U. S. Senate

Contact Information on U.S. Senators
Below you will find information to help you communicate with the Senators. If you want to be able to point and click a connecting link for all the Senators for their health staff emails, their office emails, Facebook and Twitter pages as shown in the spreadsheet picture below, you need to join Doctorsofcourage as a supporting member. Then you will get a list of all legislators with all their contact inormation. You will be able to communicate with 200 in 1 hour through point and click. To become a supporting member, go to Membership Levels and pick the one that best fits. Otherwise, you need to google each legislator to get that information yourself. We are going to have a communication call to action that everyone needs to join if they want the attacks on pain management to end.

General Information on Senators
State | Name | Party | Phone | Information about |
202-224 | ||||
Alabama | Katie Britt | R | 5744 | White, lawyer, politician |
Alabama | Tommy Tuberville | R | 4124 | White, BS (PE), retired football coach |
Alaska | Lisa Murkowski | R | 6665 | White, lawyer, state rep |
Alaska | Dan Sullivan | R | 3004 | White, USMC, lawyer, Attorney General |
Arizona | Kyrsten Sinema | D | 4521 | White, bisexual, ex-morman, lawyer, state rep, State Sen, US Rep, |
Arizona | Mark Kelly | R | 2235 | White, astronaut, USN, husband of Gabby Giffords, |
Arkansas | John Boozman | R | 4843 | White, optometrist for low-income families, advocate for drug policy issues, state rep |
Arkansas | Tom Cotton | R | 2353 | White, lawyer, USA, rancher |
California | Dianne Feinstein | D | 3841 | White, Jewish, BA-Hist, city BoS, mayor, |
California | Alex Padilla | D | 3553 | Hispanic, BS, mech eng, Sec of State, State sen, city council |
Colorado | Michael Bennet | D | 5852 | White, Jewish, Lawyer, Anschutz Investment Co, super of Schools |
Colorado | John Hickenlooper | D | 5941 | White, MS, Governor, Mayor |
Connecticut | Richard Blumenthal | D | 2823 | White, Jewish, USMR, Lawyer, US Attorney, state Attorney General, state sen, state rep, US Attorney |
Connecticut | Chris Murphy | D | 4041 | White, lawyer, US Rep, state sen, state rep |
Delaware | Tom Carper | D | 2441 | White, MBA, USN pilot, Governor, US Rep, |
Delaware | Chris Coons | D | 5042 | White, lawyer, nonprofits, missions |
Florida | Marco Rubio | R | 3041 | Hispanic, lawyer, state rep |
Florida | Rick Scott | R | 5274 | White, lawyer, USN, owner Columbia HCA, Gov FL |
Georgia | Raphael G. Warnock | D | 3643 | Black, Mdiv, pastor, activist |
Georgia | Jon Ossoff | D | 3521 | White, Jewish, MS int’l pol, filmmaker |
Hawaii | Brian Schatz | D | 3934 | White, Jewish, Lt. Gov, State rep, CEO Helping Hands Hawaii, |
Hawaii | Mazie Hirono | D | 6361 | Asian, non-practicing Buddhist, Lawyer, State rep, Lt. Gov, US rep |
Idaho | Mike Crapo | R | 6142 | White, lawyer, US Rep, state sen, |
Idaho | Jim Risch | R | 2752 | White, lawyer, prosecuting attorney, Lt Gov & Gov Idaho, state sen |
Illinois | Sen. Dick Durbin | D | 2152 | White, lawyer, Sen Maj whip, US rep |
Illinois | Tammy Duckworth | D | 2854 | Asian, MA int’l affairs, PhD human services, USA helio pilot, bilateral amputee, Dept Veterans Affairs, US Rep, |
Indiana | Todd Young | R | 5623 | White, lawyer, USMC, business, US rep |
Indiana | Mike Braun | R | 4814 | White, MBA, CEO Meyer Distributing, State rep. |
Iowa | Chuck Grassley | R | 3744 | White, BA, MA, professor, US rep, State rep, |
Iowa | Joni Ernst | R | 3254 | White, BA psych, MPubAdmin, USANG, State Sen |
Kansas | Roger Marshall | R | 4774 | White, MD, OB/Gyn, USA US Rep |
Kansas | Jerry Moran | R | 6521 | White, lawyer, asst attorney general, US rep, state sen |
Kentucky | Mitch McConnell | R | 2541 | White, lawyer, Minority Leader |
Kentucky | Rand Paul | R | 4343 | White, physician–ophthalmology |
Louisiana | Bill Cassidy, MD | R | 5824 | White, physician-liver specialist, uninsured clinics, nonprofit Health Centers, US Rep, state sen |
Louisiana | John Neely Kennedy | R | 4623 | White, lawyer, professor, US rep, state treas |
Maine | Susan Collins | R | 2523 | White, BA-gov, politician |
Maine | Angus King | I | 5344 | White, lawyer, private practice, state gov, Subcommittee on Alcoholism & Narcotics. |
Maryland | Ben Cardin | D | 4524 | White, Jewish, lawyer, US rep, state rep, |
Maryland | Chris Van Hollen | D | 4654 | White, lawyer, BA in philos, M. Public Policy, US Rep, state sen, state rep |
Massachusetts | Elizabeth Warren | D | 4543 | White, lawyer, law prof, consumer protection advocate |
Massachusetts | Ed Markey | D | 2742 | White, lawyer, USAR, US Rep, state rep, liberal, focus on energy policy |
Michigan | Debbie Stabenow | D | 4822 | White, MSW, state sen, State rep, Master Social Work |
Michigan | Gary Peters | D | 6221 | White, lawyer, MBA, USNR, investment advisor, Asst VP at Merrill Lynch, then Paine Webber VP, US rep |

General Information on Senators
State | Name | Party | Phone | Information about |
202-224 | ||||
Minnesota | Amy Klobuchar | D | 3244 | White, lawyer, County attorney |
Minnesota | Tina Smith | D | 5641 | White, MBA-Poli Sci, Lt. Gov |
Mississippi | Roger F. Wicker | R | 6253 | White, lawyer, USAF, US Rep, state Sen, |
Mississippi | Cindy Hyde-Smith | R | 5054 | White, BA poli sci, politician, State Sen, |
Missouri | Eric Schmitt | R | 5721 | White, lawyer, State Attorney Gen, state treas, state sen |
Missouri | Josh Hawley | R | 6154 | White, lawyer, State Attorney Gen, |
Montana | Jon Tester | D | 2644 | White, BS music, teacher, organic farmer, state sen |
Montana | Steve Daines | R | 2651 | White, BS Chem Eng, Proctor & Gamble, RightNow Technologies, US Rep |
Nebraska | Deb Fischer | R | 6551 | White, BS ed, state rep, |
Nebraska | Pete Ricketts | R | 4224 | White, MBA, businessman, Governor |
Nevada | Catherine Cortez Masto | D | 3542 | Hispanic, Lawyer, At Gen, possible misconduct. Attacked Bank of America |
Nevada | Jacky Rosen | D | 6244 | White, Jewish, BA psych, business-IT, US Rep, |
New Hampshire | Jeanne Shaheen | D | 2841 | White, MA Poli Sci, taught HS, owned jewelry store, St. Governor, state sen |
New Hampshire | Maggie Hassan | D | 3324 | White, lawyer, Governor, state sen |
New Jersey | Bob Menendez | D | 4744 | Hispanic, Lawyer, BA poli sci, state sen & rep, US rep, indicted April 1, 2015 on federal corruption charges over campaign donations. |
New Jersey | Cory Booker | D | 3224 | Black, lawyer, MA sociology, Mayor, city councilor |
New Mexico | Ben Ray Lujan | D | 6621 | Hispanic, US Rep, state public service |
New Mexico | Martin Heinrich | D | 5521 | White, BA mech eng, worked AmeriCorps fellow, Cottonwood Gulch Foundation (NP), founded his own public affairs consulting firm, US Rep, City Council |
New York | Chuck Schumer | D | 6542 | White, Jewish, lawyer, Sen Maj. Leader, US Rep, state rep |
New York | Kirsten Gillibrand | D | 4451 | White, lawyer-Private, defense for tobacco co Philip Morris, abused women & children, pro bono, Women’s Leadership Forum, US Rep |
North Carolina | Ted Budd | R | 3154 | White, MBA, owns gun shop, US rep |
North Carolina | Thom Tillis | R | 6342 | White, BA techmgmt, ins co, computer co, accting & consulting, IBM, state rep |
North Dakota | John Hoeven | R | 2551 | White, MBA, St. Governor, banker, pres Bank of North Dakota |
North Dakota | Kevin Cramer | R | 2043 | White, MA management, politician, chair ND Rep Party, US Rep, |
Ohio | Sherrod Brown | D | 2315 | White, MA Public Admin, education, Sec State Ohio, State rep, US Rep, |
Ohio | JD Vance | R | 3353 | White, lawyer, author Hillbilly Elegy, |
Oklahoma | Markwayne Mullin | R | 4721 | White, AS construction, businessman, US Rep |
Oklahoma | James Lankford | R | 5754 | White, BS ed UT, MDiv, Christian camp program director, US Rep |
Oregon | Ron Wyden | D | 5244 | White, Jewish, Lawyer, taught gerontology, founded Oregon chapter of Gray Panthers, directed nonprofit law service, US Rep, |
Oregon | Jeff Merkley | D | 3753 | White, M. Pub Pol, director Portland Hapbitat for Humanity, initiated “YouthBuild” for young offenders, State rep, |
Pennsylvania | Bob Casey | D | 6324 | White, lawyer, state treas, state auditor general, son of Pensylvania gov, private law practice |
Pennsylvania | John Fetterman | D | 4254 | White, M pub Policy, MBA, Lt. gov, Mayor |
Rhode Island | Jack Reed | D | 4642 | White, lawyer- private practice, focused on education & health care, USArmy, US Rep |
Rhode Island | Sheldon Whitehouse | D | 2921 | White, USAF, lawyer, clerk Appeals Court Judge West VA, State Attorney General, US Attorney |
South Carolina | Lindsey Graham | R | 5972 | White, lawyer, AF Judge Advocate, state rep, US Rep, advocates strong national defense, leadership in world affairs, |
South Carolina | Tim Scott | R | 6121 | Black, BA Poli sci, Owner insurance agency, Charleston County Council, US Rep, state rep, |
South Dakota | John Thune | R | 2321 | White, MBA, Exec state republican party, US Rep |
South Dakota | Mike Rounds | R | 5842 | White, BS poli sci, partner insurance and real estate firm, state sen, State Gov, |
Tennessee | Bill Hagerty | R | 4944 | White, lawyer, Ambassador to Japan |
Tennessee | Marsha Blackburn | R | 3344 | White, BS home ec, politician, US Rep, State Sen, |
Texas | John Cornyn | R | 2934 | White, Lawyer, Texas Attorney Gen, San Antonio Dist. Judge, Assoc Justice Texas Supreme Court |
Texas | Ted Cruz | R | 5922 | Hispanic, Lawyer, Texas Solicitor General, Law professor |
Utah | Mike Lee | R | 5444 | White, Mormon, lawyer, Asst US Attorney, private practice focusing on courtroom advocacy and constitutional law. |
Utah | Mitt Romney | R | 5251 | White, morman, lawyer, Politician, State Gov, |
Vermont | Peter Welch | D | 4242 | White, lawyer, law clerk, State sen, US rep |
Vermont | Bernie Sanders | I | 5141 | White, Jewish, BA Poli sci, social democracy, Young People’s Socialist League, mayor, US rep, |
Virginia | Mark Warner | D | 2023 | White, lawyer (never practiced), Gov VA, mobile phone franchise licenses broker, Capital Cellular Corp, wealthiest US Senator. |
Virginia | Tim Kaine | D | 4024 | White, lawyer, BA economics, chair Nat’l Dem Comm, Gov VA, Lt Gov VA, Mayor |
Washington | Patty Murray | D | 2621 | White, BA-PE, preschool teacher, welfare as teen, dad with MS, state sen, |
Washington | Maria Cantwell | D | 3441 | White, BA Public Admin, state rep, US rep |
West Virginia | Joe Manchin | D | 3954 | White, BA bus admin, State Gov, Sec State, st sen, house of delegates, |
West Virginia | Shelley Moore Capito | R | 6472 | White, MA ed, member Main Street Partnership, US rep, |
Wisconsin | Ron Johnson | R | 5323 | White, BA business & accounting |
Wisconsin | Tammy Baldwin | D | 5653 | White, lesbian, lawyer, Wisc state assembly, US Rep, |
Wyoming | Cynthia Lummis | R | 3424 | White, lawyer, State rep. US Rep |
Wyoming | John Barrasso | R | 6441 | White, physician-orthopedics, state sen, |
Doctors of Courage
6621 Williamson Rd, #7715
Roanoke, VA 24019
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© 2016 Linda Cheek, MD.
About the Author Linda Cheek, MD
Linda Cheek is a teacher and disenfranchised medical doctor, turned activist, author, and speaker. A victim of prosecutorial misconduct and outright law-breaking of the government agencies DEA, DHHS, and DOJ, she hopes to be a part of exonerating all doctors illegally attacked through the Controlled Substance Act. She holds the key to success, as she can offset the government propaganda that drugs cause addiction with the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse.
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