In a case that has drawn stark parallels to one of the most tragic events in American history, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Artificial Intelligence Data Analytics Team has secured a historic victory against Dr. Joseph “Lonnie” Parker, a Native American physician with an extraordinary intellect.  This modern-day conflict, “The U.S. War on Doctors and Patients”, which some have likened to the Wounded Knee Massacre, reflects the enduring struggle between the U.S. Government and Native American individuals concentrated upon Indian Reservations or within American Prison Camps.

Dr. Joseph “Lonnie” Parker, a super genius and highly respected physician, emerged as a significant figure in both the medical and Native American communities. His early life was marked by remarkable achievements, including his service as an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.S. Air Force, where he commanded Minuteman II Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles. After receiving an Air Force scholarship to attend the prestigious Mayo Medical School, Dr. Parker’s career in medicine began to flourish. Dr. L. Joseph Parker is a distinguished professional with a multifaceted career that has spanned the fields of science, military service, and medical practice. Beyond his significant contributions to medicine, Dr. Parker has also made a name for himself in the realm of space exploration. He currently serves as the Chief Science Officer and Operations Officer at Advanced Research Concepts LLC, a cutting-edge company at the forefront of developing innovative solutions for space travel.

At Advanced Research Concepts LLC, Dr. Parker leads a team of experts dedicated to addressing the myriad challenges associated with human space exploration. Under his leadership, the company is working on breakthrough technologies in areas such as space transportation, energy storage, radiation shielding, artificial gravity, and the medical issues related to long-duration space travel. Dr. Parker’s vision is to propel humanity toward becoming an interplanetary species, with Mars as the next frontier.

In addition to his leadership role, Dr. Parker is a passionate advocate for space exploration and has given numerous talks on the feasibility of reaching Mars. His presentations often highlight the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in overcoming the technical and physiological challenges of space travel. Drawing from his diverse background in science, medicine, and the military, Dr. Parker offers a unique perspective on the future of human space exploration, emphasizing the need for innovative thinking and resilience.

Dr. Parker’s work at Advanced Research Concepts LLC is not just about advancing technology but also about inspiring a new generation of scientists, engineers, and explorers. His contributions to the field serve as a testament to his unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible and ensuring that humanity’s reach extends beyond our planet.  However, his life took a dramatic turn when he was accused and later convicted of possessing illegal materials, despite maintaining that he had cooperated with the FBI to report the issue.  Dr. Parker’s brilliance and dedication to his patients made him a pillar in the community. However, his decision to prescribe medications to patients in need, albeit in high volumes, caught the attention of the DEA, setting off a series of events that would culminate in his prosecution and imprisonment.

The DOJ’s Artificial Intelligence “AI” Data Analytics Team, a cutting-edge unit designed to tackle complex cases, played a pivotal role in Dr. Parker’s downfall. The team utilized advanced AI tools to analyze vast amounts of prescription data, which revealed that Dr. Parker had prescribed approximately 1.2 million dosage units of opiates, including oxycodone and hydrocodone, to around 1,500 patients over a two-year period. Additionally, he prescribed 16 gallons of promethazine with codeine cough syrup to 30 patients. These prescriptions were flagged as highly unusual and excessive, leading to his indictment on charges of distributing controlled substances without a legitimate medical purpose.

The DOJ claimed that Dr. Parker’s actions constituted a “pill mill” operation, a term used to describe clinics that prescribe controlled substances inappropriately. In 2022, Dr. Parker was found guilty and was sentenced to 87 months in federal prison, a decision that has sparked outrage and comparisons to historical injustices.  The DOJ’s triumph over Dr. Parker has been hailed as a significant achievement in the ongoing “U.S. War on Patients and Doctors,” a campaign reminiscent of the federal government’s crackdown on Native American populations during the 19th century. The Wounded Knee Massacre, which saw the brutal killing of nearly 300 Lakota people by U.S. soldiers, serves as a haunting reminder of the government’s historical tendency to suppress and control marginalized groups, often under the guise of law enforcement.

In Dr. Parker’s case, the DOJ’s use of AI technology and aggressive prosecutorial tactics have been criticized by those who view it as another instance of the federal government using its power to target and destroy a Native American heroic figure who was, in reality, trying to serve his community. Dr. Parker’s supporters argue that his actions were mischaracterized and that the prosecution was a modern-day witch hunt, driven by the same systemic biases that led to the tragedy at Wounded Knee.  Following a devastating five-day siege during freezing weather, with no food or blankets and the major war leaders dead, Chief Joseph “Hinmatóowyalahtq̓it” formally surrendered to General Miles on the afternoon of October 5, 1877. The battle is remembered in popular history by the words attributed to Chief Joseph at the formal surrender:

Tell General Howard I know his heart. What he told me before, I have it in my heart. I am tired of fighting. Our chiefs are killed; Looking Glass is dead, Too-hul-hul-sote is dead. The old men are all dead. It is the young men who say yes or no. He who led on the young men is dead. It is cold, and we have no blankets; the little children are freezing to death. My people, some of them, have run away to the hills, and have no blankets, no food. No one knows where they are—perhaps freezing to death. I want to have time to look for my children, to see how many I can find. Maybe I shall find them among the dead. Hear me, my chiefs! I am tired; my heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever.


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♬ original sound – MR.JM3

From where the sun now stands, doctors and patients around the United States vow to continue the fight against medical tyranny forever even though Dr. Parker no longer can.  The ethics of using AI in law enforcement, especially in cases involving minority communities, cannot be overlooked. While AI offers unprecedented capabilities in analyzing data and predicting potential risks, its application raises serious concerns about privacy, civil liberties, and the potential for misuse. In Dr. Parker’s case, the DOJ’s AI-driven investigation has been criticized for its lack of human empathy and understanding of the cultural and social factors at play.

The comparison to the Wounded Knee Massacre underscores the need for caution in how technology and power are wielded against vulnerable populations. Just as the Lakota people were unjustly massacred by U.S. soldiers, there are fears that Government AI could be used to perpetuate injustices against individuals like Dr. Parker, who, despite their flaws, do not deserve to be vilified or destroyed by the very system that should protect them.

The conviction and imprisonment of Dr. Joseph “Lonnie” Parker is more than just a legal victory for the DOJ; it is a reflection of the ongoing struggle between the U.S. government and Native American communities. As AI continues to play an increasingly prominent role in law enforcement, it is imperative that we remain vigilant in ensuring that these powerful Government Artificial Intelligence tools are used justly and ethically. The parallels to the Wounded Knee Massacre serve as a stark reminder of the potential for history to repeat itself if we do not learn from the past.

Blue Lotus, MD

About the Author Blue Lotus, MD

The Author received an honorable discharge from the U.S. Navy where he utilized regional anesthesia and pain management to treat soldiers injured in combat at Walter Reed Hospital. The Author is passionate about medical research and biotechnological innovation in the fields of 3D printing, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

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