The powers that be would have you believe that the BIGGEST threat to National Security and the American way of life is China, Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, Taliban, Putin, Donald Trump and so on and so forth. These are psychological techniques to keep the populous in fear so they can be easily controlled and deprived off their God-given inalienable rights and to violate the CONSTITUTION of America. A similar ploy is often used by mothers to control unruly kids, wrecking havoc past their bedtime, where they are told to go to bed ASAP or the BOOGEYMAN hiding in the bushes will get them.

Let me ask you something. Are the Houthi rebels and Boka Haram, suddenly going to  RAPPEL down from an overhead dark cloud near your residence, BLITZKRIEG you, shackle/manacle/imprison you and deprive you of your life, liberty, property, freedom and the ability to defend yourself SANS DUE PROCESS? Or is it more likely that your fat local Sheriff along with the TACTICAL TASK FORCE members of several local City Police Departments and County Sheriff’s [more often than not in concert with the FBI and the unlawful Federal agencies with the 3 letter acronyms like the DEA,ATF,IRS], in full BLACK tactical gear, with German style helmets, automatic weapons and dogs, driving military style vehicles with authorization to use lethal force, WILL COME  for you, in the wee hours of the morning, kicking your doors in, using flashbang grenades, pointing guns at you and tazing you in the chest and dehumanizing you like an animal, whilst you blink in astonishment?

It is time that the people realize that the MILITARIZED police and these fancy law enforcement agencies are there to protect the parasitic illegit system [the elites, Congress, politicians, Judicial system employees, Judges, Magistrates, Government. teat sucking minions, themselves and not the populous? Yes the same predatory system, run by these criminals, is siphoning off the treasury in a mad looting frenzy while sending the country into 30 plus trillion dollar debt, enacting laws to enslave, tax, encumber and put you in prison, while destroying America in the process. THEY ARE GEARING UP FOR WAR AGAINST YOU—THE INNOCENT LAW ABIDING CITIZENS—AND LABELLING YOU AS A  DOMESTIC TERRORIST AND A THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY BECAUSE THEY KNOW IT’S JUST A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE YOU WAKE UP and REALIZE THEIR CRIMINAL ACTIONS!

That is the reason they are in a mad race to disarm the American public and keep enacting more and more stringent gun regulations. They are afraid that you might figure out who is the real enemy of the Republic. History is rife with the horror that unfolds when the government disarms the people. Democide is when your own government kills you. Just in the 20th century almost 50 million plus people passed on to the great BEYOND and the unknown, courtesy of their own governments.

Please read my nightmarish story, that was published by Dr. Linda Cheek, on her blog site, Doctors Of Courage, on 2/5/24.

These State-sponsored terrorists stalked, followed, hounded, assaulted, or threatened me almost daily with handcuffs and to bash my head against concrete, for 4 years pre- arrest. Armed undercover police were laid out in the woods surrounding my home [my wooded lot, with no trespassing signs, clearly posted], firing their guns at 3 AM in the morning and climbing on the roof of my house to harass, frighten and intimidate me. Similarly, “investigators” and LE (Law Enforcement) minions surrounded my office and followed me and my patients. Police sat on the rafters above my exam room and manipulated the drop ceiling tiles, to watch me as I examined my patients, having gained access by cutting the attic dry wall that separated my office from an adjoining office where they set up a sham knife sharpening business. Surveillance in my case was for two reasons—to profile and entrap my patients to suborn perjury to falsely indict and prosecute me and to make sure that I do not transfer my liquid assets to a third party unbeknownst and they be deprived when they do arrest me.

They even tried to run me off the road and into the valley, when I took a trip up in the mountains.

A few months before my arrest, chief case agent Willie Wilcutt, from the New Bern Police Dept., with full support and guidance from the US attorney and the DEA, had their police stooge/underling, Cathrine Barrett buy the building where I was leasing space for my medical office. I refused to sign her lease which had an “abandonment clause” stating that she will come into possession of all my office and medical property after I was arrested by law enforcement. That is exactly what she did when I was arrested!! She and her cohorts looted my expensive office furniture, big screen TV, office audio and equipment, gym equipment, medical equipment, as well as personal effects worth 250K. Discovery notes reveal that Wilcutt handed her the keys to my office on the first day of the raid, after he had arrested me and put me in the County jail on a 2 million dollar bond, authorizing her to loot, stating that I had “abandoned” my property. The alarm system at my office was disarmed and never rearmed by the cops. Police surrounded the office with yellow crime scene tape and stood guard for months, preventing my friends from accessing and securing my property. They watched Barret move my effects to her adjoining offices through common doors. When they went to the police station to file this blatant theft report, Wilcutt refused to file the report and threatened to arrest them instead. [See Norman Parmley’s statement on record on the Appellate Court docket. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, Case No 20-4478]

At the time of my arrest, Wilcutt with eight other goons, removed almost 150 K worth of my jewelry from my person and pocketed it. This included designer 22 K Gold bracelets and a matching thick Gold chain as well as a Gold Rolex with diamonds on the bezel. When the jury verdict stated that there would be no forfeiture, four years after the incident as the case went to trial in 2019 and I had been continuously incarcerated since the 2016 raid, I requested the Judge that Wilcutt should be commanded to return my jewelry. He stated that he did not have it because, as opposed to police protocol where he was supposed to secure it on a lock box, he “decided” that he was going to “leave” the jewelry in a brown paper bag on spot marked X on my property. They had already ransacked my property that same very day by kicking and rendering unusable the doors, disabling the security cameras as well as all the alarm systems and the internet that were never rearmed. My log home is on a densely wooded lot with huge acreage and is not visible from the road. The CORRUPT District Court Judge Flanagan readily and gleefully accepted Wilcutt’s “explanation” and decided to twiddle her chubby thumbs.

They arrested me on a pretext traffic stop and removed me from the scene. Subsequently 100 plus LE brigands descended on my house to loot, taking everything of value including Gift cards, cash, expensive electronics, jewelry, precious metals and my Gold Rolex watch collection. These items valued at well over a million dollars. The initial search and seizure warrant did not list any of these items, but subsequent search warrants listed all the looted items!! Discovery pics reveal their tactical pant pockets bulging with the stolen loot. It does not take 100 plus PIGS to search a 20,000 square foot home BUT IT TAKES THAT MANY TO LOOT IT. The forfeiture laws enacted by the criminals in Congress–THE PEOPLE YOU ELECT and VOTE TO KEEP IN POWER—incentivize this behavior by making it “lawful” for arresting officers to share the loot.

My one-of-a-kind CUSTOMIZED Monster truck was street legal and the MASCOT for my practice (THE TIGER TRUCK). Only three such customized trucks exist. The others belong to SHAQ and Jay Leno. It was purchased in excess of 300 k and paid for in 2006. It was not on the seizure warrant but was still LIQUIDATED, OUT OF SPITE by the LE thugs on a pretext of a $2000 drug tax when they found my own prescription for knee surgery at my house. The proceeds was split up by the arresting agencies with 25% going to each.

Similar treatment was reserved for my storage units and the manager/owner was told to liquidate my property.

America is at a very dangerous junction and there is a clear cut “Two Tiered” system of justice in America, as evidenced by the Trump prosecutions. One VICIOUS ONE for you and a separate “CODDLING” one for themselves. Ask yourself as to how much time you would get if you stole a million dollars. It would be close to twenty years if not more, yet they can do this and get away scot free.

The dichotomy does not end there, you can’t have guns to protect yourself but they can come in with guns drawn, ready to kill you and take everything from you. I never threatened anybody or even drew my weapon despite being terrorized by them on a daily basis, for years pre-arrest, where I was put in a “virtual prison”, even though I appeared to be free to the unwary.

Government. is a servant to the people and not a dictatorial master and it cannot act above and outside the law. That is what invites anarchy. It forces every man to become the law onto himself because he loses faith in the system. Who do you turn to when the protectors become the terrorists??

Those who think that this can ONLY happen to Sanjay Kumar and WHY SHOULD THEY GIVE A DAMN, will be in for a rude awakening, because, Ryan Grady and Shawn O’Malley, you are next and it is just a matter a time that they come for you, your families and friends.

I am a law abiding citizen and not a criminal and am innocent of all these trumped up charges/convictions against me and now the Appeals Court, after 8 years of continuous incarceration (12 if you count the virtual prison they put me in pre arrest) has vacated my drug and money laundering convictions. I HAVE FORGOTTEN WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE A FREE MAN.

I’m not an anarchist or anti-government. I believe a limited government is indeed necessary for the organized functioning of society and ensuring fulfilled contracts between parties, but criminals have hijacked all branches of the government—Federal, State and Local—and law enforcement in America. They must be removed to ensure FREEDOM and a return to the CONSTITUTION.

Law enforcement agencies in America use predictive programming AI technologies and profiling to target their VICTIMS. For countless doctors, including myself, who have been wrongfully ensnared/imprisoned/looted in the WAKE of this FAKE “War on Drugs”, their tools identify certain common criterion, to wit:



I Informed the Judge, during my trial that If I was living in a mud shack and going to work on a bicycle they would have left my ASS alone.

Government thugs quickly figured out that they can fill their pockets with much more cash when they go after wealthy doctors, labelling them as “drug dealers”, than when they arrest an actual cash strapped drug dealer with limited resources.

Sanjay Kumar

About the Author Sanjay Kumar

Sanjay Kumar, MD was a PM&R and Sports Medicine physician in New Bern, NC. He was convicted in 2019 of unlawful distribution of oxycodone to his patients and was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

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