While cleaning out my filing cabinet preparing for my hearing before the Virginia Board of Medicine in February to have my license reinstated, I ran across this letter from Siobhan Reynolds.  I don’t know if it was ever published, but it has some profound thought. It was posted the day before her death at the hand of the government on Dec. 24, 2011. I would like to share it with you.

My wish for my book…and for the new year, if there is such a thing…

by Siobhan Reynolds on Friday, December 23, 2011 at 5:02pm

A great big, shocking lie has been sold to you by the government of the US for many years. All of its many aspects have been turned into real things (institutions, research, books, television shows, law enforcement officers, laws, hospitals, public education campaigns, etc.) through the use of funding the people turned over to the government by way of taxes.  We have come to see this lie as the truth. And we see it as true with our logic and our experience, with our intuition and our fears. We have looked at people in our families and our communities with eyes blinded by the narrative fed to us by propaganda engendered by drug prohibition have come to see those people as addicts, as zombies hopelessly unable to control their actions, people not worthier of being respected or believed, people who do not deserve to have their legal rights respected because to do so would ‘feed the addiction’ and ‘enable’ their self-destructive habits further.

Their addiction, we are told, is a kind of natural force. The press speaks in terms of an ‘epidemic’ of prescription drug abuse whenever it participates in one of the government’s fear campaigns. This kind of language only serves to reinforce the prejudice we all bring to our contact with these people.

I have been on a journey that caused me to see through all of this and come out on the other side so that I might explain it to you and perhaps cause you to look out of your eyes anew, but this time with the scales having fallen from them. It won’t be easy to look at what I am going to show you because much of it is extremely painful.  However, once you realize that your blindness and the entire society’s blindness has caused untold millions of people to die alone, ashamed, cast out and in agony, despised and abuse by their friends and family with the blessing o the medical profession and treated as criminal by the legal profession, perhaps you will decide to tolerate some spiritual and emotional discomfort so that you come to understand what’s been going on.

The stories we tell ourselves, the ideas we believe in, have a remarkable ability to shape how we look at the world for both the good and for evil. This is why it is so vitally important that we make sure, as best we can, that our view of our fellow man isn’t being tainted by a deliberate campaign to infect us with thoughts that cause us to cast aside our loved ones who more than anything need help and understanding from us all.

Siobhan Reynolds

Siobhan was a true champion. Her thoughts in this letter are truer today than even when she wrote them. I’m sure she is turning over in her grave in disgust over how the propaganda has taken over the minds and hearts of Americans. I wish she was still alive, because I know, with her all-seeing eyes, that she would see the solution to the end of the propaganda in what I teach. Someday I will meet her in person in heaven.

Linda Cheek, MD

About the Author Linda Cheek, MD

Linda Cheek is a teacher and disenfranchised medical doctor, turned activist, author, and speaker. A victim of prosecutorial misconduct and outright law-breaking of the government agencies DEA, DHHS, and DOJ, she hopes to be a part of exonerating all doctors illegally attacked through the Controlled Substance Act. She holds the key to success, as she can offset the government propaganda that drugs cause addiction with the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse.
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