by Linda Cheek, MD | Oct, Wed, 2018 | Government Misconduct |
Government propaganda is what we are fighting. And the sad thing is, the media is in collusion with the government to spread their propaganda. CBS has been first and foremost on the side of spreading lies and making false statements against physicians being charged....
by Linda Cheek, MD | Oct, Fri, 2018 | Doctor charged, Plea agreement |
Dr. Nkanga Nkanga, 65, an internist with 37 years of medical experience in Staten Island, NY, is another victim of gross government violation of the law. According to the Controlled Substance Act, §802(56)(c), only the DOCTOR can determine what is legitimate medical...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Oct, Wed, 2018 | Plea agreement |
Carl K. Anderson, MD, 57, an internist in Staten Island, NY, is the next item on the menu for the Eastern New York grill mill DOJ. He, four other physicians and a pharmacist are the next victims joining over 50 doctors who have already been cooked and served up for...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Sep, Fri, 2018 | Under fire by Medical Board |
Finally, the truth comes out that state medical boards are not independent entities for the protection of the public and guardians of good medicine, but an arm of the government’s Department of Justice. As reported in the media: “In a rare public rebuke of one of...
by Linda Cheek, MD | Sep, Tue, 2018 | Medicine |
Hawre Jalal et al. analyzed nearly 600,000 unintentional drug overdoses over a 38-year period from 1979 to 2016 and published their results in Science Magazine. The overall mortality rate closely followed an exponential growth curve, doubling every 9 years. Of...