening now is a travesty. To him. To his patients left in the dust. I wish him all the best and would be first in line to receive care from him again. If the above May 7 date is referring to the proceedings, last news in our paper was it’s been moved to July and even then it might get pushed back further. I hope not but possible. This whole thing is so wrong!
Dr. Ray needs to contact us at DoctorsofCourage but he hasn’t. He (like you) might think that this can be over in a short time, but usually they get the victim to waive the right to a speedy trial and the government takes years to create the case against the doctor. We are going to Washington to open up the eyes of the legislators. You are close enough to come and be a part of the rally. The activities are shown on the home page of DoC. Also, we need contributions to defray the costs of the rally and Congressional briefings. So please consider contributing. There is a donation button on the front page as well as in the side widgets of pages. Also, please consider joining DoC as a supporter. One person can do little. Many people can do miracles.
Perhaps he is unaware of Doctors Of Courage, I’m sure he’s greatly focusing on his case and I would certainly think concerned about the welfare of his patients. I literally live only several blocks away from him and have not seen him anywhere since December. I would love to attend such an event, however I’m not close enough and not able to travel due to my disability limitations and limited finances. I don’t think this will be over in short time. I do think, however, that if the prosecutors can’t even supply the necessary paperwork to his lawyer (which is what our paper has said) then their case is on very shaky ground. If they have all this “evidence”, why not provide it? Why drag their heels? Keep fighting for Dr. Ray and all the good doctors going through such torment, and their patients who are left to truly suffer.
What you are seeing with the government against Dr. Kraynak is standard MO. They don’t have a case against ANY doctor they raid. They gather the patient records, and then spend up to 2 years constructing the case. Dr. Kraynak does know about DoC. He is probably being told by his lawyer that he needs to “keep his mouth shut”. That will put him in prison, and I’ve told him so through other people who have reached out to DoC. These decisions are absolutely the basis for doctors losing their case. Lawyers all work together, and it’s all about the money. But you can’t force a doctor to do what he needs to do, even for his own life. They have to make that decision. Dr. Frank Purpera made that mistake, and is now owning up to it. But now it’s too late for him. Hopefully Dr. Kraynak will see the light before it is too late for him.
We were all left in the same predicament, without a dr. We were told to find a new dr. First of all, the people that Dr. Ray employed were left out in the unknown cold, we were left in the cold. Anyone who abused the drs. help & did what they wanted , are guilty of such act, not Dr. Ray. These so called govt. people had no right to leave us without our dr. or find each & everyone of his patients a dr. Dr. Ray did no wrong. Give him back to us with respect that is due him & all his credentials free of all charges. US Atty., Federal Govt. YOU ARE WRONG.
Dr. Raymond Kraynak is a Great Doctor!
He is by far the best Family Dr in the coal region of PA.
I know he has saved the lives of
1000’s of his patients &
Improved the health of 1000’s of families. Also, he has raised so much money for local hospitals & millions of people have been gratefully influenced by a truly dedicated Dr who is very knowledgeable, compassionate, honest, kind, thorough, professional & always does what’s best for his patients.
All 19 charges should be withdrawn by Behe & Sempa, because Kraynak is Innocent.
These Fraudulent charges have been imposed only for political & monetary gain. Ask yourself who is benefiting from this hypocrisy…? The government wants/needs money & property & homes & assets for their politicians who want to move up the ladder for more money & higher status & more power…
I’m sure Medicare is not happy with having to cover costs of prescriptions, but isn’t that one of that programs responsibilities to it’s members…?
& ask yourself who is not benefiting from this injustice:
1000’s of chronically ill patients, who are in chronic pain, who now have no Dr & no medical assistance, or a 60 year old Dr with 35 years experience who is truly trying to ease some of the excruciating pain nearly all of his patients suffer…
& Doc was supposed to become licensed to prescribe medical marijuana, so do u believe it’s a coincidence that Doc was targeted with these charges right before he got the go ahead for med weed…?
One of the first sanctions imposed on Doc was for him to lose his right to issue medical pot. & is it also a coincidence that the Republican agenda is to continue this ridiculous War on Drugs by making it impossible for patients to exercise their right to pursue pain relief…?
Since when is it the governments job to decide who my doctor is & what decisions / methods are best for my health…?
Something has gone wrong along the way here, is my doctor my doctor, or is the government my doctor…? Oh, wait, I don’t have a doctor now because of the government, thanks a lot politicians! & just try to find any Dr. Not to mention a good family doctor in your area… It’s nearly impossible because no Dr wants to take on new patients because that increases the chances the government will come in & try to send that Dr to jail. & good luck trying to get your full accurate medical history from their centralized system. No Dr wants to be responsible for others previous mistakes. I can go on forever with the problems our government & healthcare faces. I may not know all the answers, but I do know the solution is Not to imprison Doc Kraynak.
We all need to go back & reread the constitution…
I’m asking my government to help a good doctor & I’m asking my government to stop trying to put a good doctor in jail.
Dear US & PA government(s), please start helping doctors so they can help patients. & please stop hurting patients by taking their doctor’s licenses away.
I think doctors might know a little bit more about medicine & how to help patients as opposed to some republican politicians who have no medical background nor training in the healthcare field.
Who would u rather have as ur doctor…? A doctor who has a 99.9% patient survival rate, because losing a few (irresponsibly) patients, out of thousands, is really not breaking any laws (unless we let our government twist our laws into whatever they want, in order for them to achieve their own foreseen self-benefiting outcomes)…
Lets take a look at other doctors & hospitals, for example Geisinger, they lose more than 5 patients a day! & how many deaths is our government responsible for…? If they abided by their own unreasonableness, then nearly all politicians would b in jail! Sometimes I think we need less government, but other times I think we just need a more efficient government who does the right thing, I’m I the only one who feels our government does certain things completely ars backwards…?
The FBI would rather indict Russians for posting Elect Trump on Social Media, instead of trying to help the mentally ill before they take out a crowd of people… & the FBI would rather put doctors in jail, instead of any number of more productive activities, I’d rather see them fill in the potholes!
“Give me my Doctor or give me death” – Literally.
& what do we tell our kids to grow up to become…?
Go Be a teacher & u’ll probably get shot at work…
Be a Doctor & u’ll probably lose your license & go to jail for trying to help people…
Be a police officer & u might have to shoot someone, etc…
& we wonder why people grow up to end up shooting other people…
Enough is enough already, we need to take a stand & do what is right & moral & helpful…
I will personally stand up in front of anyone, from Trump to Sessions to Freed to Shapiro to Schwab to Tuggle to Brann to the medical board, etc. & state the truth & prove the facts & tell my personal medical history & the stories of my family’s experiences & without a shadow of a doubt exonerate an innocent man who deserves 19 findings of Not guilty & to have all licenses restored & an apology from those misguided, misinformed, ignorant, greedy, & selfish people / politicians.
I truly hope the Federal Judge in this case will put politics aside & see through this federal political bologna & do their job (to fairly decide what is best for the people of this great country, & not to conform to government pressure), & in this case, a full dismissal of all charges would b the best & quickest & most cost efficient & correct decision to make for the people.
& as a PA resident & a USA citizen I know the right decision is to help Dr Raymond J. Kraynak. He has stood up for his patients for years & now it’s time for everyone to stand up for him. I mean who’s next, your doctor or nurses or pharmacists or teachers or YOU!
We will organize & we will march on the town of Williamsport this May, starting early on Monday, 5/7/18. Please show your support & please show up to have ur face seen / voice heard (take a day off of work, pull ur kids out of school & bring the rest of ur family too, carpool), because odds are that someday u will need the assistance of a good doctor & u don’t want to have to go to a prison to get help with healthcare, so do yourself & all of humanity a favor & someday u others will be thankful for your bravery, your time & its a small sacrifice now for a much greater good for the future!
We will exercise our right to a peaceful assembly in Williamsport, PA this May.
Feel free to contact me by email, I urge anyone reading this to do so:
Thank you, & thanks for this site, please continue the good work here.
You’ve figured it out. But people need to figure it out before their doctor is attacked, and before they are asked to serve on a jury where perjury and lawbreaking by the prosecution take precedence over truth and justice. Please help us fight this at a state and national level. Join DoctorsofCourage. Come to Washington April 25 (I think–check the schedule) for the rally at the reflecting pool. What is happening on May 7 in Williamsport? Would you like for me to be there as a speaker? I just need my way paid (rental car, gas, and a place to stay).
You wrote an excellent letter. I would hope that the US Atty & Federal Govt. understands that the Controlled Substance Act is being used against drs. in complete opposition to the purpose for which Congress wrote it. Congress findings were . meant for illegal drug traffic etc. _ NOT DOCTORS. This is where the Federal Govt. took its focus off the illegal market because they were a failure in it & turned on innocent drs. because that has been successful.They find loopholes where they could interfere with the legitimate practice of medicine. This is where they literally strip the drs. of everything they have, homes, offices, possessions,degrees,. They leave them with nothing.
I will fight for our DR. Ray every way I possibly can. I would love to attend rallies in support of not only him but other drs. who are also falsely accused. Living on SS limits you to what you can afford to do. Anyone can be a politician if they have a way with words. Instead of wasting time & money on accusations concerning drs., how about a raise for SS.I’m on it since 2008 & had not one raise for my pocket, as you so called politicians have all in your favor. Remember, it is US, THE PEOPLE that can & will vote you out. You can be replaced. Re-think on how Dr. Ray has been so falsely accused & do the right, honorable thing & let him return to his practice with the dignity he had. His people need & depend on him.
If all you people had pride in the honor system, this would not be happening to him.YOU ARE NOT ABOVE THE ALMIGHTY GOD!
,I think it’s a great idea. I would love to speak on behalf for the doc, I was his patient for almost 30 yrs, he is the greatest man besides my father ,an husband. I sent an email yesterday to Sunbury news,i pray that will help. I think all his patients should start a law suit. What I went through an am still going through I wouldn’t wish on my worse enemy, someone needs to do something. I’m here I just can’t do it myself.but anything I can do I will I was so glad to see what you had to say.i hope a lot of people are there to support him. he would be there for anyone who needed him,thanks hope to see you one day,. Kell