I just finished an exasperating conversation with an incarcerated physician, and I would like to vent. The problem is, this physician is a carbon copy of every other physician and person in this country (except me, I guess) with their eyes blinded and their ears plugged.

The conversation started with a question about the Ruan/Khan Supreme Court decision, and how it can be used to get physicians released from prison.  He was surprised that Drs. Ruan and Kahn are still incarcerated.  I tried to explain to him that the judicial process is long and complicated, and that no one will be released quickly, and instead, the DOJ will probably come up with ways to maintain their incarceration for quite some time.

I then started to explain to him how to actually get the prison doors to swing open—through the repeal of the Controlled Substance Act.  I explained the history of the act and the attacks on drugs, going back to 1904. But his ears were plugged, just like everyone reading this post.

He then stated that a lawyer told him that, because he took a plea, that the Ruan decision will not do him any good, and that he can’t get a new trial. I’m not a lawyer, but I think that with new evidence or new judicial decisions, there is a way to reopen the case, but that is still not, in my opinion, the way to go, as it will take years, and a lot of money.

Again, I told him that, and again I told him the easy and most direct way for him to get released from prison is through the repeal of the Controlled Substance Act.  Again, his ears were plugged.

He started talking about the discrimination between the attacks on doctors, where they all get incarcerated, and the escape from incarceration by the Sacklers (owners of Purdue Pharma) and the Mallinckrodt owners, and how we need to go to the legislature and point this discrimination out to them.  I asked him what good that would do? I also asked him, since this comment was right after my explanation of drugs not being the cause of addiction, was he still blaming the drugs?

He started talking about the opioid crisis.  I explained to him that there was no opioid crisis, that it was purely propaganda put into people’s heads by the government for the purposes of attacking doctors for money.  I explained—AGAIN—the history and how propaganda works, and the time it will take to get it reversed, as evidenced by the Nazi propaganda and the propaganda against marijuana.

His final comment was that the Controlled Substance Act cannot be repealed.  At that point, our conversation was over. He obviously didn’t hear anything I said.  I suggested that he go to the library and study everything he could about the science of homeopathy, because it explains the cause of addiction.  Drugs are not the cause. I’ve known the cause of addiction for 20 years.  I’ve helped people cure their addictions. The Controlled Substance Act was a government agenda against minorities, pure and simple.

I’ve offered the pathway to freedom to doctors and pain patients now for 6 years, and still people don’t want to learn it.  I’ve offered my ecourse to everyone, and no one is interested.  Are we at the end of God’s judgement for this country leaving Him?  Is this simply a method of punishment?  Possibly. And so I must wait.  When God is ready to have people listen, they will. Until then, I’m just spinning my wheels.  But I can’t tell you how frustrating it is.

Linda Cheek, MD

About the Author Linda Cheek, MD

Linda Cheek is a teacher and disenfranchised medical doctor, turned activist, author, and speaker. A victim of prosecutorial misconduct and outright law-breaking of the government agencies DEA, DHHS, and DOJ, she hopes to be a part of exonerating all doctors illegally attacked through the Controlled Substance Act. She holds the key to success, as she can offset the government propaganda that drugs cause addiction with the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse.
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