DoC’s note: On Thanksgiving Day Dr. Paul H. Volkman wrote this letter to the supposed “victims” of his government-created “crime” of appropriate medical care.
November 22, 2018

Paul H. Volkman 19519-424
I-2, USP Coleman 2

Letter to my “victims”:

As you know, I treated one of your relatives for severe, chronic pain, which may have resulted from injury, or commonly from back pain after years of hard, manual labor in construction, cement, roofing, carpet laying, carpentry, logging, teaming, etc.  I relied, as I had to, upon my patients’ honest reports of their pain levels, their activity levels, their ability to sleep, and symptoms associated with pain, like muscle cramps and hypertension.  I adjusted the doses of pain medicine according to these self-assessments, to my observations, and to urine drug testing results.  I also monitored and took care of all other important medical issues, such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and emphysema.  Every one of my former patients, who had been threatened and coerced into testifying against me at my trial, described me as their trusted physician.  Every patient was forced to testify that they had been prescribed “too much medicine”, and that they had become addicted to narcotics as a result of my treatment of them.  Prior to initiating their treatment, I explained that EACH OF THEM would become DEPENDENT on opiates, but that this was NOT the same as DRUG ADDICTION, as none of them would experience a drug “high”, only relief of disabling chronic pain.  These points are specifically included in the text of the OHIO INTRACTABLE PAIN TREATMENT ACT, controlling law for medical pain management in Ohio, where I practiced.  Each patient related that the pain medicine I had prescribed enabled them to resume activities of daily living, while previously often virtually bedridden; some even resumed former jobs, played golf, had sex, cooked dinner!

I was well aware that pain medicine fetched high prices on the street when resold, or stolen.  I required my patients to buy a small, $80 safe from Wal-Mart, bolt it to the floor, and keep their prescriptions in it at all times..  Anyone who reported that their pills had been “stolen” was dismissed from my office for presumptively diverting their pain meds..  I called patients in for pill counts, urine drug tests, and even required them to take their prescribed doses in my office so I could observe them, all in the effort to verify that my patients needed their medicine and actually took it as prescribed. 

Patients who suffer severe, chronic pain from various injuries and diseases are not, in general, healthy people.  Severe, chronic pain by itself causes dangerous hypertension, accelerated heart disease, stroke, gastric bleeding, and vastly increased incidence of suicide.  That is why, as a pain doctor, I also considered it my responsibility to treat all of these other problems as well, as best as I could.  Forrest Tennant, MD, a giant among America’s experts in pain management, testified at my trial that many of his patients passed away after two or three years; he considered it his role to provide palliative comfort care for essentially terminal patients.  He prescribed the same combinations and similar doses of the medications I had prescribed (since I had modeled my practice upon his published guidelines and practices). [Dr. Tennant’s renowned Veract Pain Clinic has been shut down, and he has, shamefully, been raided for possible federal drug trafficking felonies!]  During 2003 to 2006, some thirteen or fourteen of my patients out of about 500 died from their chronic conditions, actually far fewer than would have been expected from such a fragile population.  Most were not autopsied, but the ones who were had evidence of severe heart disease, the presumptive cause of death.  None of them had toxicology results which were consistent with drug overdose deaths.  Despite these results, the government charged me with thirteen counts of “illegal distribution of controlled substances, resulting in death.”  This despite the fact that the government had presented no evidence that I had ever profited from my alleged drug trafficking, or that medicine I had prescribed had ever caused drug addiction, much less overdose deaths.  Despite the fact that I had always strived to take the best care possible of my chronically ill, suffering patients, I was convicted of being a drug dealer, and in effect of murdering four people.  I was even convicted of “use of a firearm in furtherance of a drug trafficking offense”, since the clinic owner owned a registered gun!

These horrifically misguided and unjust convictions, vacated by the Supreme Court, but then reimposed by the Sixth Circuit, naturally led many relatives of my former patients to blame me for their deaths, hate me, and scream for my execution, at my one hour sentencing hearing after my nightmarish, Stalin-esque, show trial.

I have nothing to apologize to them for.  I was actually the victim in that grim scenario.  These relatives, and most of the general public, have been duped by government propaganda blaming and scapegoating pain doctors for opioid overdose deaths, while over 90% of the deaths resulted from street heroin laced with deadly fentanyl, smuggled in by drug cartels.  The government’s WAR ON DRUGS, particularly its WAR ON PAIN DOCTORS, has made it almost impossible for some 100 million American chronic pain patients (according to statistics from the CDC and the Institute of Medicine) to legally obtain the pain relief they have an Eighth Amendment Right to.  This has driven 50,000 people per year to overdose on ibuprofen and die from gastric bleeding, 50,000 to 100,000 to commit suicide, and 65,000 last year to opiate overdose death.  About 900 may have died while taking physician-prescribed pain pills, but most of these deaths were likely from chronic conditions, as was the case with my patients.

I pray every day to God that someday soon I may be vindicated, exonerated, and liberated from federal prison, through a pardon by President Trump.  I also pray that the angry, bitter, hateful, lynch mob of relatives will ultimately realize that their government has victimized me, as well as all of them, by the cynical, vicious demonization of the one-third of adult Americans who have legitimate need for daily, strong pain medicine, and of the pain doctors who, at great risk to themselves, try to take care of them, out of compassion and concern.

My life has certainly been destroyed by this unconscionable miscarriage of justice.  But clearly my family has been devastated as well.  Since 2006 when my office was shut down, my family has been terrified by the impending specter of my imprisonment.  I believe my wife Nancy developed a brain tumor from the overwhelming stress, and died in 2008.  My 43 year old son has completely withdrawn from any communication with me.  My daughter Jane, 40, struggles with depression from my incarceration, and from my sad separation from my precious grandchildren.

In 2003, my medical malpractice insurance became prohibitively expensive; without it, I was no longer able to practice emergency medicine, as I had for 30 years.  I knew that pain management was a dangerous field of medicine because of the government attacks on pain doctors.  But I needed a job, and could work in a pain clinic without insurance.  I thought that, if I carefully followed all legal requirements and best practices, I could earn a decent living, pay for my daughter’s law school tuition, and avoid legal disaster.  This was a naive and frankly stupid, deluded decision.  I thought I was smart enough to practice medicine in a snake pit.  But the government snakes followed no Rule of Law.  I was just another doctor the government decided to put out of business and into jail, absent any evidence at all of wrongdoing, one way or another, however they could.  I was unwilling to give up working as a doctor in 2003, at age 57, but after only three years, I was shut down from pain management, and at age 65 I was slapped with four consecutive life sentences.  Pain management had seemed like the best answer for me at the time.  But it certainly was a disastrous blunder, in light of the consequences.  I wish I had been smarter.  I hope and pray that my family will forgive me for the pain my misplaced self-confidence, which bordered on arrogance and pride, caused to them.  I hope that God may see fit to reunite me with my beloved family for at least some of the years which may remain to me.


Paul H. Volkman, MD (The University of Chicago, 1974)
PhD (Pharmacology and Toxicology, The U of C, 1972)
USP Coleman 2, Box 1034
Coleman, FL, 33521

DoC’s note: This letter exemplifies the truth for ALL physicians charged for illegal distribution since the first, Dr. James Graves, in 2002. We have to spread this truth across the country.  If you want to see the illegal treatment of doctors and patients end, you need to join doctorsofcourage.og HERE. Print this letter off and take it to your physician. We need to get medical associations involved as well. Physicians need to place this letter in their waiting room for all to see, and get on board with DoC.

Paul Volkman

About the Author Paul Volkman

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