by Linda Cheek, MD | Jan, Wed, 2023 | DEA |
John P. Flannery, II, Esq., lawyer, long-time advocate for ending the government attacks on pain management and author of Pain in America, has written an emergency petition for 11 patients of Dr. David Bockoff to the United States Court of Appeals for the D. C....
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jan, Sat, 2023 | Government propaganda |
This post is extremely long, and I apologize. But you should, if you read and study this, understand why nothing is getting accomplished in the realm of pain management, and nothing will if people stay on the CDC guidelines track. I’m sure, if you are reading this...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Jan, Sun, 2023 | Convicted physician |
While cleaning out my filing cabinet preparing for my hearing before the Virginia Board of Medicine in February to have my license reinstated, I ran across this letter from Siobhan Reynolds. I don’t know if it was ever published, but it has some profound thought. It...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Dec, Thu, 2022 | Convicted physician |
There is no limit to the people that the government will prosecute using the Controlled Substance Act §§841 &846, to give themselves salaries and job security. Now they are attacking counselors in addiction centers. Charles Wilson Adams Jr., 51, of Dobson, NC was...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Dec, Fri, 2022 | Convicted physician |
I’ve been trying to get people to understand what needs to be done to end the attacks on drugs, doctors, and pain patients. And yet people still follow the rabbit trails of CDC guidelines, and now the added rabbit trail of the Ruan/Kahn Supreme Court decision. None of...