Eric Backos, MD

Eric Backos, MD

Eric Backos, MD, 65, is a physical medicine and rehab specialist in Warren, Michigan and has been practicing for 38 years. He is one of the six doctors at 3 clinics who are being unbelievably charged with fraud with the outlandish government reasoning that he is...
Rajendra Bothra, MD

Rajendra Bothra, MD

Dr. Rajendra Bothra, MD, 77, is the owner and one of six doctors at two clinics in Warren and Eastpoint, Michigan, being unbelievably charged with fraud because patients have to come back for a chronic condition.  This goes to show the frank handing over the controls...
Shriharsh L. Pole, MD

Shriharsh L. Pole, MD

Shriharsh Laxman Pole, MD, 65, an internist in Woodbridge, VA, pleaded guilty this week to distribution of controlled substances to patients at his pain management clinic, which per the Controlled Substance Act, is not illegal. Naturally I find it difficult to...
Afzal Beemath, MD

Afzal Beemath, MD

Forty-two year-old internist Afzal Beemath, MD runs a hospice and palliative care clinic in Lathrup Village, MI. On October 23, 2018, he was indicted, arrested, and placed in jail by false accusations for legitimate patient care. His clinic is closed indefinitely....
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