17 practitioners were written about in 2019. 10 have been released from prison or never went to prison. Three of those have been members of the Doctorsofcourage google group. But still there is little work being done to end the attacks.
The posts are again listed in categories by date of the topic, from oldest to newest:
Please go to the posts and read them again. See that the truth about what the government did then is still what they are doing today.
Released (6)
Connie Basch, MD agreed to 35 months probation by the BOM
Richard A. Evans, MD was released from prison on 3/14/2019
Christopher G. Bereznak, DMD was convicted in April, 2020, sentenced to time served–8 1/2 months
Albert Diaz, MD was released from prison on 2/22/2021
Richard A. Evans, MD was released from prison on 3/14/2019
Shouping Li, MD was released from prison on 8/13/20
Still incarcerated (6)
Thomas M. Keller, MD is still incarcerated with a release date of 3/8/2025
William R. Bauer, MD is still incarcerated with a release date of 2/27/2026
Sanjay Kumar, MD is still incarcerated with a release date of 7/6/2033
Randy Lamartiniere, MD is still incarcerated with a release date of 10/7/2035
Joel Smithers, DO is still incarcerated with a release date of 6/7/2053
Frank D. Lazzerini, MD is still incarcerated with a possible parole date in 2131.
Acquitted or Dropped (4)
Alen Salerian MD charges were dropped. He moved to Athens, Greece.
Krishan Aggarwal, MD was acquitted on 6/14/19
Cherian John, MD was acquitted on 6/14/19
Connie Basch, MD agreed to 35 months probation by the BOM
Still Awaiting Imprisonment (1)
Gilbert Ross Ghearing, MD was convicted Mar, 2023 but is still awaiting sentencing
Linda Cheek is a teacher and disenfranchised medical doctor, turned activist, author, and speaker. A victim of prosecutorial misconduct and outright law-breaking of the government agencies DEA, DHHS, and DOJ, she hopes to be a part of exonerating all doctors illegally attacked through the Controlled Substance Act. She holds the key to success, as she can offset the government propaganda that drugs cause addiction with the truth: The REAL Cause of Drug Abuse.
Get a free gift to learn how the government is breaking the law to attack your doctor: Click here to get my free gift
I’m sorry, but this entire site is bogus. Nobody is being “attacked,” nor has the government been at fault. Indeed, unscrupulous greedy physicians and physician assistants are the criminals here, nobody else. As a result, pain medication patients have been serious collateral damage. Which is terrible. They’re the actual victims and the people who’ve truly suffered,
But let’s put the blame squarely where it belongs: ON THESE FORMER PHYSICIANS AND PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS. Their only concern was lining their own pockets. Their patients were nothing more than unwilling and unknowing participants in their illegal moneymaking schemes.
I’m only posting this to show everyone the totally propagandized public point of view. Naturally this person is off the rails. But the propaganda will continue to corrupt the population unless those attacked–pain patients and doctors, get together and start backing what we teach, and get the Controlled Substance Act repealed. As a result of the government propaganda, the medical profession has been totally reduced to disrespect. That will take generations to restore. But we do have a choice if people would just use it.
When I think of all the doctors in prison, who were raided, and/or lost their licenses, I feel so guilty for being a pain patient. I won’t even list all of my cervical and lumbar problems (there are just too many), but there are no more “fixes” for me. I’ve had several complicated surgeries throughout the years, but I’m 68 years old now and there are no options for me other than easing the horrendous pain I deal with. I am so grateful for the doctors who take on pain patients. It’s not right that they are being punished for treating those of us that most doctors won’t accept anymore or who dismissed pain patients from their practice just for being pain patients who need help. Our country has become so cruel. I’m sure some of these agents, judges, lawyers, testifiers, etc., or their loved ones will someday suffer from a horribly painful condition. Will they be given preferential treatment and treated with pain medications because of who they are, or will they be left untreated like too many of us?
They will be spending eternity in excruciating pain with no escape.
I cn help. Please let me know whay I can do.
David J Smith, MD.
Dr. Smith, I emailed you last week but haven’t heard from you. Please email me at lindacheekmd@gmail.com so I can make sure I have the right email address for you and we can discuss how you can help.