John Keun Sang Lee, MD

John Keun Sang Lee, MD

John Keun Sang Lee, MD, a 79 y/o PM&R physician in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, pleaded guilty November 4, 2022 in federal court to one count of health care fraud. In his plea, Dr. Lee admitted  that between May 2016 and October 2020, he knowingly and willfully...
Wallace Anderson, DO

Wallace Anderson, DO

Nothing has changed with the Ruan/Kahn decision. And no one is interested in what will get the CSA repealed.  So the misery will not only continue, but get worse. Wallace Steven Anderson, DO, 68, of Douglas, Ga., was sentenced to 5 years in prison after pleading...
Merideth Norris, DO

Merideth Norris, DO

When are doctors and patients going to understand that the government is going to continue to attack doctors for prescribing opioids because they can, and there are no repercussions? As already shown in multiple cases, even after the Ruan/Kahn decision, doctors are...
Marc Laruelle, MD

Marc Laruelle, MD

The DOJ is not going to listen to the SCOTUS decision of Ruan/Kahn. They never have, and they never will. The only way to free doctors and get pain management back is to learn what I teach—the REAL cause of addiction. Here is a case to prove my point. Marc Laruelle,...
Feedback on the Clubhouse Room #2

Feedback on the Clubhouse Room #2

Here is feedback from a fellow physician who attended the first Clubhouse room “Ending the War on Drugs”, and my responses. Like he says, this is probably summarizing what a lot of people think. 1. I must say it I would think that a lot of people would feel this way....
Feedback on Clubhouse room

Feedback on Clubhouse room

Before getting into the feedback and my responses, l need to explain the purpose and expectation of the “End the War on Drugs” room on Clubhouse. First, please don’t expect to get the answer in just a one hour dialogue. If it was that easy, more people would...
Vivian M. Herrero, MD

Vivian M. Herrero, MD

Vivian Herrero, MD, a pediatrician and family medicine practitioner in Dunedin, Florida, has been caught up in an attack on a “pain management clinic” in Tarpon Springs, FL.  I have a lot of questions for Dr. Herrero, but the thing to learn from her experience is that...
Invitation to Clubhouse

Invitation to Clubhouse

I’ve given up on pain patients and doctors. They won’t learn what is necessary to stop the attacks on opioids. So I’m going to reach out to the general population through the social media, Clubhouse. I am starting a weekly meeting room on Clubhouse called “End the War...
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