Richard Kondan, DO, 58, of Doylestown, PA was arrested in March and charged with felony violations of the “Drug Act”, according to the media. This is possibly referring to Pennsylvania’s Controlled Substances, Drugs, Device, and Cosmetic Act of 1972.
But let’s look at this attack on another courageous physician willing to put his life and family on the line to take care of patients.
Who is Richard Kondan, DO?
Dr. Kondan is another Caucasian American physicain, out of the norm for government attack, which means they are after his money. He graduated from Kansas City University College of Osteopathic medicine in 1990 and did a residency in Internal Medicine at Abington Memorial Hospital. He has practiced internal medicine for over 31 years, and is a member of the American Osteopathic Association. It’s time for medical associations to step up to the plate and work for their members being fraudulently attacked.
What Are the Charges?
Dr. Kondan has been charged with fourteen felony counts of Unlawful Prescription ons/DDC_Act.pdf)of a Controlled Substance by a Practitioner.
Most of the published government accusations can be easily countered with standard medical protocols followed by all physicians across the country. But there’s the rub. Since all physicians follow these same practice protocols, all doctors are potential victims of government overreach.
Here are the statements by the government followed by my assessment:
- “Prescribing medications such as oxycodone outside his legal and ethical practice of medicine.
A: If he is registered with the DEA (and Commonwealth if required), then any opioid prescription written for a patient is legal. Ethical conduct is a subject for the Board of Medicine, not the District Attorney’s office.
- “Prescribing highly addictive opioid medications to at least fourteen patients between November 2017 and September 2019.
A: First, end the propaganda that opioids are “highly addictive”. This is government-driven propaganda just so they can attack doctors like Dr. Kondan, to confiscate his assets. It’s all about the money. Second, if the prescriptions were for patients, as stated in the charge, then there is nothing illegal being done.
- “Failing to prescribe controlled substance in accordance with accepted treatment principles.
A: This “accepted treatment principles” is a phrase in the Pennsylvania law that is similar to the federal “usual course of practice”. But the legality of medicine has never—until now—been based on forcing doctors to stick to certain “accepted” treatment principles or be charged with a crime. All advancement in medicine has been the result of doctors thinking out of the box and doing something outside the standard of care. It has always been an accepted principle in medicine that you can explain the standard of care to a patient, and if they agree with the diversion to a different path, the doctor will not be held professionally accountable. This attempt on the government’s part to use standard of care against doctors in criminal court to confiscate their assets is the beginning of the end of advancement in medicine.
- “Failure to keep accurate medical records supporting the controlled substances he prescribed.”
A: Medical records were developed to cover the charges to insurance, to show that a visit occurred to receive payment. The government has now turned medical records into a tool to use against doctors in court. There is no way to record every decision or thought the doctor has. Most information and decision making is done mentally. As long as the patient is seen by the doctor, evaluated, and treated, nitpicking the record should not be allowed in criminal court.
- Increased dosages of oxycodone without noting appropriate medical justification.
A: Answered by the same reasoning for question #4. The doctor’s decision-making is mental following a verbal exchange with the patient, and should not be criminalized.
- Authorized refills without physical examinations or office visits.
A: Since the need for continuing medications that have to be renewed monthly due to federal law is usually determined by a verbal exchange with the patient, a monthly physical exam is not necessary. Prescriptions can be refilled every 30 days for 3 months without an office visit.
- Regularly prescribed dangerous combinations of oxycodone and other prescription medication.
The “dangerous combinations” ploy is another government propagandized falsehood in order to get physicians convicted in court. For example, opioids and benzodiazepines have been prescribed together for 30+ years without significant problem. But due to government propaganda, it is now a criminal offense to do what has been done safely and effectively for 30 years.
- These “reckless prescribing practices have been in effect for as long as sixteen years”.
Sixteen years ago doctors were being encouraged to prescribe opioids. Pain was the 5th vital sign, and doctors could be sanctioned for NOT prescribing. Just because the pendulum has swung due to government desire to attack doctors for money doesn’t end the doctor’s knowledge that opioids are necessary and safe for patients in pain.
Comments by Government Authorities
District Attorney Weintraub stated “We trust our physicians with our health and in many cases, with our very lives. A doctor’s oath is to “do no harm.” And that is exactly what Dr. Kondan is doing by appropriately treating his patients with pain, in spite of the threat of government attack.
Weintraub’s statement “Dr. Kondan’s alleged conduct has endangered the very people he was sworn to make well,” is a complete lie. In fact, it is DA Weintraub’s actions that endanger the people he has sworn to protect.
Attorney General Shaprio stated: “Dr. Kondan used his position of trust and authority to recklessly prescribe addictive medications that are fueling the opioid crisis in Pennsylvania.” The truth is that government attack on good physicians like Dr. Kondan is what is sending people to the street for treatment fueling the opioid crisis. Shapiro should be the one going to prison, not the doctors.
Shapiro also states that 12 Pennsylvanians lose their lives each day and that they will “hold individuals accountable who put the lives of others at risk.” So turn yourself in to the nearest police station, Mr. Shapiro.
Dr. Kondan pleaded guilty in March, 2002 and was sentenced to 2 to 5 years in state prison.
To end these attacks, restore pain management, and provide compensation to all the families that have been destroyed by government overreach, we must get the Controlled Substance Act repealed. Join Doctorsofcourage to get that done. Learn what we teach and spread the word. NO DRUG CAUSES ADDICTION!! Let’s end the War on Drugs, Doctors and Pain Patients, end the black market, solve the southern border crisis, and restore proper pain management. It CAN be done!
I have failed in my mission to end these attacks on doctors and pain patients. Through John Bevere’s book The Bait of Satan, I have figured out why—my lack of forgiveness to those who attacked me. As in Mark 11: 24-26:
Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.
And when you do not do the will of the Father, you are estranged from him and he will ignore you. So we all must forgive the agents who attacked us in order for things to be made right through any of our works.
Jesus said
“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”
But we cannot lay down our lives for God unless we know Him well enough to trust Him. We must have the assurance that He would never do anything to harm us. He always looks out for what He knows is in our best interest. As a nation, those of us suffering from these attacks must understand that we are serving as God’s messengers of love. We must forgive those who persecute us and love them instead, following God’s will for us. Then and only then will we see fruits from our labor.
So I hope that everyone who has suffered from what happened to Dr. Kondan can trust the Lord, forgive those who have hurt you, and help bring this country back to the God-fearing country that our forefathers founded. Then, and only then, can you be a part of the effort to stop these attacks. I look forward to that day.
Linda Cheek is a teacher and disenfranchised medical doctor, turned activist, author, and speaker. A victim of prosecutorial misconduct and outright law-breaking of the government agencies DEA, DHHS, and DOJ, she hopes to be a part of exonerating all doctors illegally attacked through the Controlled Substance Act. She holds the key to success, as she can offset the government propaganda that drugs cause addiction with the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse.
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My husband was a patient of Dr. Kondon, and at his recommendation, I became one as well after we married. We were shocked to hear about his arrest and trial. Just the other day, we were discussing how bizarre the entire situation seems to us. In our experience, he was always a compassionate and ethical physician, and we sincerely hope for his early release.
Where can we write to Dr. Kondan to let him know we are thinking of him at this time?
I assume he is in a Pennsylvania state prison, according to the media following his plea. You would need to go to the Pennsylvania Prison system and look him up.
I was a patient of Dr. Kondan for at least 15 years. I am alive today because of his care. He was the kindest, most compassionate person I hae ever met. I truly believe the charges filed against him were bogus. I hoe comes out of this unscathed.
Dr. Kondan was my physician. His office was extremely organized and his visits were beyond punctual all the time. I was very pleased with the care I received. I was not aware he was under investigation and went for a visit after falling and having extreme hip pain. He told me to take motrin and no need to xray because I would not be able to walk if there was a fracture. A year later I had an mri prescribed by another dr which showed a healed fracture of the greater trochanter bone.
Dr kondan was also our doctor for 30 plus yrs. I agree with all comments above.
He is kind, compassionate and caring.
He never offered these drugs always was keen to look for a natural way to treat. Always took the time to discuss alternatives.
I miss him very much.
Now that I have been forced to seek out another doctor I appreciate and miss him even more. He truly understood me, my ways, my health.
I’m so sad to loose him and very upset how the DA went for him.
I do think they wanted to oust him. I have spoken with my other doctors about this and while no one could say outright that’s basically what they did.
anyone know if Dr. Kondan hired Ron Chapman to be his lawyer?
Dr. Kondan has been our primary care physician for 20 years. He has been consistently professional, thorough, responsive, and dedicated. In our experiences, Dr. Kondan under-prescribed medications and always took the safest route to medicine and healing. We hope he fights this issue and regains his just and rightful place among his professional colleagues. The truth always manifests itself in the end. Our sincere hope and best wishes to Dr. Kondan, his family, friends, and his many loyal patients. We miss him and we pray for him. We know reputations once sullied are difficult to regain. However, we hope that justice will prevail.
i totaly agree, Dr Kondon is my Doctor for 30 plus years, i have faith in him, never asked for anything illegal nor was offered anything illegal my Prayers are with him, and his family
Wow, that was such a well started response! I needed to save this to have in hand.
it does matter, how much you fight, Govt agent DEA knows how to convict you by hook and crook. first, they lock you up so you can find a lawyer or do not have money to pay as soon as the news hit the media, all insurance co. and medicare, and Medicaid will seize your all payments until you are convicted, then do not pay. i lost of my all pending payments from insurance co 300,00 0 dollars i never got it because they all said govt prosecuted for govt fraud,
Dr. Jain, you should be an active part of Doctorsofcourage. But at least you know about it and read the posts.
Dr. Cheek, I am so grateful for your webpage and your courage to post information that is so true and what is really going on. It is so nice to know that another physician is brave enough to publish the truth. I am sure you are aware of what has happened to him. It is horrendous that he is being used as a scapegoat by the medical establishment/county government/even state government to make their point about opioids. But as mentioned – what does this do to patients who have real problems. Does anyone care about them or is the medical community just supposed to forget or ignore them?
It is the effect of propaganda. Do you really think that most Germans were anti-semitic in the beginning of Hitler’s rise? No. They were just gullible and believed what they were told. As Hitler said, Keep it simple, say it often. The same is happening today against opioids, starting in 2000. And people believe it. Doctors are now being taught in medical school that opioids cause addiction. So as I keep warning people, since the REAL cause of addiction is not known by conventional medicine, and addiction is now rising exponentially, they will continue to blame the drugs and by 2030 there will be no opioids. If you want pain management that works, learn the REAL cause of addiction and help end the propaganda.
I completely agree with the previous comment.Dr Kondan was our family physician for nearly 20 years and always provided us with excellent and compassionate care.As a retired RN with 45 years of experience in-hospital I have witnessed far too much human suffering and applaud any physician who has the courage to manage chronic and intractable pain.Unfairly,he will be greatly missed by many who were under his care.
Here is a comment from one of Dr. Kondan’s patients that was published by the media:
I have read with regret the (March 25) article in the newspaper concerning my family’s physician, Dr. Richard Kondan. In the 20 years he has been our physician, I have never found him to use opioids as a recommended course of treatment.
In fact, in 2017, when I had a knee injury, I consulted him several times. He suggested practical methods of relief, two non-opioid medications and then suggested I see an orthopedist for further treatment. Opioids were never considered nor mentioned as a course of treatment.
For the past year, he has been doing house calls for my 99-year-old mother who is house-bound to treat her for various serious ailments. On at least two occasions, he has literally saved her life with his unbelievable care and treatment, all of which included methods not always using any form of medication.
As a business owner, I am aware of the many challenges and pitfalls that any business may encounter. While I realize that the charges against Dr. Kondan are serious, I do not believe that they were meant to cause harm or prevent him from being the excellent physician he is. It is my strong desire he will be our physician for many years to come.
Barbara Kristiansen
I was a patient of Dr. Kondan since the very first day he started. He is the kindest and most person I have ever met. He saw me through the hardest times of my life. I’m still alive because of him !! I would love to help him in any way I can.. I pray that he comes through this unscathed..